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Libraries, Sessions & Cookies Michael McCreary

Libraries, Sessions & Cookies Michael McCreary. Talk aims: Introduce concept of libraries, sessions & cookies Demonstrate applications and uses Implement using revServer Provide items for further investigation. Libraries, Sessions & Cookies.

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Libraries, Sessions & Cookies Michael McCreary

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Libraries, Sessions & CookiesMichael McCreary

  2. Talk aims: Introduce concept of libraries, sessions & cookies Demonstrate applications and uses Implement using revServer Provide items for further investigation Libraries, Sessions & Cookies

  3. In computer science, a library is a collection of related subroutines that provide functionality aiding the development of software. In Rev, this can be seen as a collection of handlers that are made available to relevant parts of your stack. What is a Library?

  4. Abstraction! Code organization Code reuse Use other developers code You only need to know what a library does, not how it does it. Why Use Libraries?

  5. Loading a library: include "my_library.irev" Path relative to current script Handlers in library now in message path Creating a library Like a normal revServer script Omit closing “?>” tag Libraries in revServer

  6. Textual data stored on users machine Part of HTTP Accessed via name Limited to a URL Active for a set period Implemented differently in each browser What is a Cookie?

  7. Remembering a user Storing user data Passing data between web pages Login systems Shopping carts Cookies Uses

  8. Library built by John Craig http://www.splash21.on-rev.com/ Creating - setCookie pName, pValue, pExpires, pPath Deleting - deleteCookie pName Accessing - COOKIES[“cookie_name”] Always set/delete before header sent Cookies in revServer

  9. Like cookies – stores data communicated between user and server Data stored on server, not user's machine Data need not be textual More secure – not user editable No limits on data stored Much greater scope Sessions

  10. Library built by John Craig Implemented using cookies and database Accessed via variable SESSION[] updateSessionVars must be called at end of script Session in revServer

  11. “User States - Logins, Accounts, Permissions”, John Craig, Tomorrow 2pm “revServer: jQuery, AJAX”, James Cant, Tomorrow 3pm “revServer: Building a Web Store”, Andre Garzia, Tomorrow 4pm Further Information

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