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Investigating the impact of formation technology modes on characteristics of fluorinated nanocomposites based on polytetrafluoroethylene and carbon fillings. Evaluating the efficiency of compression formation for improved durability and tribotechnical properties.
STRUCTURE OF ENGINEERING NANOCOMPOSITE FLUORINATED MATERIALS, PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGIES. Lecturer: SAROKIN VALERY Y. Kupala State University, Grodno, Belarus. International Innovation and technological cooperation R E P O R T
Abstract Influence of technological modes of formation on characteristics of composite materials on a basis polytetrafluoroethylene, modified carbon fillings is investigated. Efficiency of a way of formation of half-finished products in the conditions of the all-round compression allowing essentially reducing a work cycle is shown and to provide effect increases durability and tribotechnical characteristics.
1. Introduction Fluor plastics and fluorine-containing composites are among the most widespread polymeric materials used for the manufacture of sealants and tribological products for static and mobile units with high technical requirements. However depending on operating conditions, required resources, security settings can be used in products such as the basic polymer, particularly, polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) and of the compositions on their base, containing dispersed and fibrous fillers, modifiers, and functional additives of various composition, production technology and size.
The purpose of this studywas to assess the feasibility of improving the efficiency of technological processes used in the present, the technology of composites based on PTFE.
2. Materials and methods of research For research use industrially produced polymer materials ‑ polytetrafluoroethylene F-4 (Flubon) with a particle size less than 150 microns in the state of industrial supplies. For the modification of the polymer matrix using different grades of carbon and graphite fibers. Composite materials have received and processed into products by conventional methods, including the operations of mixing, cold pressing of blanks followed by sintering (monolithization) at temperatures of 350-370°C using a specialized process equipment. The charge state of the modifiers was evaluated from the spectra of thermally stimulated current (TSC) by heating the sample between the isolated electrodes. Tribotechnical characteristics of fluorinated materials and coatings were determined on a friction machine according to the schemes testing "shaft - partial liner" and "finger ‑ disc".
3. Results of research and discussion Among the most effective methods to improve the indices of service characteristics of composite materials of different composition are mechanical-chemical (tribochemical), which are based on the managed interaction of components in the processes of grinding, mixing, processing and exploitation.It is established that mechanochemical technology is also effective in obtaining composite materials based on PTFE. The main method of their implementation is mechanical activation by mixing the components in the mixer blade or anchor-type with adjustable parameters of impact of elements on a powdered mixture.
Scheme of the total manufacturing cycle of products of fluorine-containing composites "Flubon" type presented in Fig. 1. Fig. 1. Scheme mode of formation of composite materials such as "Flubon"
To assess the influence of forming parameters on the characteristics of products of fluorine-containing composite "Flubon-20" model samples produced under various technological regimes (Fig. 2). a b c Fig. 2. Technological scheme for forming samples of the material type "Flubon" by optimized cycle d e
The experimental results show the decisive role of the contact process at the "matrix-filler" interface in the mechanism monolithization of composites formed by various technological schemes.
Results of physical mechanical (index σt) and tribological characteristics (index I107) testing are presented in Fig. 3 and 4. Fig. 3. Physical and mechanical properties of composites such as "Flubon", formed by various technological modes Fig. 4. Durability of composites such as "Flubon", formed by various technological modes
4. Conclusion The technology of forming articles made of composite materials based on polytetrafluoroethylene by reduced technological process, ensuring higher rates of physical mechanical and tribological characteristics is developed. The developed technology for forming tribological and sealing products of fluorine-containing composites implemented at Grodno Mechanical Plant in accordance with the normative documentation and is protected by a series of patents for inventions.
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