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Few things to remember

Few things to remember. Two Ws were missing. Two Ws were missing. Where and when? “Thomson, who spoke Tuesday at the Learning & Families journalism class, said reporting….”. After the lede . Ledes are so important because they force you to organize and prioritize your material.

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Few things to remember

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Few things to remember

  2. Two Ws were missing

  3. Two Ws were missing Where and when? “Thomson, who spoke Tuesday at the Learning & Families journalism class, said reporting….”

  4. After the lede...

  5. Ledes are so important because they force you to organize and prioritize your material

  6. Ledes are so important because they force you to organize and prioritize your material • But most of the time, the lede is just the beginning

  7. Ledes are so important because they force you to organize and prioritize your material • But most of the time, the lede is just the beginning • Important to have some idea of how long your story will be: depends on your editor or teacher

  8. Ledes are so important because they force you to organize and prioritize your material • But most of the time, the lede is just the beginning • Important to have some idea of how long your story will be: depends on your editor or teacher • Creation of universe covered in Genesis chapter 1... just seven graphs! Is Genesis 1:1 best lede ever?

  9. Genesis 1:1 (ESV) In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.

  10. Briefs • A short inverted pyramid news story

  11. Briefs • A short inverted pyramid news story • From one to maybe five graphs

  12. Briefs • A short inverted pyramid news story • From one to maybe five graphs • Still immensely popular in all media: local, state, national, international, print, broadcast and internet

  13. Brites

  14. Brites • A featurette: generally odd or amusing nuggets

  15. Brites • A featurette: generally odd or amusing nuggets • Relief from the hard news of the day

  16. Brites • A featurette: generally odd or amusing nuggets • Relief from the hard news of the day • Ledes are fun, designed to draw you in... not inverted pyramid

  17. The nut graph (or graf)

  18. The nut graph (or graf) • Keep in mind: basically two broad types of stories: hard news with inverted pyramid lede that gets right to the point... and stories that don’t get there until the second graph or even later

  19. The nut graph (or graf) • Keep in mind: basically two broad types of stories: hard news with inverted pyramid lede that gets right to the point... and stories that don’t get there until the second graph or even later • So when you have a soft lede or an anecdote lede, you need a nut graph to explain what the story’s all about: the first sentence doesn’t do that

  20. The nut graph (or graf) • Keep in mind: basically two broad types of stories: hard news with inverted pyramid lede that gets right to the point... and stories that don’t get there until the second graph or even later • So when you have a soft lede or an anecdote lede, you need a nut graph to explain what the story’s all about: the first sentence doesn’t do that • Called the nut graph because it condenses everything in a nutshell

  21. Which dog poop story did you like best?

  22. Write a brite • A Teamster was using a portable potty at a job site in Richland, Washington (need dateline!) • The job site was a nuclear reactor • While he was inside, a forklift operator picked up the toilet. The driver did not know anyone was inside • The forklift moved the chemical toilet a foot off the ground and across a gravel road • The forklift blocked the door so the Teamster could not get out • When he put the toilet down, the operator heard the Teamster and let him out

  23. Story structure

  24. Story structure • Every story is different… but there is nothing random about journalism

  25. Story structure • Every story is different… but there is nothing random about journalism • Plan your stories

  26. Story structure • Every story is different… but there is nothing random about journalism • Plan your stories • Breaking and “hard” news?

  27. Inverted pyramid Most important facts Additional facts More facts Etc. Etc. Etc

  28. Martini glass

  29. Martini glass • Use for big crimes, disasters and other dramatic news stories needing a chronology

  30. Martini glass Lede (often not inverted pyramid) Key facts in nut graf Chronology of events Kicker

  31. The Kabob • AKA, The Wall Street Journal formula

  32. The Kabob • AKA, The Wall Street Journal formula • Opening anecdote… nut graf… details… closing anecdote

  33. Both martini and kebob have strong closing grafs… quotes, parallel anecdotes, emotion • Inverted pyramid generally goes until you run out of facts… designed to cut from the bottom up

  34. Transitions • Really important to keep your stories flowing

  35. Transitions • Really important to keep your stories flowing • Short grafs… usually a single sentence. Why?

  36. Transitions • Really important to keep your stories flowing • Short grafs… usually a single sentence. Why?

  37. Transitions • Really important to keep your stories flowing • Short grafs… usually a single sentence. Why? • Hit the return key every time you type a period!

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