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Supporting Mathematics & Science Education in Florida. Florida PROMiSE. Mathematics-Science Partnership (MSP) grant awarded by the Florida Department of Education Will assist schools in raising awareness and building capacity for implementation of the new mathematics and science standards
Florida PROMiSE • Mathematics-Science Partnership (MSP) grant awarded by the Florida Department of Education • Will assist schools in raising awareness and building capacity for implementation of the new mathematics and science standards • Partnership between educators, scientists, mathematicians, and engineers to improve STEM education in Florida’s schools
Florida PROMiSEPartners EDUCATIONAL CONSORTIA • Heartland Educational Consortium • Northeast Florida Educational Consortium • Panhandle Area Educational Consortium OTHER PARTNERS • Florida Virtual School • Horizon Research Inc. • Florida Office of Mathematics and Science UNIVERSITIES • University of South Florida • Florida State University • University of Florida SCHOOL DISTRICTS • Duval County Public Schools • Hillsborough County Public Schools • Miami-Dade County Public Schools • Seminole County Public Schools
Coordination • University of South Florida – Gladis Kersaint • Overall program implementation • Public awareness campaign • Professional development program for new teachers • Florida State University – Laura Lang • Professional development program for school leaders • Curriculum planning tool • University of Florida – Tom Dana & Stephen Pape • Tier 1 Mathematics/Science teacher professional development
PROMiSEOverview • Provide high-quality PD materials to enhance new and veteran teachers’ preparedness to teach for depth and understanding aligned with the standards • Assist school leaders in supporting standards implementation and new vision for student learning with depth and understanding • Provide information and technical assistance through a variety of tools to support teachers in promoting student learning with depth and understanding
3 Tier Approach • Tier 1: Build Understanding of the M/S Standards • Teacher PD and Induction • Tier 2: Build Capacity to Implement and Support Standards-Based Teaching for Depth and Understanding • Content specialists from Colleges of Arts and Sciences, Colleges of Education, and school districts develop and deliver 2-week summer institutes and 4-days of follow up training that address key concepts in mathematics and science to support the implementation of the NGSSS. • Tier 3: Build a System for Continued Renewal • Lay the groundwork ground work for the development of university-based teacher education programs for M/S teacher leaders that can occur after the funding period and with support from other funding streams.
Tier 1 – Teacher Professional Development Four Components • Building a Rationale • Overview of the conceptual framework of the new standards and teaching for depth and understanding • Subject Matter Knowledge • Enhance teachers’ knowledge so they are best able to support student learning • Subject-Specific Instructional Strategies • Share research-based instructional strategies for student learning with understanding • Tools for Promoting Ongoing PD • Use of analytical tools for unpacking the standards
Teacher Professional Development: Implementing the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards Sponsored by the Florida Department of Education
Year 1 PD Goal • To enhance the capacity of K-12 teachers to implement the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards through six, 3-hour modules designed to: • Explore the overall structure and content of the Next Generation SSS • Compare the former and the new standards to note the shift from many to fewer concepts at the K-8 level and the development of more specific benchmarks in grades 9-12 • Explore a limited amount of content to support participants’ understanding of instructional implications of teaching for deep understanding
Overview of PROMiSE Modules • Module 1-Building a rationale for new Sunshine State Standards (3 hours) • Including a comparison between the former SSS and the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards (NGSSS) • Modules 2-5- Building a conception of subject matter and instruction(12 hours) • Module 6 – Constructing examples and using analytical curriculum tools (3 hours)
Modules 2-5 • Deep interaction with a small number of benchmarks followed by reflection on the instructional implications of the experience. • Key is to actively and intellectually engage teachers in in-depth experiences with a limited set of closely related concepts.
