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Dr. Hormoz Sanaeinasab is a highly qualified health education specialist and associate professor with expertise in various areas of health education, promotion, and public health. With extensive teaching experience at different academic levels, he has conducted educational workshops and published numerous papers on safety education, nutritional behaviors, occupational health, and more.
IDENTIFICATION • Name: Hormoz Sanaeinasab • Birth: 26,5, 1964 IRAN • Sex: MALE • M. Status: Married • Degree: B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D. • Specialist Health Education • Academic R. Associate Professor
EDUCATION • M.Sc., Health Education, School of Medicine, Tarbiat Modares Univ., Tehran, Iran, 3.0 Years • Ph.D., Health Education & Promotion, School of Medicine, Tarbiat Modares Univ., Tehran, Iran, 4.5 Years
TEACHING EXPERIENCES • Health Subjects including: • Health Education, group Dynamic, Health Schools, Community Health, Public Health, Instructional Technology, Health Promotion, Medical sociology , … For Under & Post Graduate Students of Medicine, Nursing, Health Education & Promotion, Public Health, Management, Occupational Health, at diff. Academic Levels ( B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D.)
TEACHING EXPERIENCES (cont.) Educational Workshops including: Research Methodology ( more than 12 cases) Continuous Education ( more than 10 cases)
PUBLISHED PAPERS-English 1-Sanaeinasab H., Ghofranipour F., Kazemnejad A., Khavanin A., Tavakoli R. The effect of safety education on promote in petrochemical workers’ safe-behaviors. European J. of scientific Research, 2008; 23 ( 1) : 167-176. 2-Tavakoli H., Sanaeinasab H., Tavakoli R., Karimi A. Effects of education on nutritional behaviors in Iranian military personnel. European J. of scientific Research, 2009; 3 ( 1): 209-213. 3-Sanaeinasab H., Ghofranipour F., Kazemnejad A., Khavanin A., Tavakoli R. Evaluation of knowledge, attitudes and behaviors of workers towards occupation Health & Safety. Iranian J. of Public Health, 2009; 38(2) :125-129. 4- Sanaei Nasab H., Tavakoli R., Tavakoli H., Rashidy Jahan H. Amin Shokravi F.Unwanted Pregnancy and Factors Influencing it in Pregnant Mothers Referring to Semnan’s Health Centers.World Applied Sciences Journal 2010; 9 (2): 199-203. 5- AmerionA, Sanaei Nasab H. & etal. Knowledge of Hospital Infection Control by Supervisors in Three Selected Military Hospitals in Islamic Republic of Iran. European Journal of Scientific Research. 2010; 44 (4 ): 660-665.
PUBLISHED PAPERS-English(cont.) 6- Motalebi GhaenM. , Sanaei Nasab H. & etal. Health Belief Model Based Safety Education on Supervisions of A Workshop Constructing Cement Factory. European Journal of Scientific Research 2010; 47 (4): 662-667. 7. A model based educational intervention to increase physical activity among Iranian adolescents. 8. Descriptive analysis of Iranian adolescents’ stages of change for physical activity behavior. 9.The effectiveness of education using the health belief model in preventing osteoporosis among female students. 10. Educational Intervention on Health Related Lifestyle Changes Among Iranian Adolescents. 11. Religious lessons and healthy lifestyle in Military Forces. 12. Knowledge of Hospital infection Control by Supervisors in Three Selected Military Hospitals in Islamic Republic of Iran. 13. Assessment of Patient Satisfaction and its Related Factors with Outpatient Services of Military Hospital Clinics in Iran.
PUBLISHED PAPERS-English(cont.) 14- Mohsen Saffari, Harold G. Koenig, Amir H. Pakpour, Hormoz Sanaeinasab, Hojat Rshidi Jahan, Mohammad Gamal Sehlo. Personal hygiene among military personnel: developing and testing a self-administered scale. Environ Health Prev Med (2014) 19:135–142. 15- Mohammadkarim Bahadori, Hormoz Sanaeinasab, Mostafa Ghanei, Ali Mehrabi Tavana, Ramin Ravangard, Mazyar Karamali. Disease Prevention with an Emphasis on the Lifestyle of Military Personnel According to the Social Determinants of Health. International Journal of Medical Reviews, Volume 2, Issue 2, Spring 2015. 16- Ahmad Ameryoun, Rouhollah Zaboli,Zahed Mehmandari,Shahram Tofighi , Hormoz Sanaei Nasab. The Survey of Management Information Systems inthe Project, Plan and Budget Deputy of theBaqiyatallah University of Medical Science inthe Perspective of Supervision and Architecture and By Using the Rational Methodology . International Journal of Medical Reviews, Volume 2, Issue 1, Winter2015. 17- Mohammadkarim Bahadori, Hormoz Sanaeinasab, Mostafa Ghanei, Ali Mehrabi Tavana, amin Ravangard,Mazyar Karamali. The Social Determinants of Health (SDH) in Iran: A Systematic Review Article. Iran J Public Health, Vol. 44, No.6, Jun 2015, pp.728-741. 18- Mohammadkarim Bahadori, Hormoz Sanaeinasab, Mostafa Ghanei, Ali Mehrabi Tavana, amin Ravangard,Mazyar Karamali. The Social Determinants of Health in Military Forces of Iran: A Qualitative Study. Journal of Environmental and Public Health 2015.
