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3. Klipspringer Monitor Lizard Hooded Vulture African Grey Parrot Puff Adder Spotted Hyena Striped Hyena Gecko Fennec Fox Hare Elephant Shrew Honey Badger Caracal Bat Eared Fox Leopard Giraffe Meerkat Grysbok Cheetah Serval Crocodile Wild Cat Greater Kudu. 2. 4. 5. 6. 1.
3 Klipspringer Monitor Lizard Hooded Vulture African Grey Parrot Puff Adder Spotted Hyena Striped Hyena Gecko Fennec Fox Hare Elephant Shrew Honey Badger Caracal Bat Eared Fox Leopard Giraffe Meerkat Grysbok Cheetah Serval Crocodile Wild Cat Greater Kudu 2 4 5 6 1 23 16 7 18 8 17 19 9 15 14 21 10 11 20 22 13 12
Interesting facts: They can run up to the speed of 35mph when using full speed! It can weigh up to 100 to 1509 pounds when its 3 to 4 feet long. They are the smallest out of all it’s relatives. It’s species is H. Hyaena. It’s order is Carnivora. It’s class is Mandia. It’s genus is Hyaena. It’s family is the Hyaenidae. It’s phylum is Chordate. They follow there own rules made by themselves. They can swim swiftly with great speed. They can live in woodlands , semi-deserts , scrub-land and they areusually found in Savannas . Striped Hyena By Aiden Prey: Its prey is some types of fruits or insects , vegetables and bird eggs when needed . It’s a meat eater which means it usually eats dead animals or kills animals instead. Predators: Its predators are leopards , cheetahs, lions and social wolves, vultures, dung beetles, crocodiles etc.
Monitor lizard By Areeb The monitor lizard eats small reptiles, fish, birds, small mammals, snakes and snails. Some interesting information about the monitor lizard is that they can camouflage. they are not threatened nor endangered. Hatching starts on months March and April. Hatchlings weigh 10 grams. Some things which threaten the monitor lizard are african people, bigger monitor lizard, large birds, large cats.
Interestingfacts: The hooded vultures look a little like the lappet-faced vulture in a way. The hooded vulture is a scavenger like other vultures. It will scavenge on human settlements. Hooded vultures actually mate for life! And this is really interesting, VULTURES CAN BLUSH LIKE US!!!!! Hooded vulture By Derek Eats: Remains of any dead animal! Threats or Predators: Us because of gasses and poisoning by us. And it’s threats can also be themselves because some of then drop and die on the first flight!!!
By Bryan Honey Badger Interesting Facts Did you know that Honey Badgers are the most fearless animal in the world? They are so fearless that they can even eat large and poisonous snakes! Prey Because Honey Badgers are the most fearless animal in the world, the Honey Badger can eat Snakes, Carrions, Small Rodents, Birds, Eggs, Insects, Lizards, Tortoises, Berries, Roots and Bulbs. Threats / Predators The Honey Badger doesn’t have any Predators because of the reputation of being fearless, so few animals fight with fully-grown Honey Badgers.
Something interesting about leopards is they can flip there tail over their back and that means they are not looking for prey so they can walk through herds of impala’s without disturbing them. Another thing is that the scientific name of the leopard is panthera pardus. Leopards eat carrion, fish, rodents, hares, hyraxes, warthogs, antelopes, monkeys, and baboons. Leopard Leopards are prey to humans because humans want their furs, claws, whiskers, and tails. By Liam
Bat Eared Fox The ears of the bat eared fox protects the creature from the sun and keeps it cool. The at eared fox is nocturnal. The bat eared foxes live in pairs and have a cub together and live for six years maximum. What is a little bit strange is that the fox is half carnivore and half insectivore. The scientific name of the bat eared fox is otocyon megalotis. Did you know that the bat eared fox is the only member of the dog family that eats insects. By Sofia The bat eared fox eats termites, grasshoppers, scorpions, spiders, rodents, lizards, fruits and eggs. The bat eared fox is eaten by the black backed jackal, the brown hyena and the honey badger.
