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Single Pilot IFR. Single Pilot IFR. Single Pilot IFR. In this presentation we will discuss: Cockpit Resource Management (CRM) IFR Qualification Pre-Flight Planning In-Flight Task Management. Definitions of CRM. There are actually two definitions for the acronym. They are
3rd Results- Based M&E Workshop 3rd APCoP-MfDR Results-Based M&E Workshop Session 1 Finalizing the M&E Capacity Gaps on the Four Attributes covered during the 2nd Workshop Ballroom 1 Intercontinental Hotel Phnom Penh, Cambodia 28-30 June 2011 Institutionalizing M&E System in Cambodia
Summary of 2nd M&E Workshop Objectives: Institutionalizing M&E System Opening Session: Introduction To assess the level of understanding of MfDR and M&E To determine the gaps in institutionalizing M&E System To identify Capacity Building Strategies in institutionalizing M&E System Shared Knowledge-Resources In RDMs Plenary Sessions RDM Panel Presentations Break Out Sessions Identified capacity gaps in delivering M&E functions Capacity Development Needs M&E System by RDMs MfDR and M&E: Relational Function Institutionalizing M&E System in Country Settings Briefers on Core Attributes of M&E System Harmonized Capacity Building Strategies for Institutionalized M&E System
Monitoring Evaluation Clarifies programme objectives Analyses why intended results were or were not achieved Links activities and their resources to objectives Assesses specific causal contributions of activities to results Translates objectives into performance indicators and set targets Examines implementation process Routinely collects data on these indicators, compares actual results with targets Explores unintended results Reports progress to managers and alerts them to problems Provides lessons, highlights significant accomplishment or program potential, and offers recommendations for improvement Complementary Roles of Results-Based Monitoring and Evaluation 2nd Results- Based M&E Workshop Institutionalizing M&E System in Cambodia
With reference to APCOP MfDR Framework Attributes of Results-Based Monitoring and Evaluation Monitoring Evaluation Indicators from planning Methodology formulated or designed Institutional responsibilities defined Institutional responsibilities defined Data Management Systems specified (Data encoding, programming, processing and reporting) Results dessiminated or shared Stakeholders engagement Analysis and reporting specified 2nd Results- Based M&E Workshop Institutionalizing M&E System in Cambodia
Level of Results MfDR in Rural Development Workshop 6/7 December 2010 6
M&E System Defined A paper or computer-based tracking mechanism which is indicator-driven, outcome-led and impact-based derived from developed results of any specified intervention strategy, capturing changes contributing to the effectiveness and efficiency of any program development initiatives and setting.
3. Results-Based Management Logframe 2. Indicators Or Performance Measures 4. Development of tools and forms Results 1. Project Goals, Purposes, Objectives, and Specific Objectives 5. Data Management : Data Collection, Encoding and Programming Information Processing and Analysis 8. Information Sharing and Exchange or Feedback Mechanism 6. Institutional Arrangement 7. Interim Evaluation: Formative or Summative M&E System and Capacity Building Framework M&E System
Summary of the 2nd Workshop Key Results Capacity develop ment gaps identified Refine the Capacity Development Actions Across RDMs, Database Management needs a comprehensive capacity plan Identified the Capacity Gaps by RDMs Indicators Tools and Forms Database Management Institutional Responsibilities Covered Four Core Attributes in M&E Discussion on the capacity development actions for each gap identified Participants (27): MAFF, MRD, MOWRAM, MOP and ADB Institutionalizing M&E System in Cambodia
The capacity gaps in delivering M&E system were identified • The attributes of M&E to the results-based public sector management framework were linked. • The conduct of the workshop was effective, timely and relevant to the need of the ministries. • The sessions facilitated their learning in appreciating MfDR, Results-Based Public Sector Management (RBPSM) and M&E • The changes of their management in the respective ministries should be encouraged towards adopting the use of M&E system specifically on tools and forms, among others; • The discussions on M&E and Results-based PSM should continue and the participants see themselves as part of the country based networks or CoPs. Participants’ Feedback AP-CoP MfDR
Comments: 2nd M&E Workshop A Monitoring and Evaluation System have not been established. However, some components of the M&E system which have been existing were not linked to each other’s functionality and in some ways disjointed; Current M&E staffs either delegated or appointed are “trainable” individuals whose current skills could be “up-scaled” if and when appropriate M&E learning packages were to be designed; Interfaces on the functionality of the M&E system via institutional arrangement has to be integrated within the line ministries, national agencies and partners by adopting a common mechanism across RDMs; Despite an approved sub-decree creating Monitoring and Evaluation System, as a function within the Ministry of Planning and with the RDMs has not been established AP-CoP MfDR
Results-Oriented M&E Workshop Welcome to the 3rd APCOP-MfDR Results-Based M&E Workshop for Rural Development Ministries in Cambodia Session 3 : Identifying Capacity Development Gaps and Actions for Institutional Logframe Institutionalizing M&E System in Cambodia
Results-Oriented M&E Workshop Institutionalizing M&E System in Cambodia
Results-Oriented M&E Workshop Welcome to the 3rd APCOP-MfDR Results-Based M&E Workshop for Rural Development Ministries in Cambodia Session 5 : Identifying Capacity Development Gaps and Actions for Data Quality Assessment, Analysis and Reporting Institutionalizing M&E System in Cambodia
Results-Oriented M&E Workshop Institutionalizing M&E System in Cambodia
Results-Oriented M&E Workshop Welcome to the 3rd APCOP-MfDR Results-Based M&E Workshop for Rural Development Ministries in Cambodia Session 7 : Identifying Capacity Development Gaps and Actions for Evaluation Designs, Methodology and Approaches Institutionalizing M&E System in Cambodia
Results-Oriented M&E Workshop Institutionalizing M&E System in Cambodia
Results-Oriented M&E Workshop Welcome to the 3rd APCOP-MfDR Results-Based M&E Workshop for Rural Development Ministries in Cambodia Session 8 : Identifying Capacity Development Gaps and Actions for Feedback Mechanism Institutionalizing M&E System in Cambodia
Results-Oriented M&E Workshop Institutionalizing M&E System in Cambodia