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Countercurrent Exchange and Gas Exchange. 學生姓名: B9902067 曾紹庭 B9902075 黃柏翰 指導老師:周淑娥 老師 指導助教:洪偉珊 助教. Countercurrent Exchange. The exchange of a chemical substance or heat between two fluids flowing in opposite directions. Concurrent vs. Countercurrent. Fish Gills. Fish Gills.
Countercurrent Exchange and Gas Exchange 學生姓名:B9902067 曾紹庭 B9902075 黃柏翰 指導老師:周淑娥 老師 指導助教:洪偉珊 助教
Countercurrent Exchange The exchange of a chemical substance or heat between two fluids flowing in opposite directions.
Countercurrent mechanism 1.Countercurrent multiplication of concentration 2.Countercurrent exchange Countercurrent multiplier systems: Expend energy to create concentration gradients
Countercurrent mechanism • Cortex: 300 mOsm/L • Medulla:1200 mOsm/L Descending limb: water leaves (passively) Ascending limb : NaCl leaves (actively) Descending limb: equibrilium Ascending limb : lower concentration 影片http://www.colorado.edu/intphys/Class/IPHY3430-200/countercurrent_ct.html
Cortex Medulla 影片 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AOqIlrQhqHQ&playnext=1&list=PLFB7356B1A84FC018
Countercurrent exchange (heat) • 企鵝 • 人類手臂 • 人類陰囊
Information Resourses: http://www.rci.rutgers.edu/~uzwiak/AnatPhys/Urinary_System.html http://www.colorado.edu/intphys/Class/IPHY3430-200/countercurrent_ct.html http://mag.udn.com/mag/campus/storypage.jsp?f_ART_ID=166830 http://www.nicerweb.com/bio1152/Locked/media/ch44/albatross_exchange.html 生理學書籍 Campbell/Reece Biology,Eighth Edition Thanks for your listening