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DATA WAREHOUSING. 8201 -DATAWAREHOUSING. …. Metrics suite. 8202 -SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN. Cooper, R., and Markus, L.M. Human Reengineering, Rotation, draft, hangen remove 50% of workers, change managers on the spot.
Metrics suite 8202 -SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN Cooper, R., and Markus, L.M. Human Reengineering, Rotation, draft, hangen remove 50% of workers, change managers on the spot. Scott,A., Globen,A., and Schiffner, K. Jungles and Garden, The Evolution of Knowledge Management at JD Edwards Martinsons, M., Davidson, R., and Tse, D.K.C. The Balanced Scorecard: A Foundation for the Strategic Management of Information Systems. Decision Support Systems, CIO on IT Value Schmidt, R. Lyttinen, K., Keil, M, and Cule, P. Identifying Software Project Risks: An International Delphi Study – Lack of management committement, user committement top risks (3 countries). Cullen, S., Seddon, P., and Wilcox, L. Managing Outsourcing, The Life Cycle Imperative.
Metrics suite 8202 -SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN Application Service Provision: Risk Assessment and Mitigation, MIS Quarterly Executive, June 2002, pp.113-125. Davenport, Eccles, and Prusak ”Information Politics” -- Feudalism, Anarchy, Technocrat, Federal, Monarchy (FAT FM) Brown,C., and Vessey, I. Managing the Next Wave of Enterprise Systems, MIS Quarterly Executive, March 2003.. Keil, Mark and Robey, Daniel. Turning Around Troubled Software Projects: An Exploratory Study of the Deescalation of Commitment to Failing Courses of Action, Pipino, L, Lee, Y. and Wang, R. Data Quality Assessment.
Metrics suite 8202 -SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN Kahn, B., Strong, D, and Wang,R. Information Quality Benchmarks: Product and Service Quality -- DATA -- Service quality (delivery, ease of use) vs. Product quality (correctness and completeness). http://www.sei.cmu.edu/cmmi/general/general.html Ranganathan, C., Watson-Manheim, M., and Keeler, J. Bringing Professionals on Board, MIS Quarterly Executive, September 2004
Metrics suite 8202 -SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN Kohli,R., and Devaraj, S. Realizing the Business Value of IT Investments, MIS Quarterly Executive, March 2004. Chidamber, S.R., and Kemerer, C.F. A Metrics Suite for Object Oriented Design, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol. 20, No. 6, June 1994. Chidamber, S.R., Darcy, D.P, and Kemerer, C.F. Managerial Use of Metrics for Object-Oriented Software: An Exploratory Analysis, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol. 24, No. 8, August 1998. Wahler, B. Process Managing Operational Risk..http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=674221
Metrics suite 8202 -SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN WMC Weighted Methods per class – Number of methods per class – smaller is better (5-10) DIT Depth of inheritance three – medium is better (average is between 1-3) NOC Number of children – medium is better (reuse vs. swiss army) average is around 0.5. CBO Coupling between classes – Less is better (keep self contained) RFC Response for a class – # methods that can be execute in repsonse to a message - less is better LCOM Lack of Cohesion in Methods – methods that are unsimilar – less those who are simliar (share instance varibles) We did not call rome last. WMC, CBO, RFC highly correlated. DIT and NOC little value.
Use Case Diagram Tour 8202 -SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN • Shows use cases, actor and their relationships • Use case internals can be specified by text and/or interaction diagrams • Kinds • use case diagram • use case description
Bill-to customer Sales processing 8202 -SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN Context diagram o Sales order Sales confirmation Bill
Bill-to customer Shipper Finished Goods inventory Delivery document Shipper information Product Prices Contracts Billing document Billing Deliver items Schedule Delivery Order confirmation Determine ship-date Order taking 8202 -SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN 1.0 Sales order Sales Record Sales order document Level 0 diagram Confirmation 2.0 Sales line items Schedule line 3.0 Inventory availability Inventory request Delivery record Shipper confirmation Shipper inquiry 4.0 Shipper request Shipper availability Pricing condition Price inquiry Contract inquiry Delivery line items Delivery confirmation Pricing condition Delivery schedule line confirmation 5.0 6.0 Shipper inquiry Billing record more
8202 -SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN Level 1 diagram Determine ship date and notification
Example: Online HR System 8202 -SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN
Online HR System: Use Case Relationships 8202 -SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN
Online HR System: Update Benefits Use Case 8202 -SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN • Actors: employee, employee account db, healthcare plan system, insurance plan system • Preconditions: • Employee has logged on to the system and selected ‘update benefits’ option • Basic course • System retrieves employee account from employee account db • System asks employee to select medical plan type; include Update Medical Plan. • System asks employee to select dental plan type; include Update Dental Plan. • … • Alternative courses • If health plan is not available in the employee’s area the employee is informed and asked to select another plan...
