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Automating Your Student Appointments. Raul and Mona. Session starters. Please silence all cell phones Please hold questions for question breaks Please state your name and organization when asking a question PowerPoints and handouts are available at www.csoresearch.com/csoconference
Automating Your Student Appointments Raul and Mona
Session starters Please silence all cell phones Please hold questions for question breaks Please state your name and organizationwhen asking a question PowerPoints and handouts are available at www.csoresearch.com/csoconference Sit back, relax and let’s have some fun!
Overview • Create Appointment Types • Create Administrator Availability • Viewing/Booking Appointments as Administrator • Viewing/Booking Appointments as a Student • Syncing Appointments
Creating Appointment Types • Tools > Setup > Appointments
Creating Appointment Types • Title:What will this appointment cover? This also becomes the subject of the observation note
Creating Appointment Types • Appointment Duration • How long will the appointment last?
Creating Appointment Types • Appointment Duration (Displayed to Student) • This is the time the student will actually see.
Creating Appointment Types • Lead Period • This is the amount of time before the appointment that the student will see this slot as available.
Creating Appointment Types • Freeze Period • This is the amount of time before the appointment where the student can no longer cancel or reschedule the appointment.
Creating Appointment Types • Sign-up Limit • This is tied to the Sign-up Limit Period. Determines the number of appointments a student can schedule for this reason.
Creating Appointment Types • Sign-up Limit Period • This is tied to the Sign-up Limit. It is the number of days before a student can schedule an appointment for a given reason after hitting the Sign-up Limit.
Creating Appointment Types • From Address • This is the email address that the reminder/confirmation/cancellation email will come from.
Creating Appointment Types • Lag Days • This is the number of days before the appointment date that reminder email will be sent to the student.
Creating Appointment Types • Slot Display Memo: • The text written here will display as notes at the top of the page above the available appointments the student sees.
Creating Appointment Types • Confirmation Memo: • This is the confirmation message the student sees once an appointment is selected.
Creating Administrator Availability • Indicate when you’re available for appointments • What type of appointments you’re available for Go to My Profile>Availability tab
Creating Administrator Availability Day of Week: What day are you available? Build Slots by Day of Week: You’re available for this appointment every Monday at the same time Build Slots by Individual Day: You’re available for this appointment on this Monday only
Creating Administrator Availability Appointment Type: What type of appointment are you available for? Setting availability for different appointment types must be set up individually
Creating Administrator Availability Appointment Duration: Lets you know what the set duration and the duration displayed is to students for this particular appointment type. This will help determine how many appointments you’re able to take during the allotted time
Creating Administrator Availability Block Start and Block End: Set the start and end time that you’re available for this appointment on this day.
Creating Administrator Availability Hide From Student View: Should students be able to see this appointment availability? If selected, this appointment availability will not be visible to students Appointment must be booked by admin
Creating Administrator Availability Hide My Name: Should students be able to see the counselor’s name? If selected, students cannot see the counselor’s name for this appointment
Creating Administrator Availability Description: This text will appear next to the appointment and will also be included in confirmation email. Include your office location or brief description of appointment
Viewing Appointments as Administrator There are two ways Admin’s can view appointments. Option 1: Go to My Profile and click View Appointment Calendar
Viewing Appointments as Administrator Booked appointments appear in red Open slots appear in yellow Regular calendar will show booked appointments only
Viewing Appointments as Administrator Option 2: Go To My Profile>View Activity>Appointment tab
Viewing Appointments as Administrator Under Appointment tab you can: • Indicate if student was a No Show • Create Observation Note
Booking Appointments as Administrator Go to student’s profile and click on Make Appointment
Booking Appointments as Administrator Select Appointment Type and Time Slot Confirm or Cancel
Booking Appointments as a Student Under I want to… Click Make Appointment
Booking Appointments as a Student Select Appointment Type and Time Slot Confirm or Cancel
Viewing Appointments as a Student Students can view appointments two ways Option 1: View My Activity>Appointment tab
Viewing Appointments as a Student Option 2: Appointments appear in calendar
Syncing Options • These options allow you to sync your appointments (and events) to your email client. • Google Sync • Outlook Sync ($)
Syncing Options • My Profile > Calendar Syncing
Thank you for attending! If you have any additional questions, please contact the Support Team or your CRM. What’s next? Evening event – Abel’s on the Lake! 6:00 pm Join us at Abel’s on the Lake for drinks, dinner and a live karaoke band! Meet us in the Sheraton lobby at 5:45pm for free shuttle transportation to the event. Sponsored in part by: