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Unit 4 Making Reservations

Unit 4 Making Reservations. back. Section I. Talking Face to Face. back. Teaching Objectives:. To understand hotel ads To get to know some knowledge of hotel ask students to find out the patterns and expressions used for making reservations and checking in or out at a hotel

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Unit 4 Making Reservations

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  1. Unit 4 Making Reservations back

  2. Section I Talking Face to Face back

  3. Teaching Objectives: • To understand hotel ads • To get to know some knowledge of hotel • ask students to find out the patterns and expressions used for making reservations and checking in or out at a hotel • To be able to use some useful expressions about making reservations and checking in or out at a hotel back

  4. Part I Leading in • Pre-class Work • Warming up for the new class back

  5. 1. Pre-class Work 1)Preview advertisements made by hotel 2)Find out the words and expressions to talk about Hotel Ads back

  6. Holiday Hotel Guest Services Guide Fax (801) 359-2859 Reservations 800-466-8356 ※ 109 Rooms ※ Newly Renovated (重新装修) ※ Free Local Calls ※ Free Breakfast ※ Outdoor Pool ※ Ski Area Nearby ※ Non-smoking Rooms ※ Children Stay Free ※ Coffee Available from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. ※ Office is Open 24 Hours Sample 1 next

  7. 1.reservation [ .rezə‘veiʃən ] n. 预定 arrange for and reserve (something for someone else) in advance *.I'd like to make a reservation. 我想订票。 2.reserve [ ri‘zə:v ] vt. 保留,预订,延期 something reserved in advance (as a hotel accommodation or a seat on a plane etc.) * Please reserve a seat for me. 请为我预定一个座位 *

  8. 3.advertise v. [ ‘ædvətaiz ]  vi. 登广告 v. 为...做广告 make publicity for; try to sell (a product) We decided to advertise our new product. 我们决定为我们的新产品做广告。 4.advertisement n. [ ædvər'taizmənt ] a public promotion of some product or service *There are too many TV advertisements in between the program. 这个电视节目中的广告太多了 。

  9. 4.available [ ə‘veiləbəl ]  a. 可用的,有效的 obtainable or accessible and ready for use or service *This was the only available room. 只剩下那个房间可用了。 *Do you have a room available? 你们有空房间吗? 5.renovate v. [ ‘renəveit ] 更新,革新,刷新 make brighter and prettier 6.renovation n. [ .renə‘veiʃən ] n. 革新,刷新,修理 the act of improving by renewing and restoring *The hotel will reopen next week after its£1 million renovation. 该饭店在花费一百万英镑将其整修后将于下星期重新开放。

  10. Village Green InnInformation for guests in Room 125:1personper day$502persons per day$653persons per day $704persons per day$75  ◎Please do not leave pets unattended in rooms.   ◎Check-out time: 11:00 a.m. ◎Please leave key in room when checking out.   ◎All jewelry (首饰) and other valuables must be checked at the reception; otherwise, the proprietor(业主) will not be responsible for any loss.    ◎Kindly report any inattention (怠慢) on the part of any employee to the management. Sample 2 back

  11. 1.inn[ in ]  n. 客栈,小旅店 a hotel providing overnight lodging for travelers *It was raining; they had to stay in the inn the whole day. 下雨了,他们不得不在旅馆里待了一整天。 *They put up at an inn for the night. 他们在一家小客栈里过夜. 2.rate n.[ reit ] n.价格v amount of a charge or payment relative to some basis advertising rates 广告费 insurance rates 保险费 postal rates 邮寄费 3.unattended adj. [ 'ʌnə'tendid ]  lacking accompaniment or a guard 无随员的,无侍从的,无伴的 unattended luggage 无人看管的行李 an unattended fire. 没有注意的火灾

  12. 4.jewelry n. [ ‘dʒu:əlri ]  n. 珠宝,珠宝类 5.proprietor n. [ prə'praiətə ]  n. 所有者,经营者 (law) someone who owns (is legal possessor of) a business I've written a complaint to the proprietor of the hotel. 我向旅馆老板写信投 6.inattention n. [ .inə'tenʃən ]不注意,粗心,疏忽 lack of attention 7.employee n. [ .emplɔi'i:, im'plɔii ]  n. 雇员 a worker who is hired to perform a job This employee was dismissed for laziness. 这名雇员因为懒惰而被解雇。

  13. 2. Warming up for the new class When you travel, most often you have to make reservations at a hotel, therefore you must know how to book a hotel room and how to check in or check out at a hotel. They are quite useful and important pieces of information and this unit will tell you how. back

  14. Making reservations background Reservations are conducted at the front desk by the bell-man. The bell-man answer the travelers’ enquiry and arrange the room to the travelers. The bell-man is also responsible for confirm change and cancellation. There are all kinds of ways to make reservations. Travelers reserve the room by writing to the hotel and calling. Travelers are able to book personally. The bellman check the rooms have been full up or not at first, and record the related information.

  15. Sample 1 I Would Like to Book a Double Room R: Holiday Hotel, Reservations. May I help you? G: Yes. I would like to book a double room for my family.  R: All right. For which dates, please? G: Next weekend. That is for May 18th and 19th. R: Let me check if we have a room available then. Oh, yes, we do. G: Good. I would like to have a non-smoking room.

  16. Sample 1 I Would Like to Book a Double Room R: There are many non-smoking room available in our hotel. May I have your name, please? G: Charles Wilson.By the way,do you have any golf course nearby?  R: Sorry,but we have a swimming pool,and we provide some other services. G: That’s fine.Shall I send you a deposit? R: No,you don’t have to,you may pay on arrival.

  17. Task One Here is a group of short dialogues. Follow the examples to make more conversations with your partner. A:Good evening. Peace Hotel. Reservation. May I help you?   B: Yes. I’m calling from Toronto. I would  like to book 6 double rooms for three  nights in your hotel for September 1st, 2nd and 3rd.   A: Could you give me your name and telephone number, please?   B: It’s John Smith. The telephone number  is 854-1734.   A: All right. Please reconfirm your reservation before you arrive. B: All right. I’ll do that.   Task: You are leaving for New York tomorrow. Make a reservation at a hotel there by  telephone.  

  18. Task Three A: May I help you, sir? B: Yes. I would like to stay in this hotel. A: Welcome. What kind of room do you prefer? B: A single room with a balcony. A: Yes, we have one. B: What’s the rate? A: Sixty dollars a night, including breakfast. B: All right. Task: You come to a hotel and ask for a single room with a good view.

  19. 预订旅馆: 1.deposit[ di'pɔzit ]  n.定金 a payment given as a guarantee that an obligation will be met 2.arrival[ə'raivəl ] n. 到达,到来 the act of arriving at a certain place *The secretary informed me of his arrival. 秘书通知我他来了。 3.reconfirm[ 'ri:kən'fə:m ]再确认 confirm again *I'd like to reconfirm my reservation. 我要再确认我的预约 4.balcony[ 'bælkəni ]  n. 阳台 platform projecting from the wall of a building and surrounded by a balustrade or railing or parapet *A balcony is a platform with a wall. 阳台是有墙的平台。 *I always do some exercise on the balcony. 我经常在阳台上做些锻炼。 5.including[ in'klu:diŋ ] prep. 包含,包括 *They have many pets, including three cats. 他们有很多宠物, 猫就有三只.

  20. A: Making a Reservation • 客人预定房间: • 1.I need to make a reservation for this weekend. =I’d like to reserve/book a room for this weekend. • 我需要预定这个周末的房间。 • 2. Do you have any rooms available for Friday ? = Is there a room available for Friday ? • 你们星期五有房间吗? • 客人告知时间和人数; • 1. Could you manage 4 doubles and 6 singles—for a week that would be . • 请安排4间双人房和6间单人房—住一星期。 • 2.I’d like to book a single room from July 15 to July 18, please. • 我想预订一个单人间,7月15日到7月18日用。 • 3.I’d like to book a single room for six days. • 我想订一个单间,为期六天。

  21. A: Making a Reservation • 客人对房间的要求 • I’d like to reserve a single room with a bathroom. 我想预订有洗澡间的一间单人间。 • I want a quiet room. 我需要一个安静的房间。 • Do you have a room with a nice view ? 有没有能观赏风景的房间? • Do you have a cheaper/better room ? 有没有更便宜、更好的房间? • 客人询问房价 • Do I pay in advance ? 我需要先交预付款吗? • Do you need a deposit? 需要付押金吗? • How much a single room (a double room) for a day ? • 单人间(双人间)一天多少钱? • Does it include tax and service charge 含税和服务费吗?

  22. A: Making a Reservation • 接待员接听电话: • Room reservation. May I help you ? 客房预订部,我能帮助你吗? • May I have your name ? 请告诉我您的名字。 • May I have your phone number? 可以留下你的电话号码吗? • We’re glad to accept your booking. 我们很高兴接受你的预订。 • 接待员询问情况: • How long do you intend to stay ? 你打算住多久? • At what接待员接听电话: • time will you arrive ? 您什么时间到? • How many guests will there be in your party ? 你们一行有多少人? • For what date ? 请问什么时间住?

  23. A: Making a Reservation • 接待员询问对房间的选择情况: • What kind of room would you prefer, a single room or a double room ? • 要什么样的房间?单人房还是双人房? • We don’t have a single room available. Would you mind a double room instead ? • 我们现在没有单人房间。双人房怎末样? • What sort of price did you like to pay ? • 你想要什么价位的房间? • 接待员与客人协调房间: • I’m afraid we have no triple rooms but we can put an extra bed into one of our double rooms. • Would that suit you ? • 我们恐怕没有三人房了,但是我们可以在双人房里另加一张床,这样可以吗? • I’m sorry, but we’re fully booked for single rooms. Would you like to have a double one ? • 抱歉,我们的单人房都客满了,您要不要一间双人房?

  24. Check-in procedure background • When you want to check in a hotel, you must show your passport. Check-in procedure is mostly handled in the hall. You must take good care of jewelry and other valuables and take the passport and travelers’ check with you at any moment, even when you have a bath. If you lose them, you won’t able to do anything.

  25. Sample 2 I Have a Reservation with You L: Hello, who’s calling please? R: Good evening! Welcome to Village Green Inn. What can I do for you? G: I have a reservation with you. R: May I have your name please? G: Tom Addison. R: Yes, Mr. Addison. May I have a look at your passport, please? G: Ok, here you are. R: Would you please fill out the registration form? G: All right. What’s the rate for one person per night?

  26. Sample 2 I Have a Reservation with You R: $69. G: Do you accept traveler’s checks? R: Sure. Here is the key card to Room 4312. The bell-man will you the way. G: Thanks. I will be leaving tomorrow. When shall check out? R: Any time before 11:00 a.m. G: All right. I will remember that.

  27. Task Two A: Good evening. Can I help you? B: Yes, I’m Linda Green. I have made a room reservation here. A: Let me check. Yes, there it is. A single room for one night. We are glad to have you here, Mrs. Green. B: Miss Green. A: I’m sorry, Miss Green. Would you please fill out this registration form? B: Certainly. Here it is. Task: You want to check into a hotel for which you have already made a reservation.

  28. 办理登记入住手续: • 1.registration[ .redʒis'treiʃən ]  n. 登记,注册 • the act of making an official record of sb./sth. • *Please write your home address on the registration form. • 请在这张登记表上写下你的家庭住址。 • 2.check[ tʃek ]  n.支票. • a written order directing a bank to pay money • .*He wrote his mother a check. • 他给母亲开了一张支票 • v. 检查,阻止,核对 • to find out if sth.is correct or true or sth. Is how you think it is • *Go and check that I’ve locked the window. • *Is Mary in the office ? • Just a moment, I’ll go and check. • 3.bell—man= receptionist:[ ri'sepʃənist ]n. 接待员 • a secretary whose main duty is to answer the telephone and receive visitors • *I will leave a message with the receptionist. • 我会给前台小姐留个口信。

  29. B :Check-in Procedure • 接待员询问是否有预订 • Do you have any reservation, sir ? 先生,您预订过房间吗? • We have you reservation here. 我们有你的预订。 • There’s no reservation under your name.这里没有以您的名字预订的客房 • 客人回答预订情况: • I have a reservation here for tonight. 我预定过今晚的房间。 • I’m sure I have reserved a single room.我确定我已订了一间单人房。