The Caracal Caracals have really good sense of hearing and vision. Maybe that’s why they hunt so good like when they climb and leap to catch birds in short flying. You might think that Lynxes are the same as a Caracal, but Caracals have much longer legs than Lynxes. By Camella The Caracals eats rodents, birds, ostriches,antelopes,rabbits and gazelles. The Caracals are mostly killed by farmers and killed for there skin and meat by bush people.
prey(what it eats) Mostly any animal but they have to be fish, mammals and reptiles … Interesting facts The crocodile has been around since the dinosaurs. It has been around 200 million years. It is popular for skin. Crocodiles usually stay in the water to catch there prey. When animals try to get a drink from the water the croc grabs it and pulls it into the water and eats it. They try to get as many animals a time Crocodile By Ameera Predators what eats it Well not much eats it but there are some things that kills it like a plant called chromolaena odorata and it starts small. Other killing things are mostly like people because they will kill the crocodile then use the skin to make accessories like hand bags , suit cases and much more .
Spotted Hyena By Matthew Not very many animals eat the Spotted Hyena but some do like the Lion and the African wild dog .The other thing that kills it is certain diseases. The Spotted Hyena is very unique to me because they eat a lot of things such as animals and plants that means they are called omnivores! Mainly a lot of Spotted Hyenas are found in packs. Did you know that the women hyenas lead the pack and also do mostly everything first . One smart thing they do is scavenge when its necessary but what makes me think the Spotted Hyena is tough is because they use various techniques to attack plus the thing that helps them fight is with their powerful jaws!
Geckos Geckos are the most largest family of lizards. Also geckos have wide flat heads. And geckos are about 14 inches long. By David Geckos eats small birds, reptiles, small mammals like mice, insect and worms also they eat plants like moss. Geckos predator are snakes.
The Fennec Fox is the smallest fox in the world and it’s ears can be half the size of it’s own body. The has sandy- colored fur that helps camouflage during hunting. The Fennec Fox’s feet are hairy and are like snowshoes to protect it’s feet from hot sand. By Thaya The Fennec Fox The Fennec Fox can eat almost anything it finds. It eats small reptiles, fruits, plants, roots, rodents, and birds. The Fennec Fox’s biggest predator is people. People hunt them for fur only because the flesh is considered really smelly.
Puff Adder By Omar A Puff Adder Snake is a huge snake. It is the Killer Snake in the Grasslands in Africa. It is a really poisounous snake. The Puff Adder can grow up till about One Meter and wiegh about 40 Kg. In Africa it kills about 60% of animals and humans. The Cobra, Mamba, Rattle Snake, Copper head, Red Spitting Cobra, King Cobra eat the Puff Adder. A Puff Adder eats Birds, Amphibians, lizards, Small mammals, badgers, wart dogs.
Spring hare Cool facts : the spring hare got its name from how it uses its really long and strong hide legs to spring themselves through the grasslands. Did you know they can hop up to 30 feet in one hop? or that a little more than half of its body length is its bushy tail? What a fascinating animal! By Katie Prey(eats) : plants, insects, soil, fruit, and veggies. Predators: large owls, African villagers, and wild cats.
Servals By Marina Interesting facts: The Serval can leap really high and it can catch a bird flying! Servals have the longest ears and legs in relation to the size of their body of any cat. To call Servals they use a high pitch cry like snarling, growling. They spit when they are angry. Prey: The Serval eats Hares, birds, frogs, fish, insects and hyraxes. Predator: The Serval’spredators are leopards, dogs, hyenas, and big cats
The Wild-Cat Interesting Facts: - Male Wild-Cats are larger and heavier than female Wild-Cats. -African Wild-Cats have a reddish brown color on the back of there ears. By Sam The Wild-Cats eat rodents, amphibians(Frogs and bull-frogs)snakes, skinks, mice, rats, birds, spiders and other small Mammals. The Lions, leopards, hyenas, jackals, servals, African civets, caracals, African wild-dogs, humans and domestic dogs are the ENEMIES!!!!
