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Mount Litera Zee School in Pusad offers a holistic educational experience, nurturing each child's unique potential and focusing on values, eco-friendliness, and modern teaching methods. With a commitment to "What's Right For the Child," the school prioritizes student growth and development, encouraging collaboration between educators and parents. From tailored academic programs to strict uniform guidelines, Mount Litera Zee School ensures a comprehensive and supportive environment for students.
Mount Litera Zee School will provide a complete and unique educational experience for the child, preparing him / her for a successful life in the contemporarysociety. • The vision of Mount Litera Zee Schoolenvisages: • To create an excellent educational institution synthesizing the human values with the highest quality of teaching–learning using modern technology-driven tools for preparing a well-rounded personality for oursociety. • To make children aware of the significance of an eco-friendly environment. To nurture the unique potential in eachchild. MountLiteraZeeSchool,Pusad.
Every aspect, action and decision at Mount Litera Zee Schoolis governed by a single, simple principle– “What’s Right For theChild(WRFC)”. This helps us keepthe child at the centre of the everything we do and ensures single- minded devotion totheirgrowth anddevelopment. MountLiteraZeeSchool,Pusad.
Children are not just roll numbers, they are uniqueindividuals. Every child is talented. Schools just need to figure out, where that talentlies. A school’s role is developingthe whole individual,andnot just completing the syllabus. Holistic development needs partnership between schools andparents. MountLiteraZeeSchool,Pusad.
Mr. SandipJilhewar Secretary Mr. Amar Asegaonkar Vice President Mr. VikramGattani President Mr. Ravi Gattani Treasurer
Principal Mrs. Manju Joshi Principal MLZSP Ph.No. : 8644844244 E-mail :-principal.pusad@mountlitera.com
Ms. SatwantPalekar Regional School Director ZeeLearn. Ph. No. :-9819987979 E-mail :-satwant.palekar@zeelearn.com
Primary &Secondary Students : 8:15a.m. to 3:15p.m.(Monday-Friday)3rd Saturdays off 8:15a.m. to 1: 40 p.m. (rest Saturdays ) Time to meetPrincipal : 9.30a.m. to 10.30 a.m.(Monday toFriday)(with prior appointments through phone calls only). Time to meetTeachers: 2:20p.m. to 3:30p.m. (Monday toFriday) (with prior appointments through phone calls only). Office timings :09:00 a.m. to04:00p.m.(Monday toFriday) 09:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.(Saturday &long vacation) School Office will be open on all Saturdays except Gazette Holidays
School Timings for Primary & Middle Section (Grade I to VI) Time slots (Monday-Friday)
School Timings for Grade I to VI - Time slots (Saturday) (Hobby’s and Club activities are planned)
Our School Program • Children need to attend school for full day. Regular attendance is expected. • The reporting time to school is 8:10 a.m. and the assembly starts at 8:15 a.m. sharp. • Following an absence, the parent must send a written note stating the reason for the absence. • Students will NOT be sent home early or half day under any circumstances except any emergency. In case a child is not well, kindly do not send him/ her to school. • Primary/Secondary section will get 3 breaks, • short break at 10:00 a.m. – for 10 min and • Lunch break at 12:45 p.m. -01:15 p.m. for 30 min. • short break at 02:25p.m. – for 10 min • You can send healthy breakfast or fruits for short break and healthy lunch for lunch break. • Kindly send napkin, tissue papers, spoon and fork along with lunch box. Separately in a lunch basket with your ward regularly.
Uniform (Boys) Days : Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Shirt Colour :- Light Parrot Green and Navy Blue Lining on sleeves. Trousers Colour:- Navy Blue White pants (I – IV Half pant) (V- VI Full pant)
Uniform (Girls)Days : Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Shirt Colour :- Light Parrot Green and Navy Blue Lining on sleeves. Navy Blue Tunic Shirt Colour :- Light Parrot Green and Navy Blue Lining on sleeves. Yellow T-shirt – Grade I – VI Blue Blazer Navy Blue Tunic White Skirt Common Uniform Cap, Belt, Tie and Socks are to be worn by both Boy and Girl students. Make sure your child wears the ID card everyday.
House Uniform Days : Wednesday and Friday.
House System 2019 - 20: Blue House Christopher Columbus Green House Mahatma Gandhi Red House Leonardo Da Vinci Ochre House Albert Einstein
School Uniform Guidelines Parents are requested to ensure the following: • Your ward wears clean and neat uniform to school. • Hair must be well trimmed. Girls should wear a hair band for short hair and tie the hair which is below the jawline. • Nails must be cut weekly. NO nail polish allowed • No precious jewellery is allowed. • Application of henna is not allowed. • Every Wednesday and Saturday your ward wears P. E. uniform to school. • Each student should have two pairs of Uniform. • Shoes must be polished and wear everyday.
TRANSPORT When your are dismissed at the end of the day, please go immediately to your designated area for pick-up.
Our Vendors • Uniform: Mr.VikrantJillewar (Jilhewar Fashion) Wanare Complex Main Road, Pusad. Contact Details : 8275287517 • Books: Mr. SachinGadewar (Shraddha General Book store), Shreerampur, Pusad, Contact Details : 9822221544 • Bus : Mr. GajanandGhukse & Mr.AnilIngole (Laxminarayan Transport) • Contact Details: 9325708532 / 7385856521 • Shoes : Mr. MakshudDharini, (Paras Shoes), Kapada Line, near HiraniBandu, Pusad , Contact Details: 8484084455
In case your child is allergic to suggested menu , your cansendsuitablesnack in the tiffin.
ALMANAC • Almanac- Page read the information given • in the almanac carefully. • Fill in the following pages: Primary – Page number 4 , 5, 7 and 19. • All the basic information (entire school functioning) • is uploaded on website www.mlzspusad.com • Timetable has been provided on the last page the Almanac. • You are requested to check the almanac daily. • Sign it and ensure that it sent to school daily without fail. • Please remove the circulars form the almanac after they are read and keep them at home. • Latest circulars are also uploaded on the school website.
Homework Schedule Reaching 4:30 PM Getting Fresh. 4:30 – 5:00 PM Playing. 5:00 – 6:00 PM Study 6:00 – 7:00 PM Break 7:00 – 7:30 PM Study 7:30 – 8:30 PM Dinner 8:30 – 9:00 PM TV/Chat 9:00 – 9:30 PM Study 9:30 – 10:30 PM Going to Bed 10:30 PM
The students are required to bring any small chocolate of value Rs.5 only • or a Sapling or a book • Parents are requested not to give any gift or token of gratitude to theeducators. • No birthday parties will be held inschool. • No birthday gifts or return giftswillbe exchanged withstudents. • Send your child in decent party dress along withI-card. • Dear parents, Saplings instead of chocolates will be highly appreciated, which will help in maintaining the sustainability of theenvironment. MountLiteraZeeSchool,Pusad.
Insomecases,ifany medicalattentionisrequired, pleasekeeptheauthoritiesofthe schoolinformed in written at all times withdoctor’sprescription duly attached. • Nostudentshouldattendschoolifhe/sheissufferingwithseriousorcontagiousdisease. Theywillbeallowedtoattendtheschoolagainwhenamedicalcertificateis produced. • PleasefillthedetailsintheHealthform.TheHealthformshouldbefilledbyyourFamily doctor or any Paediatricianonly and returned to respective classteacher by 6th July. • Incaseifyourchildisallergictoanyofthefoodstufforchemicalcomponent,kindlybringit to the notice of the school and ahard copy of the same is to be submitted to the class teacher MountLiteraZeeSchool,Pusad.
regular medication allergies &
Areas of observation • Personal Hygiene •General behaviour of the students •Discipline of the students •Punctuality of the students •Academic Records •Active Participation of the students in different activities •Absenteeism •Overall Personality Development
Luminosity Luminosity is an evolving and dynamic Learning Management System. Luminosity will help teachers to effectively engage students which in turn will help achieve better learning outcomes. Features Simplified and user-friendly interface for teachers. Single portal containing digital content for grades 1 to 10. Intuitively engaging 3D animated videos and learning objects for an immersive visual experience and improved learning. Well-designed activities to make learning engaging and fun. High-end simulations and virtual labs to promote “deep learning”. We can use it for Concept time, Math time, Language time, Sensory time. Class wise, Subject wise, Topic wise content is designed. Teachers can upload the Educational videos, Audio clips, Assessment sheets, Worksheets, Simulative content. LUMINOSITY VIDEO
Attendance “It's a fact that students who attend school regularly, learn more and are more successful than students who do not.Parents who make regular school attendance a priority also are helping their children learn to accept responsibility. That's an important lesson for a successful life.”
Celebrations at MLZSP • Krishna Janmashtami • Teachers Day • Durga Pooja • Dandiya • Diwali • Christmas • Holi • GudiPadwa • End of the year party
Don'tbringuppainfulmemoriesfromthepast. • Avoid side conversations in theirpresence. • Don't criticize their opinions andthoughts. • Respect theirage. • Avoidcuttingthemoffwhentheyspeak. • Givethemthepowerofleadershipwhentheyarepresent. • Avoid raising your voice atthem. • Avoidwalkinginfrontoraheadofthem. • Fillthemwithyourappreciationevenwhentheydon'tthinktheydeserveit.(MostImp.one) MountLiteraZeeSchool,Pusad.
Parent Involvement You are the key to your child’s success.Parents and teachers play an active role in a child's education… Together, we help them reach their full potential.
Encourage your ward to participate in all the activitiesconducted. • Curtail the absenteeism, as it hampers the child’s learningprocess. • No fancy or costly accessoriesallowed. • Extra outfit to be sent in the school bag regularly(pre-primarysection). • Please submit the stationery, notebooks and textbooks with proper labels to the respective classteachers. • Parents are requested to label books, school bag, shoes,waterbottle,etc. • Parents are requested to send healthy and proportionate quantity of food in thetiffin. • Parents are expected to attend the seminars and other activities arranged by theschool • Parents are requested to attend the PTMregularly. • We look forward to have a wonderful yearahead. MountLiteraZeeSchool,Pusad.