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Watermelon. water. rain lake melon. payday. pay. day money spend. sunflower. sun. planet hot flower. eyebrow. eye. see brow blink. pancake. pan. pot cake clean. doghouse. dog. cat house bark. notebook. note. book pencil write. newspaper. news. paper television

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Watermelon water rain lake melon

  2. payday pay day money spend

  3. sunflower sun planet hot flower

  4. eyebrow eye see brow blink

  5. pancake pan pot cake clean

  6. doghouse dog cat house bark

  7. notebook note book pencil write

  8. newspaper news paper television tell

  9. cookbook cook food book stove

  10. sailboat sail sea ocean boat

  11. highway high way low cheap

  12. haircut hair comb cut wig

  13. sandbox sand box dirt beach

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