Structure of the Modules • Introduction • Big Ideas, Standards, Benchmarks • Activities • Instructional Implications • Implementation/Follow-Up
Introduction • Purposes of the Module • Relation of this Module to the previous Module • Provide purpose and rationale of focusing on a few benchmark areas to provide teachers with a sense of what it means to go in-depth • Provide introduction to how the reduced number of standards in the NGSSS supports in-depth instruction
Focus on the Big Ideas, Standards, and Benchmarks • Each module asks participants to examine: • The structure and language of the standards • Depth of knowledge/level of complexity associated with a particular benchmark • Situate the benchmark within a trajectory of conceptual development
Instructional Activities • Teachers are engaged intellectually in a limited series of student-level activities that support deep understanding of a mathematics or science concept • Explicit consideration of how each activity was designed to develop the intended content at the appropriate level of depth
Instructional Implications • After teachers experience and discuss the content of the activities … • Provide opportunity for reflection on the implications for the instructional activities teachers have engaged in and how the new standards support in-depth instruction
Implementation and Follow-Up • This section explicitly reinforces what the teachers should take away from the session and give a brief preview of the Modules to come. • The implementation task provides teachers with the opportunity to use skills and knowledge gained through professional development?
Process: Design Teams • Nomination of Design Teams • Districts Throughout State, PROMiSE Partners, Leadership Council, University Faculty, Standards Framer and Writers Nominated Design Team Members • Members Selected for 12 Design Teams • K-2 Math, 3-5 Math, 6-8 Math, Algebra, Geometry, K-2 Science, 3-5 Science, 6-8 Science, Biology, Chemistry, Earth & Space Science, Physics • Drafting of Modules • 12 Design Teams with a total of 61 Members drafted Modules (April 2008)
Process: Review Teams • Nomination of Review Teams • PROMiSE Partners, Leadership Council, University Faculty, and Design Team Members Nominated Review Team Members • Selection of Review Teams • Representation from CAS faculty members, Education faculty members, Design Team Members, DRT’s • Review Team Work • Review of Modules with an emphasis on making depth of knowledge and cognitive complexity explicit. A total of 66 Review Team Members participated (July 2008)
Products • PD packages for K-2 Science, 3-5 Science, 6-8 Science, Biology/Life Sciences, Chemistry, Earth and Space Sciences, and Physics • Each package contains a • Overview of of each Module • Content and Pedagogy Matrix • Pacing Guide for each modules • PD Provider preparation guide • Subject matter notes • Modules as a PowerPoint with embedded PD Provider notes One complete set of Modules will be sent to each school district
Induction University of South Florida
Induction Program for New Mathematics and Science Teachers • Support new teachers, particularly change-of-career teachers, so that they • This PD is not intended to replace what is being done but to augment induction programs to focus on content specific needs related to mathematics and science.
Induction Goals The induction program has four objectives: (1) familiarization with standards and standards-based instruction; (2) strengthening knowledge of M/S content needed in schools, (3) student-centered methods of teaching inquiry and promoting active learning, and (4) classroom environment and safety in a laboratory setting.
Induction Professional Development Working Assumptions You can teach the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards and prepare students for the current FCAT. The Next Generation Sunshine State Standards include rigorous mathematics and science content. The Next Generation Sunshine State Standards imply, by the use of action verbs, that pedagogy should be founded on inquiry learning.
Product: PD Faciliator’s Guide and Materials Ten 3-hour modules for each of four audiences: • new teachers of middle school mathematics • new teachers of high school mathematics • new teachers of middle school science • new teachers of high school science (the elementary component development began in September, 2008).
Product: PD Modules • Is Content Knowledge Enough? • Laboratory Safety • Teaching Controversial Topics • Planning for Instruction • Conceptual Understanding • Unpacking the Standards • Getting to Know the FCAT • More Than Giving Tests • Creating A Positive Learning Environment • Promoting Active Learning
Unpacking the Standards • Introduce the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards • Apply them in a classroom activity. You can teach the new standards while preparing for the FCAT.
Getting to Know the FCAT • Introduce the FCAT and discuss the types of problems on the FCAT. • Have participants find solutions to the problems to help them understand the level of difficulty of the problems on the FCAT and the challenges students face. • Use the 2-point rubric to score short response anchor papers.
More Than Giving Tests • Introduce new teachers of science to a variety of assessment strategies, both traditional and non-traditional. • Look at when a strategy may be appropriate and when a strategy may be inappropriate. • Develop a rubric for a class project and look at possible scores on the project. • Raise awareness of components of a grading policy and homework issues involved in evaluating student progress.
Creating A Positive Learning Environment • Introduce the new teacher of science to both the reasons for and the methods involved in creating a positive learning environment. • Confront some pervasive beliefs about equity that can interfere with having a learning environment that supports diverse learning styles and experiences that enable all students to reach their highest potential. • Suggestions are given for incorporating reading, writing and discourse into the classroom.
