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If you are planning to create a website for your business, then the first thing you will have to do is to decide about the website hosting. And for going through the process of selecting web hosting, you would get various options at your end. Apart from deciding, which hosting company would be the best web hosting company, you will also have to go through the complicated process of selecting the right web hosting services for your website.
What All You Need to Know About What All You Need to Know About Shared Hosting? Shared Hosting? If you are planning to create a website for your business, then the first thing you will have to do is to decide about the website hosting. And for going through the process of selecting web hosting, you would get various options at your end. Apart from deciding, which hosting company would be the best web hosting company, you will also have to go through the complicated process of selecting the right web hosting services for your website. However, shared hosting service is considered to be one of the most popular and effective hosting services, if you are new to the world of website and online business. But the question arises here, what is the meaning of a shared hosting and how does it provide the benefits to your website.
Therefore, in this article we will discuss the actual meaning of shared hosting and how the packages of shared hosting would benefit the beginners. WHAT IS SHARED HOSTING?? As it sounds like, the basic function of shared hosting is it allows multiple users to be utilized through a single server. You usually don’t have any idea about the other users and websites which are your sharing partners of all the resources provided by the shared server. Therefore, each user will get the restrictions on the usage of the amount of resources. However, the amount of resources you will get will also depend on the type of shared hosting package you choose. Shared hosting is considered to be one of the cheapest and easiest options for the requirements of your website. However, as it is the cheapest option then it will definitely have the restrictions which we will go into details later. Since, in India almost every hosting company provides you almost the same storage space, so it is essential that you should select the most efficient and reliable web hosting company in India. PROS OF SHARED HOSTING As already discussed above, a shared hosting is doubtlessly the cheapest option of web hosting services available in the market. The web hosting service provider companies usually provide multiple levels of hosting, so that the users can easily upgrade their hosting packages on a regular basis. Therefore, shared hosting is one of the best ways to start your business. Shared hosting usually consists of already in-built cPanel which will help in better management of your website. Your shared hosting package will be included with all the technical maintenance. Thus, you will not have to worry about the regular technical maintenance at your end. Consequently, shared hosting is known to be a good option for those who are building out their first website and also for the website of small budget businesses. And the best thing is, you can always go for the up gradation of better hosting packages as per the increasing performance of your business and the requirements of your website. Hence, you can always go for the better options in terms of the level of your hosting packages. CONS OF SHARED HOSTING
As we discussed with the advantages of shared hosting, i.e. it is quite affordable with a good uptime and easily manageable. However, never forget that cheap prices always come with various restrictions. So, let’s go through with those limitations as well. The web page loading time would be slower than other web hosting services. There are high chances of overloading of your server due to the involvement of other users sharing the same server. As far as the performance of your website is concerned, as soon as your website starts getting web traffic, the performance of your website starts deteriorating. Other users who are sharing your server will be completely alien for you. There are also chances of putting your website on risk if any other website gets hacked. Shared hosting doesn’t offer the customization of the website. Due to the limited resources, you would not be able to get the optimum level of performance from your website. HTS hosting is one of the leading web hosting companies in India. We provide you with reliable web hosting services as per the credentials of your business requirements. For more details, visit https://htshosting.org/