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IN THE NAME OF GOD. CLASSIFICATION OF DIABETIC RETINOPATHY. M.R.AKHLAGHI MD. CLASSIFICATION OF DIABETIC RETIMOPATHY. It is based on ophthalmoscopic signs. Ophthalmoscopic Signs of DR. Microaneurysms Hemorrhage Hard Exudate Cotton-wool Intraretinal Microvascular Abnormalities (IRMA)
CLASSIFICATION OF DIABETIC RETIMOPATHY • It is based on ophthalmoscopic signs
Ophthalmoscopic Signs of DR • Microaneurysms • Hemorrhage • Hard Exudate • Cotton-wool • IntraretinalMicrovascular Abnormalities (IRMA) • Venous Beading • New Vessels:(NVD) < 1 disc diameter from the optic nerve, (NVE) new vessels elsewhere, • Vitreous & Preretinal Hemorrhages (VH) • Fibrous Proliferations
MICROANEURYSMS • The retinal capillary rnicroaneurysmis usually is the first visible sign of diabetic retinopathy • identined clinically by ophthalmoscopy as deep-red dots varying from 15 to 60 micrometers in diameter, are most common in the posterior pole.
RETINAL HEMORRHAGE • Hemorrhage within the nerve fiber layer tends to be flame shaped, (1). • In the inner layer, hemorrhage is aligned at right angles to the retinal surface and is viewed end-on when using an ophthalmoscope; these hemorrhages appear dot (2) or blot shaped (3).
The clinical differentiation between dot hemorrhages and microaneurysms is difficult. Fluorescein angiography will discriminate. • Vision is unaffected by these appearances but multiple blot hemorrhages imply significant retinal ischemia,
Hard exudates • Discrete white-yellow lipid deposits in the posterior pole • Commonly seen in a circinate pattern peripheral to the areas of leakage • May present as large, confluent exudation • Hard exudates are found principally in the macular region and as the lipids coalesce and extend into the central macula (fovea), vision can be severely compromised
COTTON WOOL SPOT • Localized, white-yellowish, fluffy areas of nerve fiber layer edema • Symptoms: • Asymptomatic • Various degree of blurry vision
VENOUS BIDDING • occur as retinal ischaemia progresses. Beading is a useful sign of diffuse retinal ischaemia
INTRARETINAL MICROVASCULAR ABNORMALITIES (IRMA) • IRMAs are areas of capillary dilatation and intraretinal new vessel formation
NEW VESSEL • As the retina becomes more ischaemic new blood vessels may arise from the optic disc or in the periphery of the retina. The vessels usually originate from large veins and are initially seen as fine tufts on the surface of the disc...
As the new vessels mature, connective tissue and fibrosis (gliosis) occurs • allowing the vitreous to exert traction which may cause retinal detachment
CLASSIFICATION OF Retinopathy • Diabetic Retinopathy • Non-proliferative • Proliferative • Macular edema • Clinically significant (CSME)
Non-Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy (NPDR) • Mild NPDRMicroaneurysms only • Moderate NPDRMore than just microaneurysms but less than severe NPDR • Severe NPDR(4-2-1 rule) and no signs of PDR Severe intraretinal H or MA in each of four quadrants, venous beading in two or more quadrants Moderate IRMA in one or more quadrants • Very severe NPDR two or more of the characteristics of severe NPDR
PHOTO 2A: Hemorrhages of this severity in 4 quadrants = “severe NPDR”
Diabetic Macular Edema • Breakdown of blood-retinal barrier lead to: • Leakage of plasma from small blood vessels in the macula • Swelling of central retina • Hard exudate from resorption of fluid Klein et al. Ophthalmology 1995;102:7-16
Clinically Significant Macular Edema ( CSME) • The leading cause of visual loss amongst diabetics. Diagnosed by stereoscopic assessment of retinal thickening, • Defined as the presence of one or more of the following, ( Modified Airlie -House Criteria ) • Retinal edema within 500 microns of the centre fovea. • Hard exudates within 500 microns of fovea if associated with adjacent retinal thickening • Retinal edema that is one disc diameter or larger, any part of which is within one disc diameter of the centre of the fovea.
PDR One or more of the following: Neovascularization Vitreous hemorrhage Preretinal hemorrhage • high-risk PDR New vessels within 1 disc diameter of the optic disc that are larger than disc area. Vitreous or preretinal hemorrhage associated with less extensive new vessels at the optic disc, or with new vessels elsewhere ½ disc area or more in size.
Microaneurysms (MA): Level 20 MA + haemorrhages: Level 35 MA + hard exudate: Level 35 HMA, CWS or IRMA: Levels 43-47 HMA + beading + IRMA: Level 53 Proliferative: Levels 61+ Example retinopathy lesions