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Bottom-up Measurement and Verification of Energy Efficiency Improvements: National & Regional Examples. Monitoring of Energy Audits in Finland Bottom-up since 1994 Heikki Väisänen Ulla Suomi Ministry of Trade and Industry Motiva Oy.
Bottom-up Measurement and Verification of Energy Efficiency Improvements: National & Regional Examples Monitoring of Energy Audits in Finland Bottom-up since 1994 Heikki Väisänen Ulla Suomi Ministry of Trade and Industry Motiva Oy European Parliament 3 March 2005
4,1 TWh/a (4,8 TWh/a 2003) 0,5 TWh/a The Finnish Three Instrument Package Monitoring boundaries VA Coverage Public sector: ~ 58 % of building vol. Private service & gov. bldg: ~ 25 % of building vol. Industry: ~ 85 % of total energy use EA Coverage Municipalities ~ 50 % of building vol. Private services ~ 25 % of building vol. Industry: ~ 70 % of electricity ~ 60 % of heat and fuels Voluntary agreements 1997-> Energy Audits 1992-> Subsidies 1992 EAs 1998 EEIs 1,5 TWh/a Total effect approx. 5,0 TWh in 2002 (not 6,1)
Energy Audit Programme Main figures by the end of 2004 • Total over 6200 buildings covered by the EA Programme • Public sector: ~ 3600 buildings ~ 60 million m3 • Private sector: ~ 1600 buildings ~ 65 million m3 • Industry: ~ 1000 sites ~ electricity 31 TWh/a • ~ heat and fuels 70 TWh/a • Total audit costs (1992-2004) • 41 M€, subsidy 19 M€ • 4 M€/a, subsidy 1,7 M€/a (approx. level last 3…4 years) • EA database - MOTICOP (since 1994) • ~5000 statistically valid energy audit reports (31 building types) • 33 000 energy saving measures (30 categories) • 350 000 – 400 000 individual figures • Average 110 subsidy applications/year • Average 400 energy audit reports/year
I Monitoring Process of Energy Audits Energy Audit Clients Subsidy applications Energy Audit reports Follow-up via questionnaire 1995 1996 1999 15 Regional EEDCentres Motiva Follow-up via Voluntary Agreement reporting 2000… I II VA~EA Clients VA Database EA Database III
TABLE 2 SUMMARY OF THE PROPOSED MEASURES MEASURE TOTAL ROI INVEST- CO2 ENERGY SAVING WATER SAVING STATUS SAVING MENT reduction HEAT ELECTRICITY OF energy costs energy costs water costs IMPLEMEN- energy power energy power TATION €/a a € t/a MWh/a €/a €/a MWh/a €/a €/a m³/a €/a 1 Description of measure 0 0,0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DONE 2 Description of measure 0 0,0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DECIDED 3 Description of measure 0 0,0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . . Normally approx. 4…10 measures/audit . TOTAL 0 0,0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 The 3-Phase Data Collection Process • 1. Subsidy Application Document – filed manually • Basic data: applicant (sector/branch) and the building (type, volume) or site (energy consumptions) • Energy audit model applied, audit cost and subsidy, named energy auditors • 2. Energy Audit Report – filed via an Excel-file • Basic data checked and updated • TABLE 1 “Energy & water consumptions” and TABLE 2 “Proposed measures” • 3. Follow-up – transferred from VA database • Implementation status of the proposed measures (TABLE 2) CONS. NO
I Not only to get the figure ”1 TWh/a” Data verification ”automatic alarm” Data input process 5…7 months/a Quality Control of EA Reports 6…10 months/a • Ministries • Media • Clients • Auditors • Motiva • EU EA Database 1½ months/a Specific Analysis Annual Report on Energy Audits • 33.000 measures • 30 categories • 31 building types 1½ months/a ”1 TWh/a” 2 days work Data verification and correction continuos process
Cumulative subsidy granted for energy audits and cumulative audit costs during the period 1992-2004
Energy audit volumes in the service sector during the period 1992-2004 14 Municipalities Private sector 12,2 12 11,4 10,2 10 8 7,3 Building volume million m3 6,6 6,3 6,2 6 5,2 5,0 4,8 4,7 4,5 4,2 4,1 3,5 4 3,4 3,2 3,1 3,0 2,9 2,8 2,5 2,2 2,1 2 1,2 0,7 0 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
Total consumptions, energy costs, saving potentials and investments in the public sector 1998-2003 Present consumption MUNICIPAL SECTOR Savings potential 1998-2003 923 buildings Heat 765 425 MWh/a 97 191 MWh/a 12,7 % 23 230 718 €/a 2 836 359 €/a 12,2 % Electricity 317 890 MWh/a 22 436 MWh/a 7,1 % 18 020 155 €/a 1 658 763 €/a 9,2 % Water 2 718 666 3 195 431 3 7,2 % m /a m /a 5 817 833 €/a 429 636 €/a 7,4 % Total consumptions Total savings Investments 47 068 706 €/a 4 924 758 €/a 10,5 % 7 354 105 €
The profitability of the proposed saving measures in the service sector energy audits 1998-2003 (tot. 11,1 milj. €)
The profitability of the proposed saving measures in the industry and energy sector energy audits 1998-2003
Proposed energy saving measures in energy audits during the period 1992–2003 Category of measure Measures Savings Invest. ROI pcs. 1000 EUR 1000 EUR a 3,4 1 Heating system 284 1 006 3 438 1.1 Heat production, district heating basic rates 900 2 119 2 553 1,2 1,7 1.2 Reduction of indoor temperature 1 617 1 480 2 479 3,9 1.3 Controls of the heating system 1 525 1 815 7 001 4,2 1.4 Tightness of the building envelope 171 268 1 123 2,0 1.5 Technical system insulations 200 284 581 2,5 Total of system 4 697 6 972 17 175 3,6 2 Ventilation system 446 1 781 6 415 0,4 2.1 Running hours 3 956 9 852 3 999 1,5 2.2 Reduction of air flows 682 1 911 2 795 2,7 2.3 Separation of service areas 122 369 980 1,2 2.4 Controls of the ventilation system 1 853 2 367 2 934 3,9 2.5 Heat-recovery 1 259 6 486 25 033 0,7 2.6 Night cooling ventilation 84 49 35 1,8 Total of system 8 402 22 814 42 192 1,7 3 Domestic water, Total of system 3 470 3 017 5 011 4 Electricity, Total of system 9 885 13 883 20 257 1,5 2,6 5 Cooling systems, Total of system 460 3 221 8 466 3,6 6 Construction, Total of system 484 957 3 465 1,7 7 51 226 395 Compressed air system, Total of system 2,7 8 Other energy saving measures 1 310 26 788 72 747 All proposed energy saving measures 28 759 77 879 169 708 2,2
Different Levels of Monitoring Verified savings Level VI – Confirms the savings (a legal commitment fulfilled) Measured savings at site level Level V - Know how much is saved (measurement error) 1995 Theoretical savings of implemented measures Level IV - Know how much approx. will be saved 1994 Saving Potentials based on proposed measures Level III - Understand how much could be saved 1993 Level II - Know where the money is spent Energy Audit Volumes 1992 Level I – Just follow the money spent Expenditure (e.g. subsidies for EAs)
,,, some comments • On-site “field” conditions are far from laboratory conditions • we need to be realistic, what can be measured and what not • Small savings cannot be identified from the total consumption • sometimes not worth while measuring at all – just adjust the set point • The end-user might not be interested to spend money on M&V • who will pay for the M&V • What is actually Bottom-up monitoring… and what not?