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Both the methods have different implications for maintenance, SEO and design. They also have different advantages over the other. When we want to make a choice over converting HTML to WordPress, or vice versatile following article can help us.<br><br><br>More Info: https://bit.ly/34QtVRk
E C O N O M Y HOW WORDPRESS IS BETTER FROM STATIC HTML A very important decision which you must take as a website creator is how you are going to manage your content. The two main categories are the static HTML and the content management systems or CMS. Both the methods have different implications for maintenance, SEO and design. They also have different advantages but wordpress is better from the other. The following article can help uu to understand why should we choose wordpress over static HTML. 1 . A C O N T E N T M A N A G E M E N T S Y S T E M W I T H O U T H A V I N G T O C O D E : The main advantage of WordPress is that it has the capacity to root out the requirement for coding, from the website, daily. 2 . C H A N G I N G T H E A P P E A R A N C E O F T H E S I T E B E C O M E S E A S Y : A theme is present in every WordPress site. The theme is responsible for the appearance of the site on the frontend. 3 . I T B E C O M E S V E R Y E A S Y T O A D D N E W F U N C T I O N A L I T Y : WordPress has the presence of plugins, which help with the easy extension of the functionality of the site. 4 . R A P I D D E V E L O P M E N T A N D G R O W T H : WordPress has the presence of plugins, which help with the easy extension of the functionality of the site. 5 . Q U A L I T Y : As WordPress is extremely popular, the problems of themes and plugins also remain associated with WordPress. CONTACT US HIREWPGEEKS 127 PALM STREETSAN FRANCISCO, CA 94111 USA PHONE : +1 415 548 6170 SKYPE@HIREWPGEEKS EMAIL : SALES@HIREWPGEEKS.COM WEBSITE : HTTPS://WWW.HIREWPGEEKS.COM