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Global Equity Fund Flows. 2 September 2011 . Equity Strategy Nomura International plc. Mark Diver (44) 20 7102 2987 mark.diver@nomura.com. ANY AUTHORS NAMED ON THIS REPORT ARE RESEARCH ANALYSTS UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED
Global Mutual Fund Activity Indicator* Feb 1998 – Aug 2011 Z-score Strong flows indicative of bullish sentiment Weak flows indicative of bearish sentiment *Mutual fund net inflows are based on US net purchases of all equity mutual funds as well as net purchases of European, Japanese and Global Emerging markets funds. US, Japanese and Global emerging market flows are measured as the 12 week moving average of flows expressed as a percentage of US, Japan and GEM market capitalisation, while European figures are measured in relation to reported assets under management. Source: AMG, EPFR, Datastream, FTSE, Nomura strategy research
US net purchases of equity mutual funds* Japan net purchases of equity mutual funds* March 2004 – Jul 2011 March 2004 – Jul 2011 Z-score Z-score *Mutual fund net inflows are based on Japanese net purchases of all equity mutual funds. Japanese flows are measured as the 12-week moving average of flows expressed as a percentage of Japanese market capitalisation. Source: TSE, Nomura strategy research *Mutual fund net inflows are based on US net purchases of all equity mutual funds. US flows are measured as the 12-week moving average of flows expressed as a percentage of US market capitalisation. Source: AMG, Nomura strategy research Europe net purchases of equity mutual funds* GEM net purchases of equity mutual funds* March 2004 – Jul 2011 March 2004 – Jul 2011 Z-score Z-score Page 3 *Mutual fund net inflows are based on GEM net purchases of all equity mutual funds. GEM flows are measured as the 12-week moving average of flows expressed as a percentage of GEM market capitalisation. Source: EPFR, Nomura strategy research *Mutual fund net inflows are based on European net purchases of all equity mutual funds. European flows are measured as the 12-week moving average of flows expressed as a percentage of assets under management. Source: EPFR, Nomura strategy research
Weekly inflows into US money market funds $bn Source: AMG, Nomura strategy research
US money market fund holdings* $bn Total Institutional Retail *Retail and institutionalSource: US Federal Reserve, Nomura strategy research Page 5
Monthly net purchases of global emerging market funds (GEM)* and 12-month forward GEM returns relative to developed markets, 1996- Aug 2011 12M Fwd Rel Equity Returns, Inverse Scale Flows as % of GEM Market Cap, 12MMA Ann Aug estimate from Weekly data* (LHS) Global Emerging Market Return relative to Developed (RHS, Inverted) Net Purchases of Global Emerging Markets* (LHS) Correl: -0.71 *Purchases of Global Emerging Market Equity Funds as a percentage of market capitalisation, 12 Month Moving Average. Sources: EPFR, FTSE, Datastream, Nomura strategy research Page 6
Global (inc EMG) equity issuance less share buybacks, 1989 – July 2011 Trailing 12 Months, % Global Market Cap Source: IFR Securities, Equityware, SDC, TSE, Datastream, Bloomberg, Nomura strategy research Page 7
Cross-border equity flows*, 1987 – May 2011 Flows as % of Foreign Owned Equities, 3MMA *Purchases of international equities by US, European & Japanese investors, excluding intra-regional continental flows. Cross border flows have been expressed as a percentage of foreign owned global equities to normalize for diversification. Sources: US Treasury, ONS, ECB (from Jan 1998),Bank of France, Bank of Japan, Bundesbank, Sveriges Riksbank, Nomura strategy research Page 8
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