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South Africa. ~Location and Origin~. South Africa. South Africa. ~Natural Resources~. ~A Few Facts ~. Republic of South Africa Capital: Pretoria Cape Town Bloemfontein Twice the size of Texas Population ~47 million. ~The Rainbow Nation~.
~Location and Origin~ South Africa South Africa
~A Few Facts ~ • Republic of South Africa • Capital: Pretoria • Cape Town • Bloemfontein • Twice the size of Texas • Population ~47 million
~The Rainbow Nation~ • A country of many diverse people, cultures, origins, and languages • 11 official languages • Various ethnic groups • A variety of religions
~Languages~ “Bantu” languages are spoken by Bantu groups. There are 9 Bantu languages. • 11 official languages • English Hello • Afrikaans Hallo • Zulu Sawubona (Sah woo bo nah) • Xhosa Molo (Moh low) • Ndebele Lotjhani (Lo tchar nee) • Sesotho Dumela (Doo meh lah) • Tsonga Avuxeni (Ah vuh cheh nee) • Venda Ndaa/Aa (Uhn dah/Aa)
~The Bantu Community~ San or Bushmen Xhosa Ndebele
~Ethnicity and Religion~ • Black African ~79% • White ~9.6% • Colored ~8.9% • Indian/Asian ~2.5% • Most South Africans are Christian followed by Muslim, Hindu, and other indigenous beliefs
~Family Structure~ • Extended family vs. Nuclear family/Traditional vs. Contemporary • Average household is 3-4 people but sometimes more due to the prevalence of AIDS • Parents’ roles are about equal, though the father has traditionally had high authority over the daughter • Girls are expected to help out with the housework • Divorce rate is high
~Sports and National Pastimes~ • Soccer • Rugby • Cricket • Marathon running • Golf
~National Holidays~ • Freedom Day • April 27 (1994) • Human Rights Day • March 21 • Youth Day • June 16 • National Women’s Day • August 9
~Education in South Africa~ • “Children are the rock on which our future will be built.” – Nelson Mandela (2006) • “Up until 1994 education was not as freely available because of Apartheid; now it’s like gold.” – Joy (2010)
~Education Continued~ • Schooling in South Africa begins at the age of 3 or 4 with grade R; 1st grade (ages 5-6); 9th grade (ages 13-14); HS 3 yrs choose subjects; after 12th grade a test is taken for admittance into college • Literate population is 86.4% compared to 99% in the U.S. • 5.4% of the nation’s GDP is spent on education – basically the same as in the U.S. • Difference: number of languages spoken by school-aged students • 2-3 in South Africa as opposed to 1 possibly 2 here in the U.S. • Possible career paths in South Africa: Finance, IT, hospitality, tourism, industrial
~Facts and Stats of Foreign-Born in U.S.~ • Population of South African immigrants ~63,560 • Median age is 36 ½ • Languages spoken at home (ages 5 and up) • English only • Language other than English • Other Indo-European languages • Enrollment in school (ages 3 and up) = 15,075 • Largest enrollment is college and/or grad school • Educational attainment for those 25 years and up • Majority has earned a Bachelor’s Degree followed by a Master’s
~Cultural Do’s and Taboos~ Greetings are leisurely and include time for sharing pleasantries. Asking, “Hello, how are you?” is customary. Many different greeting styles depending upon the ethnic heritage of the person with whom you are meeting Handshake is common while maintaining eye contact and smiling Rather than shake hands, some women simply nod their head. If a woman extends her hand then a handshake is appropriate. If a man knows a woman well he might kiss her on the cheek rather than shake her hand. Dress is casual and conservative (depending upon the situation); Muslim women cover their heads with scarves and it is customary to do the same if you visit a Mosque. The term “colored” is widely used to describe South Africans who are of mixed origins and ethnicities and is not seen as offensive. When giving or receiving something, some South Africans will touch the bottom of the arm being held out with their other hand to signify respect; you do not need to do this too but just appreciate it.
~Resources~ • Books: • Battersby, J.D. and Cohen, D.E. (2009) Nelson Mandela: A Life in Photographs Sterling • Holt-Biddle, D. (2007) Culture Smart: The Essential Guide to Customs and Culture – South Africa Kuperard • Oluonye, M. (2009) Country Explorers: South Africa Lerner Publications, Co. • Ryan, P. (2008) Welcome to South Africa The Child’s Word • Seidman, D. (2009) Teens in South Africa Compass Point Books • Internet Sites: • CIA World Factbook • https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/sf.html • https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/us.html • Global Perspectives on Human Language: The South African Context by Kahdeidra Martin • http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.stanford.edu/~jbaugh/saw/studentphoto/Lizet/DSC00125.JPG&imgrefurl=http://www.stanford.edu/~jbaugh/saw/Kahdeidra-Multilingualism.html&usg • South Africa: Guide to Language, Culture, Customs, and Etiquette • http://www.kwintessential.co.uk/resources/global-etiquette/south-africa-country-profile.html • U.S. Census Information: Table FBP-1. Profile of Selected Demographic and Social Characteristics: 2000 • http://www.census.gov/population/cen2000/stp-159/STP-159-south_africa.pdf • Interviews/Personal Accounts: • Joy (Internet/networking) • Melissa Bushnick (cousin) • Pictures/Multimedia: • Google Images http://www.google.com/imghp?hl=en&tab=wi • TeacherTube.com http://www.teachertube.com/viewVideo.php?video_id=93276&title=South_Africa&ref