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Local Pairing of Cooper pairs in Josephson junction networks. D.Giuliano (Cosenza) , P. Sodano (Perugia). Obergurgl , June 2010. Plan of the talk:. 1. Josephson junction network interferometer as a model of a boundary double Sine-Gordon Hamiltonian;.
Local Pairing of Cooper pairs in Josephson junction networks D.Giuliano(Cosenza), P. Sodano(Perugia) Obergurgl, June 2010
Plan of the talk: 1. Josephson junction network interferometer as a model of a boundary double Sine-Gordon Hamiltonian; 2. Boundary interaction periodicity and coherent tunneling of pairs of Cooper pairs; 3.Probing the effective tunneling charge via dc Josephson effect; 4. Phase diagram and dual interaction; 5. Conclusions, possible applications, perspectives.
1 The network; A circular Josephson junction array, pierced by a magnetic flux φ, connected to two 1-d JJ “leads. Charging energy of SC grains Josephson energy
Projection onto low energy subspace Effective spin-1/2 Hamiltonian Setting φ≈π-> near by degenerate eigenstates of Hc
We have singled out an effective spin ½ degree of freedom, controlled with (at least one) tunable parameter How to either set up, or probe, or even further control) the state of SG? Connect it to two one-dimensional JJ arrays working as leads
The leads: Effective field theory of a JJ-chain (L. I. Glazman and A. I. Larkin, PRL 79, 3736 (1997); D.G., P. Sodano, NPB 711, 480 (2005)) (N=n+1/2) Mapping onto spin chain+Jordan-Wigner fermions+BosonizationLuttinger liquid (LL) effective Hamiltonian
LL parameters Connection between the central region and the leads Summing over the central region states->boundary degrees of freedom interacting with a localized spin-1/2
2. Boundaryinteractionperiodicity and coherenttunnelingofpairs; The control parameters: Bz measures the “detuning” of the degeneracy point due to a displacement from φ=π: Bz=Jsin[(φ-π)/4] Bx measures the detuning due to an applied gate voltage: Bx ≈(λ2/J)(Vg-N-1/2) Using Bz to “tune” the effective charge tunneling across the device: (See below for technical details)
In this case, a simplified model may be used for performing calculations Charge difference operator between the two leads An harmonics of Φ(0) of period 2π/a varies the relative charge by ae*, that is, it lets a total charge ae* tunnel across the central region HB allows for direct tunneling of single Cooper pairs (charge e* ), as well as of pairs of Cooper pairs (charge 2e*)
Usually, charge 2e* tunneling is a higher-order process and is neglected, BUT … It is the only term that survives when cos(θ)=0 Discrete symmetry B=0->enhanced (τ1)discrete symmetry
Technicalities: 1.Introduce two pairs of Dirac fermions a,a+;b,b+, and represent the effective spin operators as Sz = a+a-b+b; Sx=a+b+b+a 2.Use the following (euclidean) action for the fermion operators (β=1/kBT): 3.Integrate over the fermion fields according to the recipe (Λ=√(Bz2+Bx2))
3.Probing the chargetunnelingacross the centralregion via a dcJosephsoncurrentmeasurement; Inducing a dc Josephson current-> Connecting the outer boundaries to two bulk superconductors at fixed phase difference α->Dirichlet-like boundary conditions at the outer boundary (x=L) (that is, the plasmon phase field has to smoothly adapt to the phase difference between the bulk superconducting leads) Dynamical boundary conditions at x=0
Both boundary conditions may be accounted at weak coupling at x=0 (i.e., g1 ≈g2 ≈0), by taking Vacuum expectation values of vertex operators
Computing the dc Josephson current Partition function at weak coupling As Bz=0
Josephson current for various values of Bz: Bz decreases counterclockwisely from the top left panel and is =0 at the top right panel
The two harmonics in IJ correspond to tunneling of singe CPs and coherent tunneling of pairs of CPs, respectively. The ratio between the contributions of the two processes to the total current may be tuned by acting on Bz , that is, on the flux φ
4. Phasediagram and dualinteraction; All the previous results rely on the assumption that the Josephson coupling between leads and central region λ<<EJ,J How reliable is this assumption? As the size of the system (L) increases, low-energy, long wavelength collective plasmon modes of the leads may get entangled with the isolated “boundary” degrees of freedom. This may lead to a final state that is nonperturbative in HB. This happens if the boundary couplings scale slower than 1/L
“Running” couplings Flow equations for the running couplings
For g1≠0, the boundary interaction is a relevant operator (and, accordingly, the perturbative approach is nor reliable), as soon as g>1. The second harmonics is nonperturbatively renormalized, as well
Strong limit for the boundary coupling Φ(0) is “pinned” at a minimum of the boundary potential->Dirichlet boundary condition Non τ1 -symmetric case τ1 -symmetric case
Leading boundary interaction at the SCP “Jumps” between the minima of the boundary potential->shifs of the eigenvalues of P ->dual vertex operators
“Dual” boundary interaction “Short” instantons “Long” instantons Short instantons exist, as boundary excitations, as a consequence of τ1 –symmetry. Breaking τ1 –symmetry implies short instanton confinement on a scale that depends on B
When short instanton exist at any scale L, they “destabilize” the SFP. The SFP-picture is not consistent anymore and the IR behavior of the system is driven by a finite coupling FP. Short instantons<->static solitons in the double Sine-Gordon model Instanton trajectory -> P →P(τ) Integrating on the oscillator modes ->Effective (Euclidean) action for P(τ) ->Equation of motion in the inverted potential
Effective instanton action “Equation of motion” =(apart for the finite-size term proportoanal to 1/L) to the equation for static solitons in the DSG model
Two short instantons→one long instanton Separation between short instantons The short-instanton scaling (of μ) stops at a scale L≈uR(φ). If τ1-symmetry holds (i.e., short instantons are deconfined: R(φ)→∞), scaling does not stop and the system is attracted by a FFP
5. Conclusions and (possible) furtherperspectives; a. Possibility of acting on the external control parameters of the JJN to trigger the opening of an exotic phases, corresponding to an IR attractive FFP; b. FFP corresponds to a “4-e” phase, with frustration of decoherence. At the FFP an effective, 2-level quantum system emerges in the device, with enhanced quantum coherence between the states; c. Making the experiment work !!!