Sequence diagram 8202 -SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN
Actor Relationships 8202 -SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN Fig. 3-55, UML Notation Guide
8203 IS Strategy, Economics and policy 8203 –POLICY AND STRATEGY 1. Banker, R.D., H. Chang, and Majumdar, S.K (1996). A Framework for Analyzing Changes in Strategic Performance. Strategic Management Journal, 17, 693-712 (NOT NEEDED) 2. Bharadwaj A. S. (2000) A resource-based perspective on information technology capability and firm performance: An Empirical Investigation, MIS Quarterly, 24, 1, pp. 169-196. CONTENT: IT leaders over 2 years COMp. World magazine. Performs better than peers. Builds core capabilities. 3. Mukhopadhyay, T., and S. Kekre, (2002). Strategic and operational benefits of electronic integration in B2B procurement processes, Management Science, vol. 48, no. 10, October 2002, pg. 1301-1313. CONTENT: Some operational benefits of EDI. Stretegic benefits are better established.
Articles 8203 –POLICY AND STRATEGY 4. Santhanam, R. and Hartono, E. (2003). Issues Linking Information Technology Capability to Firm Performance, MIS Quarterly, Mar 2003.Vol.27, Iss. 1; pg. 125, 29 pgs. (NOT NEEDED) 5. Subramani, M. (2004). How do suppliers benefit from IT use in Supply Chain Relationships, MIS Quarterly, 26, 2, 91-118. CONTENT: Move from Vendor to partner 6. Eisenhardt, K.M. and Martin, J.A (2000). Dynamic Capabilities: What are they? Strategic Management Journal, 21, 4 pp. 1105-1121. CONTENT: Processes with reasonable predictive outcomes (allowancing and product development)
Articles 8203 –POLICY AND STRATEGY 7. Weill, P., Subramani, M., and Broadbent, M. Building IT Infrastructure for Strategic Agility, Sloan Management Review, Vol. 44, 1 (2002), 57-66. CONTENT: IT infrastructure = human assets, technologies and processes. Strategic Agility = how fast can you execute. Best of breed IT has 2 or more constituents. 8. Ross, J. Creating a Strategic Architecture Competancy: Learning in Stages. MISQ Executive, March 2003, Volume 2, Number 1. CONTENT: IT infrastructure is not always a result of business strategy, it is often the opposite. A) application silo. B) Standardized Application architecture C) rationalized app architecture D) Modular architecture. The IT infrastructure can be data driven or application driven. 9. Kumar, R., A Framework for Assessing the Business Value of Information Technology Infrastructures. Journal of Management Information Systems 21, 2 (2004), 11-32 CONTENT: Usage drives value of IT infrasturctures. Uses NPV. Note compounding stepwise values. NVFIs take long time to realize benefits and takes long to recover from setbacks.
Articles 8203 –POLICY AND STRATEGY 10. Weill. How Top Performing Organizations Govern IT, MISQ Executive, March 2004, Volume 3, Number 1 CONTENT: Health grid of 18 system in one company. Monarchy, Fudal, Federal, Duopoly, Anarchy. 11. Agarwal, R. and Sambamurthy, V. Principles and Models for Organizing the IT Function. MIS Quarterly Executive, Volume 1. Number 1, March 2002. CONTENT: IT as a partner in companies. Platfrom for innovation and global reach. Provides scalable business models. 12. Weill, P., and Aral, S., Generating Premium Returns on Your IT Investments. Sloan Management Review, 47, 2 (2006), pp. 39-48. CONTENT: ??
Articles 8203 –POLICY AND STRATEGY 13. Mani, D. Barua, A., and Whinston, A., Successfully Governing Business Process Outsourcing Relationships, MIS Quarterly Executive, Vol, 41, 1, March 2006. CONTENT: Capability Vs. strategic outsourcing. Need governance. High process and high governance needed. 14. Carmel, E. Building Your Information Systems from the Other Side of The World: How Infosys Manages Time Zone Differences, MIS Quarterly Executive, Vol. 5, No.1, March 2006. CONTENT: Pure hell!!! 15. Weitzel, T., Beimborn, D., and Konig, W., A Unified Economic Model of Standard Diffusion: The Impact of Standardization, Cost, Network Effects, and Network Topology. MIS Quarterly, Vol. 30. August 2006. CONTENT: Critical mass; expectations; switching costs; standards are easier to create when more choices are available (paradox).
Articles 8203 –POLICY AND STRATEGY 16. Chen, Pei-Yu and Forman, C. Can Vendors Influence Switching Costs and Compatibility in an Environment with Open Standards? MIS Quarterly, Vol. 30, August 2006. CONTENT: Routers and switches. Create uncertainty. Defensive in nature. 17. Weill, P., and Vitale, M., Assessing the health of an information systems applications portfolio: An example from process manufacturing. MIS Quarterly, 13, 4 (1999), pg. 601. CONTENT: The value of a system = usage; strategic importance; investments; value and technical quality.
