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Millions of Americans Experience Cognitive, Ambulatory, Self-Care, and/or Independent Living Difficulties, 2012. 20.0 M . 14.3 M . 13.6 M . 7.7 M .
Millions of Americans Experience Cognitive, Ambulatory, Self-Care, and/or Independent Living Difficulties, 2012 20.0 M 14.3 M 13.6 M 7.7 M NOTE: Individuals ages five and over were assessed as having one or more difficulties due to “physical, mental, or emotional problems.” *Independent living difficulty was determined only for individual ages 18 and over. SOURCE: U.S. Census Bureau, 2012 American Community Survey 1-Year Estimates, available at: http://factfinder2.census.gov/faces/tableservices/jsf/pages/productview.xhtml?pid=ACS_12_1YR_S1810&prodType=table