PUBLISHED PAPERS-Persian 1-Tavakoli R., SanaeiNasab H. Use of safety Belt . J. of World Health 1996; 11(1): 38-41. 2-Sanaie Nasab H., Tavakoli R., Jandaghi G.R. practicing safety-belt among drivers in Tehran. Scientific-Research Journal of Shahid Behshti University, 1999; 7(25):85-89 3-Tavakoli R., SanaeiNasab H. Prevalence and factors influencing Car Accidents in Sepah Land Force. . Journal of Military Medicine, 2006; 18(4):279-283. 4-Tavakoli H., Sanaeinasab H., Karimi A. , Tavakoli R. Knowledge, attitudes and practices toward desirable pattern of food consumption by a military population . Journal of Military Medicine, 2008; 10(2):129-136. 5- Saffari M, Sanaeinasab H, Rshidi Jahan H, Purtaghi GhH, Pakpour A H. Happiness, Self-efficacy and Academic Achievement among Students of Baqiyatallah Universityof Medical Sciences. Journal of Medical Education Development. 2013; 7 (13): 22-29. 6- Rouhollah Zaboli, Hormoz Sanaeinasab. SOCIAL DETERMINANTS Of HEALTH The Challenges and Solutions for Action of Social Determinants of Health in Iran: A Qualitative Study . Journal of Health Education and Health Promotion 2014; 2(1): 5-16.
PUBLISHED PAPERS-Persian(cont.) 7- Sanaie H., Ghofranipour F., Kazemnejad A., Khavanin A., Tavakoli R. Effects of safety education on promoting Labor’s safe behavior by using Integrated Precede-proceed Model , Socio-Cognitive, & Adult Learning. Behbood, Scientific J. of Kermanshah Med. Sc. University, 2008; 12(1):11-25. 8- Sanaie Nasab H., Delavari A., Tavakoli R., Samadi M., Naqizadeh M. Knowledge, attitudes and practices toward physical activity by staff of a medical university . Journal of Military Medicine, 2009; 11(1):25-30. 9- Sanaie Nasab H., Rashidijahan H., Tavakoli R., Tavakoli H., Aminshokravi F. Unplanned pregnancy and factors influencing it among mothers attending Health Centers. Research J. of School of Nursing (HAYAT), Tehran Medical University, 2009; 15(12):81-86. 10- Minoo Asadzandi, Roghayeh Sayari, Hormoz Sanayinasab, Abbas Ebadi, Fatemeh Rahmati Najarkolaei, Farzaneh Chavoshi. Sleep Disorders in Military Nurses. Journal of Police Medicine 2014; Vol. 3, No. 3: 149-158. 11- SalemM, RashidiJahan H, Tavakoli R, Sanaienasab H, pourtaghi Gh, karimizarchi A A. Study of work related diseases among staff of a hospital in Tehran. Journal of North Khorasan University of Medical Sciences 2014;6 (1): 71-79. 12- Sanaei Nasab H , Ameryoun A , Tofiqi Sh, Karimi Zarchi A, Keshtdar M, Soltani Zarandi MR. The effect of education on knowledge and attitudes of health managers about the management tasks in one of the Military Centers in Iran. Journal of nursing and medicine in Military. 2015
Address • Dept. of Health Education & Promotion, School of Health, Baqyiatallah University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran (I.R.). • Mobile: +989122271030 • E. Mail sanaei1343@gmail.com
Published Books 1-Sheridan, Mary Dorothy. Play in early childhood from birth to six years. Translated by: Tavakoli, R, Sanaei Nasab H, Barati F. Roshd, 2003. 2. W.H.O. Health community participation "policy and action plan". Translated by: Tavakoli, R, Sanaei Nasab H. 2006 3. Tavakoli R, Sanaei Nasab H, Rashidi Jahan H. W.H.O. and the most important activities in the last 50 years [1948- 1998]. Tchehr Co. 2001. 4- Saffari M., shojaeizadeh D., Pakpour A., Sanaeinasab H. Textbook of Educatinoal Technology in Health Field. Sobhan Co. 2013.
Seminar Presentation 1-Study of relationship Primipara’s age and her physical status during pregnancy period. 11th world congress on Human reproduction. 2002. Canada. 2-Study effects of education on nutritional behaviors in Iranian military personnel . 3rd International Euro FIR Congress. 2009. Autrich. 3- Study of relationship primipara,s age and her physical statues during pregnancy period. 12th world congress on human reproduction. 2003. Italy. 4- Unwanted pregnancies and related factors among attended in Health Centers of Semnan City. 13th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology. 2008. Italy.