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Univ. Santiago de Compostela Univ. Madrid Univ. Valencia. CLRC Daresbury Univ. Keele Univ. Liverpool Univ. Manchester Univ. Paisley Univ. Surrey Univ. York. FZ Juelich FZ Rossendorf GSI Darmstadt HMI Berlin LMU Muenchen MPI Heidelberg TU Darmstadt Univ. Bonn Univ. Koeln.
Univ. Santiago • de Compostela • Univ. Madrid • Univ. Valencia • CLRC Daresbury • Univ. Keele • Univ. Liverpool • Univ. Manchester • Univ. Paisley • Univ. Surrey • Univ. York • FZ Juelich • FZ Rossendorf • GSI Darmstadt • HMI Berlin • LMU Muenchen • MPI Heidelberg • TU Darmstadt • Univ. Bonn • Univ. Koeln • Univ. Milano • INFN Genova • INFN Legnaro • INFN/Univ. Napoli • INFN/Univ. Padova • Univ. Camerino • Univ. Firenze • IFIN, Bucharest • CEA Saclay • CSNSM Orsay • GANIL Caen • IPN Orsay • KTH Stockholm • Univ. Lund • Univ. Uppsala • IFJ Krakow • IPJ Swierk • Univ. Krakow • Univ. Warszawa • KU Leuven • NBI Copenhagen RISING: Rare Isotope Spectroscopic INvestigation at GSI M. Górska, GSI Darmstadt OPEN COLLABORATION • Australian Nat. • Univ., Canberra
Introduction RISING nuclear structure goals isospin symmetry shell evolution far from stability astrophysical interests Experimental tools Results on exotic nuclei Future at FAIR Outline
r-Process and Supernovae RISING: Nuclear structure interest Isospin competition/symmetry |Tz|=T =1: Iπ=0+ Sp=0 T=0 : Iπ=1+or (2j)+ rp-Process Novae and X-ray bursts N=Z Sn=0 Shell evolution/quenching Proton number Neutron number
Shell structure:Experimental evidence for magic numbers close to stability Nuclei with magic number of neutrons/protons have 21+ state at higher energy low value of B(E2: 21+→0+) transition probability If we move away from stability?
j< neutron j> j’< proton j’> Shell evolution away from stability 3212Mg20 4020Ca20 T. Otsuka et al., PRL 87, 082502 (2001) T. Otsuka et al., PRL 95, 232502 (2005)
stable nucleus neutron rich nucleus Shell quenching for very n-rich nuclei Potential shape: Wood Saxon (WS) → Harmonic Oscillator (HO) T.R. Werner, J. Dobaczewski, W. Nazarewicz, Z. Phys. A358 (1997) 169 need for radioactive nuclear beams
Accelerator facility at GSI • The Accelerators: • UNILAC(injector) E=11.4 MeV/n • SIS 18Tmcorr. U 1 GeV/n • Beam Currents: • 238U - 108 pps • some medium mass nuclei- 109 pps • (A~130) γ spectroscopy setup: • FRS provides secondary radioactive ion beams: • fragmentation or fission of primary beams • high secondary beam energies: 100 – 700 MeV/u • fully stripped ions
Secondary beam production spectroscopy selection <1GeV/u identification reaction identification 100-700MeV/u 35m Bρ - ∆E - Bρ CATE SI-CsI
RISINGexperiment types “beam cocktail” or almost pure beam (238U fission fragments recorded at the FRS) • experiments at β=0.5-0.7 • decay experiments Each type of experiments requires a dedicated Ge-detector arrangement !
Ge Cluster Ge Miniball RISING g-array for fast beams Typically: 100MeV/u, εg=0.06, ∆Eg/Eg=0.02 Target chamber CATE beam
Y Z X A/Q DE Y E X Secondary beam and fragment IDbefore the target after the target
84Kr (113 AMeV) + Au (0.4 g/cm2) CATE g MW MW Si CsI Target Counts Qg 882 Qp FWHM ~ 1.5 % Counts Eg [keV] 84Kr 2+® 0+ Eg [keV] Scattering angle • reaction selection • g-ray Doppler shift correction
Radioactive beam Coulomb excitation T.R. Saito et.al. submitted to PRC 10% error bar in B(E2) 136Nd 21+ 0+ First observation of a second excited 2+ state populated in a Coulomb experiment at 100AMeV using RISING Counts 22+ 21+ 22+ 0+ Energy [keV]
RISING: Fast beam campaign - physics focus convener: P. Reiter, University of Cologne (submitted to PRC) Coulex in triaxial nuclei 136Nd (PRC) 2005 Coulex in nuclei towards 100Sn (submitted to EPJA) Spectroscopy of mirror nuclei (A~50) via two-step fragmentation PRL in preparation Pigmy resonance in n-rich nuclei (PLB in print) (PLB) 2005 Spectroscopy of 36Ca via two-step fragmentation Coulex in n-rich Cr isotopes
Shell evolution: Cr isotopes Prediction of new subshell closures in N=32,34 GXPF1 KB3G GXPF1A E(2+) New Shell gap ? Courtesy: T. Otsuka
Coulomb excitation in N=30-34 Cr A. Bürger et al., Phys. Lett B622, 29 (2005) Calculations: GXPF1: T. Otsuka et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 082502 (2001) GXPF1A: T. Otsuka et al., Eur. Phys. J. A 13,69 (2002) KB3G: E. Caurier et al., Eur. Phys. J. A 15, 145 (2002)
