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Satya College of Engg & Tech.

Satya College of Engg & Tech. LIBRARY INFORMATION CENTRE

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Satya College of Engg & Tech.

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  1. Satya College of Engg & Tech. LIBRARY INFORMATION CENTRE The mission of SCET is to support the educational goals and instructional needs of the institute. It provides students with ample resources to supplement classroom and laboratory learning, to help develop their research and independent learning skills. To support our goal, SCET has an excellent library in 460 sq. m area. The library has more than 19000 volumes in addition to National & International Technical Journals and Magazines. Students have access to Digital Library/e-library to nurture their research aptitude. Central library is fully computerized with internet facility to assist online research for staff and students. The library is having the following sections: Lending Section, Reference Section, Book-Bank Section, Journal Section, Reading Area The library will remain open for 8-10 hours a day.

  2. Satya College of Engg & Tech. RULES AND REGULATION Library will remain open during 9:00 am to 4:30 p.m. on all working days but during examination time may be extended. (Circulation Time : 9:30 a.m. To 2:45 p.m.) Book will be issued only on production of valid barcode Identity Card. Don’t disfigure or damage the barcode label.(Fine Rs 50/- for damage barcode) Books borrowed must be returned on or before the due date. Loss of Library Card shall be reported to the librarian immediately. Duplicate Library Card will issued on the payment on Rs 100/-. A book drawn by a student may be retained for not more that 15 days. Book may be recalled at any time. The borrower shall have to pay fine of Rs 10/- per day for each overdue book. Reference books, Newspapers, Magazines and Journals are to be read in the library only. Books marked disfigured or damaged will have to be replaced or paid for, by the borrower. SCET library is a place of individual study. It is necessary to maintain an atmosphere of quiet and dignity inside the library. Members are, therefore, reminded that conversation or consultation among themselves or noisy or demonstrative greeting of friends inside the library is not permissible. The users will deposit their personal belongings including personal books at the property counter. Any book taken in / out of library will be checked at the library gate. Eating and drinking is not allowed in the library. Use of mobile phone is prohibited. Damage to or theft of library property will be referred to the SCET’s disciplinary authorities and other law enforcing authorities. Books from book bank have to return within a week after complete semester otherwise you have to pay  fine Rs 10/- per day for each overdue books.

  3. Satya College of Engg & Tech. CIRCULATION SYSTEM Items Barcode Reader Scan the I-Card Scan barcode from the book

  4. Satya College of Engg & TechSCAN I-CARD THEN SCAN BORCODE OF BOOK

  5. Satya College of Engg & Tech.FOR RETURN SCAN THE BORCODE OF BOOK

  6. Satya College of Engg & Tech. Loan Detail Member Details No of Books Issued Loan Period Professors, Assistant Professors and Lecturers 10 30 days Non-Teaching Staff 2 15 days Students ( B.Tech+MBA) 2 07 days From Book Bank Students (B.Tech.) 6 or 7 ( from book bank)For per semester Students (for MBA) 8 ( from Book Bank)For per semester

  7. Satya College of Engg & Tech. Library Automation The Library uses DelPlus software package which is an integrated multi-user library management system that supports all in-house operations of the Library. The Delplus consists of modules on acquisition, cataloguing, circulation, serials, article indexing and OPAC. You can now be accessed through the Delplus OPAC. The database of books available in the Library is being updated on day to day basis with details of recently acquired books. Records of all the Library patrons have also been created in the Delplus package. The editing and updating activities are in progress. To keep pace with ongoing technological changes it is essential that the library records are computerised and the future information is obtained in digital format for making it accessible to the faculty & students at their work places which will not only save the time but make the simultaneous access of information at the same time which is otherwise not possible in print formats. To make the library services automated the following work are being caried out:1.  Data Entry of Existing Collection/Records2.  Data Entry of New Arivals3.  Bar Coding of Existing Record/Collection4. Bar Coding of Membership Cards and Books

  8. Satya College of Engg & Tech. National Journals for B.Tech Tele..Net IETE Technical Review IETE Journal of Reserch Journal of Telecom Indian Journal of Technical Education Journal of Energy Heat & Mass Transfer Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics Pramana Journal of Indian Mathematical Society Journal of Environmental Science Journal of Soil & Water Bulletin of Applied Chemistry Power Line Electronics Today15India Power JL of Computer Science National Jl of Systems & Info. Technology IEEMA Journal Indian Journal of Radio and Space Physics Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics ICFAI Jnl. Of Information TechnologyICFAI Jnl. Of Computer Science Jnlof Intelligent systems research Jnlof software engineering and technologyCurrent Science University News Electronic Maker Journals of Bio ScienceJournals of Mathsand Engineering Science (J4214) Journals of Advance Research in computer Science Express Computer

  9. Satya College of Engg & Tech. INTERNATIONAL JOURNALS FOR B.TECH. International Journal of Computing & Application International Journal of Comp. Science & Systems Application International Journal of Electrical Systems & Control International Journal of Energy Storage & Conversion International Journal of Electrical Engineering International Journal of Mathematics & Engg. With Computer International Journal of Environmental Pollution & Control & Mgt SIGACT SIGSOFT SIGCSE Electronics Education INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING International Journal of Physics Inl. Journal of control theory & applications Intl. J of Elec. Energy Sys, Comp. & Control INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING

  10. Satya College of Engg & Tech. National Journals of MBA ICFAI Jl of Management Reserch Indian Journal of Finance ICFAI JL of Marketing Management ICFAI JL of Human Resource Management ICFAI JL of Organizational Behaviour ICFAI Jl of Financial Risk Management Indian Journal of Marketing Indian Journal of Training and Development Journal of Accounting and Finance Journal of Financial Management & Analysis Management Accountant The Journal of Entrepreneurship

  11. Satya College of Engg & Tech. International Journals of MBA International Journal of Statistics and Systems International Journal of Management Research & Technology International Journal of Business Management and Leadership International Journal of Rural Development & Management Studies International Journal of I T & Knowledge Management Eximp Times ( An International Business/ Marketing Journal) International Journal of Development Banking International Review of Applied Economic research Entrepreneur(12) HRD Review(4) Int Journal of Business & Finance Research(2) Strategy + Business(4)

  12. Satya College of Engg & Tech.Digital library www.delnet.nic.in User Name :hrscet Password : scet72

  13. Satya College of Engg & Tech. Website for digital library http://www.ariadne.ac.uk/issue35/eevl/ http://www.engnetglobal.com/tips/glossary.aspx http://www.techbooksforfree.com/science.shtml http://www.ipl.org/div/subject/browse/sci15.00.00/

  14. Satya College of Engg & Tech.

  15. Satya College of Engg & Tech. Thank you

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