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So what about that Moon of ours?. As Lunar colonization and industrialization begins so will also the design and utilization of machines change in scale from the old familiar work horses we here on Earth have come to depend as well as our present understanding of how to operate them.
So what about that Moon of ours? As Lunar colonization and industrialization begins so will also the design and utilization of machines change in scale from the old familiar work horses we here on Earth have come to depend as well as our present understanding of how to operate them.
Lunar Development – new realms of thought and ingenuity. • Here to the right Apollo 17’s Eugene Cernan is photographed out driving the Lunar Rover in front of the Lunar Excursion Module the LEM on his first Extra Vehicular Activity in 1972. • Here in the photo everything you are looking at is brand new to human thought, experience and craftsmanship. • Cool doesn’t even begin to describe what you see.
Lunar Development – a road to travel with the destination of the enhancement of the Human Condition. • In the realm of bravado the seen to the left of four wheeling your Lunar Rover around on the surface of the Moon stands taller and in such a category on its own that nothing else comes close. You may try to do so here on Earth but you do so only in your dreams. Tag the above image and take a trip back in time four wheeling it with Apollo 16 from a video titled: LRV on the Moon - Apollo 16 - HD Video Stabilized
The Apollo 17 Lunar Module ascending from the surface at lift off tracked by the camera on the Lunar Rover operated from Mission Control. • To the left, note that although the signal is second and a half old when reaching the operator and thus the controllers signal takes a second and a half to reach the Rover’s camera in the form of control the operator had become adept or technically proficient at it enough so to keep the LEM in the center of the frame during ascension.
The Apollo 17 Lunar Module ascending from the surface at lift off tracked by the camera on the Lunar Rover operated from Mission Control. • To the right, the grainy image proves that remote operations between the earth and the moon could be done and done successfully as seen from the hands of the first Remote Lunar Operator. This act opened up a new field in human lunar operations to come. Tag the image and note the performance of the Remote Lunar Camera Operator in this video titled: APOLLO 17 ...... Lunar Module Lift Off! Not bad is it….
Given our present knowledge of satellite communications, thus our understanding and ability to handle with integrity the amount of data transfer back and forth perhaps a few million terra bites per second this is now well within our reach to take on such an operation With today’s advanced telecommunication networks as portrayed in the image to the right “The Geo Belt” we have more than enough knowhow to set up the same kind of system around our Moon. The amount of streaming data shall be staggering but it will be less than our planets present total usage. Below A likely portrayal of a Lunar relay satellite platform We already practice a similar system with the Mars Rovers Spirit, Opportunity and Curiosity using the Odyssey satellite
Lunar Development – a hierarchy in social and mechanical engineering. • To the left one of our most familiar and beloved machines the Bulldozer upon which most of what you see around you like buildings, highways and just about everything else would not exist unless you were to use perhaps the Roman Legions to do the same work oh but not quite really.
Lunar Development – a strategy for the future. • To the right another familiar work horse appreciated by all the most dexterous Front End Loader where moving loads of all kinds of stuff is made easy. • In the future our understanding of the use of such machines will change in terms of their scale, operations and technologies will change forming and creating never before known career paths.
Here below is an image of a bulldozer transposed on top of the Lunar Surface comparing its relative size to the Humans that would be operating them.The below image reworked by photographer Andrew Carrigan To the left the image portrays only one type of machine that could be employed in the Lunar Mining process. Tag the image and realize the fuller range of machines we presently employ in the mining and construction realms. Here as you will come to understand is that we can build big machines and even bigger still for the Lunar surface. The video titled: Strip Mine Pics displays the tools we already use for development. Oh, and on the moon, we shall run fleets of thousands, mostly by remote operators as it makes the best sense.
Below is the Grader and the Maintainer good machines to use for size comparison. Lunar gravity is one sixth that of the Earth therefore the scale of Lunar Machines shall increase for efficiency and cost effective reasons.