8204 – TELECOM notes Chapter 1 8204 – Telecom IP address 32 bits MAC/Ethernet address 48 bits (groups of 4) HEX: A7 91 BF 5H AG 39 Switches uses frames and are used within networks Routers uses packages and are used between networks Routers have one ethernet address for each port Each router repackes the frame with new to-from ethernet address. NAP – Network access point for ISP to link to the internet DHCP = Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (clients can be dynamically assigned IP addresses).
8204 – TELECOM notes Chapter 2 8204 – Telecom HTTP is an unreliable protocol (does not resend messages). TCP Transmission control protocol controls reliability (resends) Connection oriented protocols such as TCP uses ACK (acknowledgments) Connectionless protocols uses sequence numbers) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Layer 1: Application HTTP, SMTP, FTP Layer 2: Transport (end to end layer) TCP, UDP Layer 3: Internet (hop-to-hop) IP, routers Layer 4: Datalink Switches, Ethernet, frame relays Layer 5: Physical ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ethernet is connectionless IP is conncetionless TCP is connection oriented. OSI = Open system interconnection standards
8204 – TELECOM notes Chapter 3 – physical layer 8204 – Telecom Uses Signals Propagation effect – sending and receiving signals differ UTP = unshielded twisted pairs STP – Shielded twisted pairs UTP cable and RJ-45 connectors Attenuation – weaker signal over distance Noise – interference (db) EMI – Electro Magnetic interference Therefore max 100 meter UTP cable Cat 5e UTP have 1GBps speed Optical = Core class + cladding Thick cable produces bounce. Bounce is called modes Modal dispersion reduces range Topologies: Point-to-point, Mesh, Star, Hirarchical, Ring, Bus (broadcast, i.e. wireless)
8204 – TELECOM notes Chapter 4 – Ethernet 8204 – Telecom 10BASE TX (UTP) 100Mbps 10GBASE (Optical) 10Gbps Truncking more than one line MAC- Media access control Syncs clock speed Ethernet require Hirarchical topology (results in single points of failiure) to resolve this, a spanning tree with backup lines fixes this problem (note different theories on how to best build self-fixing spanning trees).
8204 – TELECOM notes Chapter 4 – WLAN 8204 – Telecom Direct sequencing spread spectrum (Ocean) Request to send (RTS) and Cleared to send (CTS) 802.11g is at 2.4 GHz 802.11e Quality of service rules Drive by hackers Evil twin Rouge access points WPA Wireless protected access (2003) Authenticaltion server (keys)
8204 – TELECOM notes Chapter 6 – Telephone networks 8204 – Telecom PSTN = Public Switch telephone network PBX (private branch exchange) Switches and trunc lines POP = Point of precence for international connections Circuit switch = blocks capacity in network for the call once connected. T1 = multiplexed multipurpose lines that are leased. Nearest swich from customer is called end office swictch or class 5 switch ADC analog to digital and DAC digital to analog. Sampling rate – 8000/per sec. sicne we have 4Hz phone lines. CDMA = Code division Multiple Access, reuse cells in cell phone sites. GSM uses time divisioning multiplexing (TDM)
8204 – TELECOM notes Chapter 7 - WAN 8204 – Telecom Full mesh topology expensive. Hub and spoke is risky therefore mixed is mostly used. T1 line = 1.5 Mbps T3 line = 45 Mbps HSDL = hybrid DSL for business (50% of T1 speed) Lease a line to a POP Public swicth data network (PSDN) used Frame relay and frame relay access devices (FRAD) Virtual circuits Asyncronomus transfer model (ATM) – higher speed that frame relays MAN – Metropolican area network VPN – Virtual private network
8204 – TELECOM notes Chapter 8 – TCP/IP 8204 – Telecom 128.171 = network part 35 = subnet part 22 = host part is really a set of 32 bits Class A networks have 11111111 as the network part (2^7 =128 networks and 2^24 =16.7 million hosts) Class B networks have 1111111111111111 as the network part (2^14 =16,384 networks and 2^16 =65.5K hosts) Class C networks have 111111111111111111111111 as the network part (2^21 =2.1 mill networks and 2^8 =256 hosts hosts) Subnetting of a class C network can create smaller networks. I.e.: 11111111 11111111 11111111 10000000 is equal to the mask We can decide to create two subnets and use the last 1 in the number above as the subnet settings. This gives us 2^7 = 128 (less two) = 126 possible hosts per subnet. Note since the class C network takes the first 3 block (24 ones), we have to add another one if we wanted 4 subnets. This would look like 11111111 11111111 11111111 11000000 is equal to the mask Now we can have 4 subnets, but only 62 hosts per subnet.
8204 – TELECOM notes Chapter 9 - security 8204 – Telecom