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Ethics and the Internet

Ethics and the Internet. Helga E. Rippen, MD, PhD, MPH CoChair, eHealth Ethics Initiative Chair, Internet Healthcare Coalition (Director of Medical Informatics, Pfizer Health Solutions, Inc.). Why Now?. Critical mass and exponential growth “New”/“non-health” participants

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Ethics and the Internet

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Ethics and the Internet Helga E. Rippen, MD, PhD, MPH CoChair, eHealth Ethics Initiative Chair, Internet Healthcare Coalition (Director of Medical Informatics, Pfizer Health Solutions, Inc.)

  2. Why Now? • Critical mass and exponential growth • “New”/“non-health” participants • Questionable practices • Bad press • Legislation/regulation concerns • Increased use of Internet by healthcare

  3. Code of Ethics eHealth Code Translation & Implementation Self-Regulation URAC, HON, Hi-Ethics, AMA Domain Name Restrictions WHO (dot.health) Regulation FTC, FDA…+

  4. The 8 Principles 1. Candour & trustworthiness 2. Truthfulness & non-deception 3. Quality 4. Informed consent 5. Privacy & data security 6. Professionalism & best practices 7. Responsible partnering 8. Accountability

  5. What Does This Mean to You? • Regulation and/or accreditation • Trust issue • You will be impacted -- so start now What Should You Do?

  6. Predictions • “New” profession -- ethics officer • Some regulation (escalation possible) • Included as part of accreditation

  7. Resources • eHealth Code of Ethics http://www.ihealthcoalition.org • Criteria for assessing Quality on the Internet http://hitiweb.mitretek.org/hswg

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