Lunar DevelopmentOne new type of transgenerational career basing page one. • Above in slide three with the close up of the Lunar Rover you may notice the antenna and the attached camera up in the front. This is the camera that followed the astronauts as they walked around doing their work. This camera was remotely operated manually from Mission Control with a three second delay the time it takes the speed of light to go to the Moon and back. And it was ran very effectively in time delay after a little practice by the operator. So what does this mean? • This means that remote operations through communications from the Earth to the Moon of machines not only is possible but has already been done and done so successfully. • Now put in your mind thousands of people arriving to work in various business complex’s as Lunar Remote Mining Operators or LRMO’s tasked to operate vast fields of great machines perhaps running like combines in formation that harvest the raw minerals from areas like the Plato Basin, Atlas Mountain Region and so on. • Like air flight simulators these LRMO’s enter into a cockpit where they have all the amenities of the high tech kingdom full heads up high def displays with a full panorama of everything going on around the particular machine they are operating as well as all the telemetry gyros, hydraulics and so forth.
Lunar Development One type of transgenerational career basing page two. • These LRMO’s shall be highly trained with educational back grounds in robotics, engineering, communications, hydraulics and other specific needs based operational training. They will be fully rated and licensed to operate each of the machines that they will be charged to run having in depth knowledge of the operational characteristics of each machine. These LRMO positions will be as professional as any Air Line Pilot now in the business where these jobs themselves shall become highly sought after. • On the other side of the LRMO’s system shall be those on the Lunar surface in what may well have the look and feel of an airport control tower where huge mobile platforms with towers dwarfing in scale what is now the Space Shuttle Conveyer by many times take position overlooking the Lunar terrain or job site where the a Company Forman or Operations Director oversees the operations like an air boss. • Here there are scores of On Site Controllers or OSC’s tasked to monitor a particular operation, field of work or a specific type of Lunar surface machinery doing certain job tasks. Each one of these OSC’s will have a host of LRMO’s under there charge acting as the onsite director plugging them into and out of the types of machines the LRMO’s hold a license or rating on. These OSC’s shall be responsible as the on site eyes and ears looking for trouble spots where they may arise shutting down the link between the LRMO’s and their machine when necessary.
Lunar DevelopmentOne type of transgenerational career basing page three. • If trouble or break downs occur the OSC’s then assign field technicians already out and stationed on the site to do a fix or repair job on the hardware or situation involved. • The above approach has many benefits in terms of cost effectiveness, energy saving and resource use. One-by keeping a large sector of the work force back on Earth you save energy and resources that would otherwise be allocated for environmental controls and habitat. Two-there is little or no down time as the LRMO’s can be plugged into and out of any number of the Lunar surface machines that they hold a license or rating on from one location to another ether on the present job site or they may be simply switched to another control tower somewhere else on the Moon or farmed out sub contracted for another companies use somewhere else on the Lunar surface. It is the truest form of job portability. • The nice thing is that the heads up displays being the top of the line technology for the LRMO’s place the operator atop of or into the drivers seat of any Lunar surface machine they hold a license or rating on with a surrounding that adds comfort minimizing job burnout and speaks of the term professionalism when within moments the operator may be pulled out of one machine and placed in another where the entire display reconfigures to the other machine and the operator flawlessly then works on something else. • In 1972 the running of the remote camera on the Lunar Rover from Mission Control proved that everything described in the above three pages could be done. The irony is that we could at this time be doing all of this already with our present technology what with high gain digital compression capabilities it sure would beet the pants off that little analog signal used back in 72. Lets try using some real ingenuity and moxie for economic and job creation.
Riding the Lunar Landscape Through a remote HD telecast telemetry transponder fixed on top of the Lunar Mining Machines the LRMO will see and experience the full range of operating the machines. Note in the video the field of view and display technology already in use. Tag the image above and take a ride in this model tractor see the view and experience operating this machine as you the LRMO shall run machines many times the size all by remote. Imagine everything you see is the Lunar surface. Image video Titled: Harvesting Corn Running 305 Case IH Magnum & Kinze 1050 Grain Cart 10-20-2011
The Lunar Remote Mining Operator’s work environmentTag the image below and see the level of training expected through the video titled: Landing on the Centerline - Flying Tips (MSFS)Below image: A340 Flight Simulator in Night Mode As High Tech as any airline pilot in business today the LRMO shall have all the amenities with a full 360 degree High Definition view surrounding the mining vehicle with total telemetry readouts on the condition and operation of the machine. Education and Training shall play an essential role in continuing operations through a vigorous licensing and certification process.