Interesting facts A Klipspringer is a small kind of antelope in the bovidae family. It has thick salt and pepper patterned coat shade of olive. They live in the steep rocky outcrops and places like the Cape Of Good Hope, East Africa and Ethiopia. The scientific name of this animal is Orteotragus/orteotragus and the African name is MbuziMawe,. In Afrikaans/Dutch it means rock jumper and it is also known as Mvunda(xhosa from umvyndla=rabbit)This animal does Not drink water because the plants they eat provide them water which means that they are herbivores .Klipspringers are approximately 58cm(22in)at the shoulder. Only male klipspringers have horn which is as long as 10 to 15 cm. It`s life span is 10 to 12 years. By Shiho Klipspringer Klipspringer`s predators are Wild dogs, leopards,hyenas,baboons large birdsand Jackals They are a bit protected byecause when one eats one keeps watch. Klipspringer`s eat plants because klipspringers are herbivores. They eat plants like moist plants and rock plants. It also eats things like fruits, leaves, berries, shoots and succulents.
Did you know that some of the African people take the horns off of the Kudu which is very sad for the Kudu. The Kudu is 120-315kg.That is two adults put together that is very heavy. Kudus can be active 24hours depending on what it does during the day. Greater Kudu By Ben The Greater Kudu loves fruit like watermelons, melons, apples and a lot more. The Kudu is a herbivore so it also eats leaves grass and plants. Lions, cape hunting dog, eagle, vulture, humans are the biggest killer there are a lot more things that kill this animal it seems hard to be Kudu
Meerkats Interestingfacts: Meerkatslive in large group called as a “Mod’ or “Gang’. Meerkats also called the “Solar panel of the animal in world’ because Meerkatsuse their dark skinned, specially furred bellies to warm up. By Haruma Prey: Meerkatsrelies on scorpions, beetles, spiders, centipedes, crickets(fast food),small mammals, small reptiles, birds, eggs, tubers and roots. Predators: MeerKatspredators are jackals, servals, martial eagles, lions and owls.
Cheetahs By Keerthana Interesting facts The cheetah is the fastest mammal on earth and is only found in southern Africa . Also it only eats a half hour after it’s catch. The body and head of a cheetah grows 44 to 53 inches long its tail fully grown is 26 to 33 inches long. The scientific name for an cheetah is acinonyx jubatu. Predators ( what eats it /threatens it) Lions and leopards often ` do kill cheetah’s but not to eat them but to remove competitors. Wild dogs also kill cheetah’s to remove competitors since they both usually feed on gazelles. Hyenas kill 42 percent of cheetah’s Lions kill 33 percent of cheetah’s Wild dogs kill17 percent of cheetah’s Leopards kill 8percent of cheetah’s Prey ( what they eat ) Cheetah’s usually eat small to medium sized animal like hares, impalas, wildebeest calves and gazelles.
Cape Elephant Shrew By Wil The shrew eats invertebrates like ants, termites, beetles, spiders, millipedes, and worms. The Shrew has five toes and is not a rodent. They weigh about fifty grams and six cm long. They are only active during the day. Africans eat Shrews.
Grysbok tail is (4~8cm) . The cape grysbok can fluff out the fur at its rear end to make itself look bigger. Cape or southern Grysbok (Raphicerusmelanotis) is a small antelope that is endemic to the western cape region of south Africa between albany and the Cenderberg mountains. Grysbok By HeeMin Grysbok eats browse or young twigs, leaves and shoots that are fit for animals to eat and fruits and grass. Grysbok are eaten by a leopards, cheetahs, jackals and hawks.
Giraffe By Natsuki Giraffe is the word’s tallest mammal. They have long necks and long legs and Spotted patterns. Giraffe’s small horns on top of the Head are used to protect the head. Giraffe eat leaves from tall trees like Acacia trees. Giraffe don’t need too much Water because they get moisture from The leaves. Giraffe meat are eaten by wild animals And also humans.
The African gray parrot By Zachary Facts : They are very intelligent birds. They can mimic sounds and remember them. They live western and central Africa. The beak is extremely powerful. They lay up to 2-4 eggs Food: nuts fruits seeds Predators: monkeys because they steal eggs from the nest. Humans because increases rarity. Cats falcons and hawks Length:13-16 inches Weight 1 lbs Wing span 18-20 inches Age:70 years max