  30. B :Check-in Procedure • 接待员办理登记过程: • May I have a look at your passport, sir ? 我可以看一下您的护照吗? • Would you fill out this registration card ? 您能填一下住宿登记卡吗? • Could you please sign here? 请您在这儿签字好吗? • 客人办理登记过程: • 1. Do you accept travelers’check ?您这儿接受旅行支票吗? • 接待员登记完成后: • Here is the key card to Room 208. 这是208房间的房卡。 • Make sure you have the key with you all the time.请务必随身带着钥匙。 • Please return your key before you leave.离开时,请您归还钥匙。 • We offer 24-hour service at the front desk.我们前台提供24小时服务。

  31. Checking Out Background • When check out, the bell-man can pay special attention to the matters as follows: • 1)They will check whether you have paid the deposit reservation or not. • 2) They will check whether you enjoy discount or not. • 3) They will remind you to return you room key to the reception desk. • 4) If you use the travelers’ check, you must sign at the Casher’s counter.

  32. Task Five A: Good morning. I would like to check out. B: OK. Please tell me your room number. A: I’m in Room 1003. B: Yes, Mr. Williams. You checked in last Friday. That’s seven days. A: Yes. B: Let’s look at your bill. At thirty dollars per night, that’s 210 dollars. A: That’s right. May I pay by traveler’s check? B: Of course. Task: Check out of a hotel after a week’s stay there.

  33. C:Check-out • 客人办理结帐过程: • I’d like to check out. • 我想退房。 • I’d like to pay our bill now. • 我想现在结帐。 • Would you please close my account ? • 请给我结帐,好吗? • May I pay by traveler’s check ? • 我可以付旅行支票吗?

  34. C:Check-out • 接待员办理退房过程: • How will you pay your bill, cash or credit card ? • 你要怎么付帐,是现金还是信用卡? • I’m sorry, but we’re not allowed to accept personal checks. • 很抱歉,我们不接受个人支票。 • I’m afraid we don’t accept credit cards. • 我们恐怕不接受信用卡。 • Here is your bill, sir. That makes a total of 660 U.S. dollars. Please check it. • 这是你的帐单,先生。总共660美元,请复核。 • We hope you’ve enjoyed your stay here and have a good journey. • 希望你们在我们这儿过得愉快。祝一路顺风。

  35. Task Four A: Can I help you? B: I’d like to book a double room for two nights. A: I’m awfully sorry. We don’t have any room available now. We usually have high occupancies (占用) in the peak season. B: No problem, I’ll try some other hotels. Task:Your booking of a hotel room is denied for the peak season.

  36. 客房已满时: • 1.occupancy:[ 'ɔkjupənsi ]  n. 占有率(占用,居住期间) 名词复数:occupancies • the act of occupying or taking possession of a building • 2.peak:[ pi:k ]  adj.高峰时期的 • A time the greatest number of people are doing sth. Or using sth. • the peak season 旺季 the off season 淡季 • peak viewing time (电视的) 黄金时段 • 3.deny:[ di'nai ] v. 否认 • refuse to allow sb. to have sth. that they want or ask for • *deny sb. sth.=deny sth. to sb. • *No one can deny the fact that fire burns. • 无人能否认火能燃烧的事实.

  37. D: Rooms Are Full Taken • 接待员查看是否有空房: • I will check our room availability for that day. • 我要查看那天是否有空房 • 告知客人房间已满 • We are fully booked. = All of our rooms are fully occupied. = We are full just at present. • 我们的房间现在都住满了

  38. Part II. Putting in use • 1. Dividing the students into groups of four or five • 2. Offering the situations • Offer several situations for students to act out by referring to the data bank on the blackboard • 【Instructions】 each group should choose one of the situations and work together to form a dialogue and then act out

  39. Situations: 1). Place : in a room Characters: Professor Smith, receptionist Task: Professor Smith is leaving for New York tomorrow. He wants to make a reservation at a hotel there by telephone 2). Place: in a hotel Characters: Mary, receptionist Task: Mary wants to check into a hotel for which she has already made a reservation. 3).Place: in a hotel Characters. Anne, Mary Task: Anne wants to check out a hotel after a week’s stay there.

  40. Assignment: • 1. practice the dialogues on Page 57 of the Textbook in groups, and try to further them • 2. ask students to work in groups to complete by filling in the blanks on Page 58 of the Textbook

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