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Learn how to craft compelling proposals with clear objectives, detailed plans, and convincing arguments. This guide covers crucial elements such as background, need identification, plan description, evidence of capability, and more. Enhance your proposal skills to increase success rates.
Chapter: 11 Proposal and Report Writing
Proposal • A proposal is a presentation for consideration of something. • Contents of the proposal are: 1. Writer’s purpose and the reader’s need: An appropriate beginning is a statement of the writer’s purpose (I present a proposal) and the reader’s need (e.g. to reduce turnover of field representatives).
Proposal • 2. Background: A review of background information promotes an understanding of the problem. • 3. Need: Closely related to the background information is the need for what is being proposed. • 4. Description of the plan: The heart of a proposal is the description of what the writer proposes to do. This is the primary message of the proposal. It should be concisely presented in a clear and orderly manner.
Proposal • 5. Particulars: Time schedules, costs, performance standards, means of appraising performance, equipment and supplies needed, guarantees, personnel requirements, etc. • 6. Evidence of ability to deliver: This means presenting information on such matters as the qualification of personnel, success in similar cases, and adequacy of equipment and facilities, operating procedures, and financial status. Whatever information will serve as evidence of the organization’s ability to carry out what it proposes should be used.
Proposal • 7. Benefits of the proposal: The proposal also might describe good things that it would bring about, especially if a need exists to convince the readers. • 8. Concluding comments: The proposal should end with words directed to the next step --- acting on the proposal. One possibility is to present a summary review of the highlights. Another is to offer additional information that might be needed. Yet another is to urge (or suggest) action on the proposal.
Prefatory Pages • Title Fly • Title Page • Letter of Transmittal • Table of Contents • List of Illustrations • Executive Summary (must not be more than 1/8th of the total size of the report)
Report Body • Introduction • Background or History of the Problem • Body (Presents and interprets data in words and visuals. Analyses causes of the problem and evaluates possible solutions.) • Conclusion (Summarizes main point of the report.) • Recommendations (Recommends actions to solve the problem. May be combined with Conclusions) • Notes, References, or Works Cited (Document sources cited in the report) • Appendixes (Provide additional materials that the careful reader may want: transcript of interview, copies or questionnaires, etc.)
Report Structure • Length and formality determine report structure. • Prefatory pages of a report consist of the title fly, title page, letter of transmittal, table of contents, and executive summary. • The body of the report is called report proper. • The title fly carries only the report title. Print the title in the highest-ranking form used in the report, and double-space it if you need more than one line. • The title page typically contains the title, identification of the writer and reader, and usually the date. “Submitted for” or Prepared for” is written before “Prepared By”. Date is written towards the end. • The letter of transmittal is a letter that transmits the report. It is a personal message from the writer to the reader.
Report Structure • The table of contents is the listing of the report contents. It is the report outline in finished form, with page numbers to indicate where the parts begin. It also may include a list of illustrations (tables, figures, diagrams). • The table of contents is appropriately titled “Table of Contents” or “Contents”. Below the title set up two columns. One contains the outline headings, generally beginning with the first report part following the table of contents. You have the option of including or leaving out the outline letters and numbers. • The executive summary summarizes whatever is important in the report --- the major facts and analyses, conclusions, and recommendations.
Report Structure • As the need for formality decreases, and the problem becomes smaller, the makeup of the report changes. • The changes primarily occur in the prefatory pages. • First, the title fly drops out. • The executive summary and the letter of transmittal are combined. • The table of contents drops out. Because, certainly a guide to a 100-page report is necessary, but a guide to a 1-page report is not necessary. • As formality and length requirements continue to decrease, the combined letter of transmittal and executive summary drops out. • The shorter report usually begin directly ---- with conclusions and recommendations.
Title • The title should tell what the report contains. Use the five Ws and 1 H as a check for completeness (who, what, where, when, why ---- sometimes how). • Example: Who: Nokia What: Sales training recommendations Where: Implied (Nokia regional offices) Why: Understood (to improve sales training) When: 2005 How: Based on a 2005 study of company sales activities. The title will be: “Sales training recommendations for Nokia based on a 2005 study of Company Sales Activities.”
Title • Example: Who: Petco What: Analysis of Advertising campaigns Where: Not essential When: 2005 Why: Implied How: Not essential The title will be: “ Analysis of Petco’s 2005 Advertising Campaign.”
Letter of Transmittal • The transmittal has several purposes: to transmit the report, to orient the reader to the report, and to build a good image of the report and of the writer. • Organize the transmittal in this way: • 1. Transmit the report: Tell when and by whom it was authorized and the purpose it was to fulfill. • 2. Mention any points of special interest in the report. Indicate minor problems you encountered in your investigation and show how you corrected them. Thank people who helped you. • 3. Point out additional research that is necessary, if any. Sometimes your recommendation cannot be implemented until further work is done. . • 4. Thank the reader for the opportunity to do the work and offer to answer questions.
