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Inventory @ Penfield Library

Inventory @ Penfield Library. Chris Hebblethwaite SUNY Oswego – Aleph v18 June 2009 Revision of 2004 SUNYAUG Presentation with Steve Massey-Crouch. Getting Started.

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Inventory @ Penfield Library

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  1. Inventory @ Penfield Library Chris Hebblethwaite SUNY Oswego – Aleph v18 June 2009 Revision of 2004 SUNYAUG Presentation with Steve Massey-Crouch

  2. Getting Started • First create xxx50/tab/tab_filing_call_no which contains filing procedures used by p-item-06 to build a z30_call_no_key for each of your items.

  3. Getting Started • Rebuild the call number index by running p-item-06. This builds a location key (field z30_call_no_key) in the Z30 table. The Z30 table holds item data.

  4. Example of an item from Z30: 01 z30_item \ 02 z30_rec_key \ 03 doc_number ................000013282 03 item_sequence .............000010 02 z30_barcode .................30263007849969 02 z30_sub_library .............OSWEG 02 z30_material ................BOOK . . . 02 z30_no_loans ................000 02 z30_alpha ...................L 02 z30_collection ..............MAIN 02 z30_call_no_type ............0 02 z30_call_no .................$$hH62 .R6565 1984 02 z30_call_no_key .............0 h62 r6565 1984 02 z30_call_no_2_type .......... 02 z30_call_no_2 ............... 02 z30_call_no_2_key ...........

  5. Oswego’s Workflow Select a call number range to be inventoried. Do a preliminary shelf read of the range. Scan each item’s barcode in the range. Use Sandbox to upload file of barcodes into Alephe/scratch. Run the Shelf Reading Report (p-item-04) from Services/Items. Technical Services Staff and Circulation Staff resolve problems identified in the reports. Stop

  6. Scanning the Collection: Oswego • Hardware • Symbol SPT 1800 Series (no longer available) • approx. $916.00 (Oct 2004) • Software • Palm Terminal Desktop Software which includes HotSync feature for transferring data to PC • Tracer+ Standard v2.1.0 ($58.58) – barcode collection application for the Palm OS (www.ptshome.com) • Email Chris for setup instructions (chris@oswego.edu).

  7. Scanning the Collection: Oswego • Hardware • JANAM XP20 • http://www.janam.com/xp20-handheld.php • approx. $995.00 (Dec 2007) • Software • Palm Terminal Desktop Software which includes HotSync feature for transferring data to PC • Tracer+ Standard v2.8.3 ($64.99) – barcode collection application for the Palm OS (www.ptshome.com) • Email Chris for setup instructions (chris@oswego.edu).

  8. Loading barcode file into Aleph • Upload a .txt file of scanned barcode data to the alephe/scratch directory using Sandbox.

  9. Shelf Reading Report (item_04) Form

  10. Shelf Reading Report (item_04) –cont.

  11. Filling in p-item-04 • Barcode Shelf Input File Name:Name of barcode file you uploaded to the alephe/scratch directory. Use lower case. • From/To Call No:Call number range of the barcodes you scanned. • P-item-04 includes up to your “To” call number so follow that call number with a “z” to be inclusive. • If you scanned an entire collection use the range a – zz. • If you scanned a portion of a collection use more precise call numbers: e12 a75 - e185 b884 1969z. • If your call numbers includes a location designation (we use a subfield “k” in the 852, ex. Browsing or Ref) include this designation as well: ref a13 c33 1967 – ref ha 202 h57 2006.

  12. Filling in p-item-04 cont. • Call No. type: This determines the correct sequence of items according to the Call No. type: LC is sorted differently than Dewey. • Call No./2nd Call No.: Set to First Call No. • Sublibrary: Check the box for your sublibrary – upper-case • Collection:Input collection code for the collection - upper-case. • Item Status & Item Process Status - Include/Exclude: Use these to include or exclude groups of items by item status or item processing status. For instance we exclude item processing statuses Missing,Discarded and Lost. • To add or remove statuses from the Item Processing Status drop down menus, added or remove them from /XXX_PROD/xxx50/tab/pc_tab_exp_field.eng. • The Item Statuses and Item Processing Statuses must also be defined in XXX_PROD/xxx50/tab/tab15.eng.

  13. Filling in p-item-04 cont. • Update Database: If Yes is selected, a run date is added to the Z30-LAST-SHELF-REPORT-DATE for each item that is found to be missing or mis-shelved. If you choose No, the date in the Z30-LAST-SHELF-REPORT-DATE will not be updated. • Output files: Note that there are two output files generated by p-item-04: • Output file for missing items report • Output file for mis-shelved items report. • Input a different file name for each. • Report formats can be changed by editing shelf-reading-report.xsl and shelf-misplaced-report.xsl in the XXX_PROD/osw01/form.eng • Sort Report By: We use Item Report Result because our technical services staff troubleshoot certain results and our circulation staff troubleshoot others.

  14. Missing Items Report

  15. Missing Items Report –statuses & causes • Not in Scope • Item is not in the range of call numbers specified in p-item-04. • Barcode was misread by the scanner so did not match the barcode in the item record. In these instances no title or call number will appear in the report and the actual item will appear on the report under Item Missing. • Scanned barcode does not match the one in the item record. • Scanned barcode is missing from the item record. • Item has an Item Processing Status (IPS) that was “excluded” in p-item-04 but the item was actually on the shelf. • Item either has an incorrect collection code or was mis-shelved into the collection you scanned. • 852 field has an incorrect 1st indicator for the call no. For LC the 1st indicator should be zero and the second blank.

  16. Not in Scope – cont. Item record has the Temporary Location box checked . Item record was not linked to the holdings record. Item Missing Item is not on the shelf but should be. Item is not on the shelf because it is lost or has been discarded and it has the appropriate Item Processing Status, but you have “included” these Item Processing Statuses in p-item-04. Item is on the shelf but was not actually scanned. Item is in the process of being orders, arrived, or cataloged. Copy on loan Item is checked out. If the item is checked out but has been reshelved by accident, the report will still say that it is on loan. Missing Items Report –statuses & causes cont.

  17. Duplicate barcode Multiple items may have the same barcode. Item may have been scanned multiple times. Missing Items Report –statuses & causes cont.

  18. Holdings Record

  19. Missing Items Report –statuses & causes cont.

  20. Mis-shelved Items Report

  21. Mis-shelved Items Report • Mis-shelved items from outside the call number range will not show up on the Mis-shelved Items Report. They will, however, show up on the Missing Items Report with a status of “Not in Scope.” • According to a October 2, 2008 Exlibris Knowledge Base #16384-8898, p-item-04 expects items in multi-volume sets with the same call number to be in order by their Z30-SEQUENCE-NUMBER, which they may or may not be. It does not check things like the enumeration or description fields. So if your multi-volume sets do not have the sequential Z30-SEQUENCE-NUMBERs, they will appear out of order on the Mis-shelved Items Report. More investigation is needed.

  22. For Your Convenience • A revision of the full Oswego/TC3 inventory PowerPoint will be posted on the SUNY Oswego ALEPH/ExLibris Resources page. This page is linked off the SUNY OLIS Support Portal. • The SUNY OLIS Support Portal is a secured linked off the SUNY Connect page. http://www.sunyconnect.suny.edu/.

  23. Questions

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