Crash Landing on the Moon You are a member of a space crew scheduled to rendezvous with a mother ship on the lighted surface of the moon. However, your ship crash-lands on a lighted spot some 320 km. from the rendezvous point. Much of the equipment was damaged during landing. Survival depends on reaching the mother ship. What should you take with you?
Promoting Inquiry Learning • Provide participants with the rationale and experiences necessary to teach to the active verbs of the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards. • Explore the characteristics of active learning and the teaching strategies that create an environment that engages students both physically and mentally.
Is Content Knowledge Enough? • More than content knowledge is needed to be a successful science teacher. • The teaching models of Shulman (1986) and Ball, Bass, Sleep, and Thames (2008) are explored. • Participants experience an activity on student misconceptions that explore their need to know more than just content knowledge.
Knowledge of Teaching Knowledge of Content Specialized Content Knowledge Knowledge of Learning K S C Knowing How Students Think Common Content Knowledge P C K K S T K T C Knowledge of Teaching Pedagogical Knowledge (Ball, Bass, Sleep, Thames)
The Art of Teaching—Putting It All Together Classify common elements as metals, nonmetals, or semimetals (CCK). Analyze classification for errors (SCK). Identify student thinking that is likely to have produced such errors (KSC). Recognize which demonstrations or experiments would best help students better understand specific properties of the elements to aid in classification (KTC).
Laboratory Safety This module outlines the information needed by the instructor to ensure a safe work environment and safe work practices by the students as well as procedural instructions in the event of an emergency.
Teaching Controversial Topics • Identify the many potentially controversial topics in the different disciplines of science • Raise awareness as to their obligation to teach the topics included in the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards • Discuss professional responsibility to teach controversial topics in a scientific and non-judgmental environment Suggestions are offered for teaching topics like evolution, big bang, and plate tectonics.
Planning for Instruction • Lesson planning that is consistent with the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards. By modeling • Models the 5Es lesson plan which addresses the new standards and promotes active learning • Emphasis on the alignment of curriculum, instruction, and assessment to achieve the desired learning outcomes.
Conceptual Understanding • Introduce new teachers to the difference between teaching for procedural knowledge and teaching for conceptual understanding. • Know and understand the various ways to represent scientific concepts with an emphasis on understanding the scientific reasoning behind the rule.
Cell City How is a cell like a city? Given a list of the parts of a cell and their functions, name parts of a city that perform similar functions. Draw your city in the general shape of a cell.
Cell City How does this help you understand the functions of part of a cell?
Product: PD Facilitator’s Guide & Materials • Designed as independent 3-hour units that can be used as a coherent five-day workshop • Flexible to allow for districts to use them in ways that are consistent with their needs and time frames. • A hard copy and CD of the modules will be distributed to each district in Florida • a Power Point presentation and • a facilitator’s guide for each module that includes the: • rationale of why the topic is important • intent, goals, and objectives • activities descriptions, materials lists, facilitator’s notes, and handouts.
Principal PROMiSE Professional Development Under the Direction of Laura Lang, Co-Principal Investigator of Florida PROMiSE FCR-STEM at Florida State University
The purpose of the Principal PROMiSE project is to prepare Florida’s principals to lead their schools in making instructional changes that will be required by the new mathematics and science standards.
Principal PROMiSE Project The professional development will take place over the course of one year. • Four two-day face-to-face sessions focusing on • mathematics and science content and instructional changes required by the new standards (primary foci) • the use of collaborative groups to implement change • Related activities and online discussions will take place between sessions
Design of professional development The Principal PROMiSE Project uses a collaborative, job-embedded professional development model to build principals’ capacity to support teachers’ adoption of standards- based instruction, as reflected in Florida’s new mathematics and science standards. By “job-embedded,” we mean that principals will “learn by doing” or engage in activities that become part of their daily work in order to maximize their success in applying new knowledge as they lead and support implementation of the new math and science standards at their respective schools.
Content Knowledge and Instructional Strategies To deepen principals’ understanding of content knowledge and its importance to teaching the new mathematics and science standards, The Principal PROMiSE Project engages principals as learners – and in some cases as teachers - in math/science lessons and activities specifically related to algebraic thinking and physical science with the nature of science and mathematics infused in the content. The majority of professional development time is devoted to these activities.