Table of Contents • Conventional System: • First-level heading • Second-level, first part • Second-level, second part • Third-level, first part • Third-level, second part • Fourth-level, first part • Fifth-level, first part (a) Sixth-level, first part
Decimal System: 1.0 First-level heading 1.1 Second-level, first part 1.2 Second-level, second part 1.2.1 Third-level, first part 1.2.2 Third-level, second part Fourth-level, first part Fifth-level, first part Sixth-level, first part
Table of Illustrations • The table of illustrations may be either a continuation of the table of contents or a separate table. Such a table lists the graphics presented in the report in much the same way as the table of contents lists the report parts. • In constructing the table, head it with an appropriately descriptive title, such as “Table of Charts and Illustrations,” or “List of Tables and Charts,” or “Table of Figures”.
Introduction • Origin of the Report: Includes a review of the facts of authorization. You should present such facts as when, how, and by whom the report was authorized; who wrote the report; and when the report was submitted. • Problem and Purpose: The problem is whatever the report seeks to do. The purpose statement identifies the organizational problem the report addresses, the technical investigations it summarizes. It tells the reason of the report. • Scope: The scope statement identifies how broad an area the report surveys. For example, Company X is losing money on its line of radios. Does the report investigate the quality of the radios? The advertising campaign? The cost of manufacturing? The demand for radios? A scope statement allows the reader to evaluate the report on appropriate grounds.
Introduction • Limitations: Limitations make your recommendations less valid or valid only under certain conditions. Limitations usually arise because time or money constraints haven’t permitted full research. For example, a campus pizza restaurant considering expanding its menu may ask for a report but not have enough money to take a random sample of students and townspeople.
Introduction • Historical Background: Formal reports usually have a section that gives the background of the situation or the history of the problem. Your general aim in this part is to acquaint the readers with how the problem developed and what has been done about it. It should review what past investigations have determined about the problem, and it should lead to what still needs to be done. • Assumptions: These are statements whose truth you assume, and which you use to prove your final point. If they are wrong, the conclusion will be wrong. • Sources and Methods of Collecting Information: If you conducted surveys, focus groups, or interviews, you need to tell how you chose your subjects, and how, when, and where they were interviewed. If your report is based solely on library or online research, omit the methods section; simply cite your sources in the text and document them in notes or references.
Introduction • Definitions, Initialisms, and Acronyms: When you know that some members of your audience will not understand technical terms, define them. If you have only a few definitions, you can put them in the Introduction. If you have many terms to define, use a glossary either early in the report or at the end. If the glossary is at the end, refer to it in the Introduction so that readers know that you’ve provided it. • Report Preview: In this part you tell the readers how the report will be presented --- what topics will be taken up first, second, third, and so on. You give your readers a clear picture of the road ahead.
The Report Body: In the report body, the information collected is presented and related to the problem. Normally, this part of the report comprises most of the content. • The Ending of the Report : Conclusions and Recommendations: Conclusions summarize points you have made in the body of the report; Recommendations are action items that would solve the problem. These sections are often combined if they are short: Conclusions and Recommendations. • The Conclusions section is the most widely read part of the report. No new information should be included in the Conclusions. Conclusions are normally presented in paragraphs, but you could also use a numbered or bulleted list.
Appended Parts • Appendix: You use it for supplementary information that supports the body of the report but has no logical place within the body. • Possible appendix contents are questionnaires, working papers, summary tables, additional references, and other reports. • As a rule, the appendix should not include the charts, graphs, and tables that directly support the report. These should be placed in the body of the report, where they support the findings. • Bibliography: It is a list of the publications used.
Bibliography Book Entry: 1. Name of the author; in normal order. If a source has two or three authors, all are named. If a source has more than three authors, the name of the first author followed by the Latin et al. or its English equivalent “and others” may be used.
Bibliography • 2. Book Title: Book titles are usually placed in italics. • 3. Edition • 4. Location of publisher: If more than one city is listed on the title page, the one listed first should be used. • 5. Publishing company • 6. Date: Year of publication. If revised, year of latest revision. • 7. Page or pages: Specific page or inclusive pages on which the cited material is found. • 8. URL for Internet sources or indication of the media (CV, DVD). Examples: • Howard Rheingold, Smart Mobs: The Next Social Revolution (Cambridge, MA: Perseus Publishing, 2002), 55.
Bibliography • Periodical Entry: • Author’s name • Article title: Typed within quotation marks. • Periodical title: Set in italics, which are indicated by underscoring. • Publication Identification: Volume number in Arabic numerals followed by date of publication (month or year or season and year). • Page or pages • URL for online periodicals. Example: Linda Beamer, “Directness in Chinese Business Correspondence of the Nineteenth Century,” Journal of Business and Technical Communication 17, no. 2(2003):201. Example:: Tommy Peterson, “ Copying with disease,” ComputerWorld 37, no. 25: 40(June 23, 2003), http://www.computerworld.com/printthis/2003/0,4814,82314.html.
Bibliography • Newspaper Article: • 1. Source description • 2. Main head of article • 3. Newspaper title. • 4. Date of publication • 5. Page (p.) and column (col.). May be used --- optional. • URL. Should be added when available. Example: Nick Wingfield, “Wifi Moochers; Some Wireless Internet Fans, Desperate for a Fix, ‘Borrow’ Access at homes, Hotels, Cafes,” The Wall Street Journal, July 31, 2003, B1.
Bibliography • Website: Example: “The Ten Biggest Mistakes of E-Mail Records Management,” September 9, 2003,http:// ioronmountain.ed4.net/enterprise/.