Mirror (Isospin) symmetry in T=2 36S – 36Ca • Is N=20 shell quenching in 32Mg20 • symmetric in isospin projection Tz? • shell evolution • small neutron binding energy N=Z 14O 16O 14C
36Ca E(2+) in secondary fragmentation P. Doornenbal PhD thesis, Phys. Lett. B, in print 2+ 3015(16) keV MED: ∆EM = Ex(I, Tz=-T) – Ex(I, Tz=+T) = 36Ca E(2+)- 36S E(2+) = - 276(16) keV !!! In agreement with USD1 calculation using ESPE from 17O and 17F Reason for the displacement: structure - reduction of Z=20 shell gap coupling to continuum ( small proton binding energy) [1] B.A. Brown, B.H. Wiedenthal: Ann. Rev. of Nucl. Part. Sci. 38, 29 (1988)
Experiments with Stopped Beams production selection spectroscopy identification stopping Ge- array
Stopped Rising Array @ GSI: 15 x 7 element CLUSTERs εγ=11% at 1.3 MeV, 20% at 550 keV, 35% at 100 keV flight time ~300ns
RISING: Stopped beams focus Convenor: P. Regan, University of Surrey PRL, in prep. PRL, in prep. PRL, in prep. Nature, submitted
Gamma Energy-Time Correlations D. Rudolph, Lund University
Mirror pair 54Ni and 54Fe D. Rudolph, Lund University
Astrophysics relevance for n-rich nuclei 204Pt 130Cd b:Dillman et al., PRL, 91, 162503 (2003) 2+::Kautzsch, T. et al. Eur. Phys. J. A9, 201-206 (2000) Langanke, K. & Martínez-Pinedo, G. Rev. Mod. Phys.75, 819-862 (2003)
2.59 2.61 2.63 2.65 2.67 2.69 2.71 130Cd from fission and fragmentation A. Jungclaus et al., Nature, submitted Lucia Caceres and Ewa Werner-Malento PhD theses gg-coincidences
130Cd level scheme and A-1 scaling SM: F. Nowacki, G. Martínez-Pinedo et al.
20478Pt126: 4 proton holes in 208Pb experiment and theory Zs. Podolyák, Surrey University Problems: states with πd5/21 order of πd3/2-1h11/2-1 and πs1/2-1h11/2-1 ? 206Hg 204Pt 80 126 78 126 → description of the observed states requires SPE or INT modification
Stopped Beam - Active Stopper P.H. Regan (convenor) implantation-particle decay correlation 3 double-side silicon-strip detectors - surface 5x5 cm2 - thickness 1 mm - 2 x 16 3.125 mm strips - manufactured by MICRON
New result from yesterday evening P. Regan et al., University of Surrey 190Ta:ion gatedb delayed g-ray spectrum T1/2 ~ 16s 2+ in 190W
SIS 100/300 SIS UNILAC FRS ESR HESR Super FRS CR NESR RESR The Future International Facility at GSI:FAIR - Facility for Antiproton and IonResearch Nuclear Matter Physics with 35-45 GeV/u HI beams NUclear STructure, Astrophysics and Reactions with radioactive beams Plasma Physics with compressed ion beams & high- intensity (petawatt) laser Hadron Physics with antiprotons High EM Field (HI) --- Fundamental Studies (HI & p) Applications (HI) 100 m
300 300 300: 300 300 Expected rates of rare isotope beams at FAIR SFRS facility
Physics Example: the Zr isotopes (Z=40) 90Zr50104Zr64110Zr70122Zr82 spherical deformed (β=0.45) spherical ? Coulomb excitation Decay 32/s 0.05/day Lifetime: >1 s 1.2 s <1 s T.R. Werner, J. Dobaczewski, W. Nazarewicz, Z. Phys. A358 (1997) 169
NEUTRON DETECTOR GE γ-ARRAY RADIOACTIVE BEAM NUSTAR@FAIRHISPECDESPEC(fast, slow beams) (stopped beams) AGATA + ancillary detectors Magnetic Spectrometer Selectivity and sensitivity improvement ~103
Summary 2003-2005Scattering experiments: shell evolution in neutron rich and neutron deficient nuclei isospin symmetry around N=Z shapes collective excitations 2005g-RISING: magnetic moment measurements 2006 Decay experiments: many new isomeric states! reaching r-process path 2007Active stopper – first results! Future: experiments at FAIR/SFRS: e.g. >110Zr...HISPEC/DESPEC Towards new phenomena at the limits of nuclear existence!
A. Banu(Texas I&M), C. Fahlander(Lund), D. Rudolph (Lund), A. Poves(Madrid),F. Nowacki(Strasbourg), A. Bürger(Bonn), P. Reiter(IKP Köln), H. Hübel(Bonn), P. Doornenbal(GSI/Köln), P.Regan(Surrey), H. Grawe(GSI), L.Caceres(GSI/Madrid), A. Bracco(Milan), J. Jolie(Köln), P. Nolan(Daresbury), F. Camera(Milan), G. Neyens(Leuven), D. Balabanski(Sofia), S. Steer(Surrey), R. Hoischen(Lund), T. Otsuka(Tokyo), S. Pietri(Surrey), M. Hjorth-Jensen(Oslo), A. Garnworthy(Surrey), A. Jungclaus(Madrid), M. Pfützner(Warsaw), Zs. Podolyak(Surrey), E. Werner-Malento(GSI/Warsaw), H.J. Wollersheim (GSI), J.Gerl (GSI)...and many others For the RISING collaboration Collaboration