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Learn about the impact of man-made heat-trapping gases on global warming. Discover practical strategies to reduce carbon emissions and make a positive environmental impact in your daily life.
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 4th Assessment Report 2007 2500+ SCEINTIFIC EXPERT REVIEWERS 800+ CONTRIBUTING AUTHORS 450+ LEAD AUTHORS from 130+ COUNTRIES 6 YEARS WORK 1 REPORT According to the summary, there is a greater than 90 percent likelihood that increased concentrations of man-made heat-trapping gases caused most of the observed increase in global average temperatures since 1950.
COSTS OF INACTION • Loss of 1.5 to 5% of global GDP each year based on 4.5 ºF warming1 • COSTS OF ACTION • ~1% of global GDP each year to stabilize CO2 levels at 450 to 550 ppm2 1Nordhaus and Boyer, “Warming the World: Economic Models of Global Warming” (2000) 2Stern Review: The Economics of Climate Change” (2006)
California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 (AB 32) Reduce GHG emissions to 80% of 1990 levels GHG limits and measures operative Publish market and regulatory scoping plan Reduce GHG emissions to 1990 levels GHG limits and measures adopted Reduce GHG emissions to 2000 levels Publish list of early actions 2020 2050 2012 2008 2011 2007 2010 Sept 2006 2009 AB 32 signed into legislation Inventory baseline and reporting Adopt enforceable early action regulations Air Resources Board charged with monitoring and regulating sources of greenhouse gases in order to reduce emissions
Current Major Greenhouse Gas Reduction Strategies Annual Reductions in CO2 (million of tons) by 2020 2006 Climate Action Team Report to the Governor and Legislature, climatechange.ca.gov/climate_action_team/reports/index.html
Calculate YourCarbon Footprint CARBON CALCULATOR TRANSPORT HOME ENERGY WASTE Reduce YourCarbon Footprint Off-Set YourCarbon Footprint
Reduce the number of miles you drive Try carpooling ~ WHAT WE CAN DO ~ One third of the CO2 produced is from the transportation of people or goods. Burning 1 gallon of gas produces about 20 lbs. of CO2. Driving 20 miles less per week saves 1,000 lbs. of CO2 per year. If every commuter worked 1 day at home, we’d save 5.85 billion gallons of gas and 143 billion tons of CO2. Idling 10 minutes per day makes 1/4 ton of CO2 per year.
Get better gas mileage Every 5 mph you drive over 60 is like paying 20 cents more per gallon. Rapid acceleration can decrease mileage by 5 to 33%. Low tire pressure wastes 2 million gallons of gas each day – 1 pound low = 1% less efficiency A hybrid car can reduce CO2 by 16,000 lbs. and save $3,750 per year. Every 3 miles per gallon improvement can save 3,000 lbs. of CO2 per year.
Replace your light bulbs with Compact Fluorescent Lights (CFLs) Lighting accounts for 20% of all electricity consumed in the US. CFLs last 10 times longer than standard bulbs & use 66% less energy. If every house used only 1 CFL, it would remove the equivalent of 1 million cars from the roads. Only 5,000 CFLs save 1.3 million lbs.of CO2 from the atmosphere. Replace 3 of the most-used bulbs in your home and save up to $60 / yr.
Make your home more energy efficient The average home causes more pollution than our car because of the fossil fuels burned to supply the power we need. Energy Star appliances use up to 40% less energy. Save 350 lbs. of CO2 and $150 per year by keeping filters clean. Heating/cooling your home uses about 45% of total energy use. Adjust your thermostat a few degrees up or down.
Make your home more energy efficient Seal and insulate ducts, doors and windows. A television uses 25% of it’s energy when it is turned off. Standby power can account for 9-10% of household energy. 1883 low-flow shower heads will save 472,630 lbs. of CO2. Ask your local power company if they provide renewable energy.
REDUCE RECYCLE REUSE Be a better consumer A ream of recycled paper saves 1.5 lbs. of CO2. Multiply that times 4 million tons of office paper discarded every year - a savings of more than 5 million lbs. of CO2. Each one of us averages 4.4 lbs. of trash per day. Buy products that use minimal packaging. The production of junk mail consumes as much energy as 2.8 million cars. There are 200 million trees cut for junk mail every year – that’s like cutting down the Rocky Mtn. National Park 3 times per year. www.directmail.com/junk_mail
Be a better consumer Worldwide, 500 billion plastic bags are manufactured each year, that is nearly 1 million per minute. Use cloth bags instead. 1.5 million barrels of oil is used for America’s bottled water. This equals fueling 100,000 cars for a year. 8 out of 10 bottles end up in landfills. Compost - yard trimmings and food residuals account for 23% of our solid waste and turn to methane on landfills.
Talk to others Many people are not aware of how serious a problem global warming is or what they can do about it. Teach your children to care for the environment so they don’t make the same mistakes we have. Talk to your employer about initiating energy-saving devices in the workplace and giving employee incentives to carpool, telecommute. Refer me to businesses, churches and other organizations to give this presentation.