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OPNAV N16 Fleet Introduction Team Navy Personnel Systems Evaluation Report (Part 1). CNP’s vision for online Navy Career Tools “…easy to use, integrated and responsive family of career management, training, and education systems…” (We are not there yet!).
OPNAV N16 Fleet Introduction Team Navy Personnel Systems Evaluation Report (Part 1) • CNP’s vision for online Navy Career Tools • “…easy to use, integrated and responsive family of career management, training, and education systems…” • (We are not there yet!)
OPNAV N16 FIT – Who we are and what we do Chief of Naval Personnel OPNAV N16 • N16 Fleet Introduction Team • Conduct Fleet evaluations and assessments of career systems • Solicit and report Fleet feedback • Assist in development of communication and training products (user aids) for Fleet • Facilitate introductory training A voice for Fleet users! Fleet Representatives (e.g., TYCOMs) Application Technical Owners (PMW 240, BUPERS) Application Functional Owners (NETC and NPC) Mr Alex Watt, GS San Diego CWO3 Dale Wagner, Norfolk Ms Elizabeth McGrath, GS San Diego NCC Greg Hansen, San Diego IT1 Sean French, San Diego Mississippi River 2
“Sailor-facing” Navy Career Tools in 3 environments Navy is moving toward “self help” but not making it easy for Sailors! All SAILORS CCC PERSO TRAINO
Evaluation Planning • We limited the investigation to four applications originally believed to form core system functionality (from the Fleet user’s perspective): • Official Military Personnel File (OMPF) – the service member’s official military personnel record. • Navy Standard Integrated Personnel System (NSIPS)– used to perform some (but not all) Navy pay and personnel transactions. Contains some (but not all) of the service member’s pay and personnel information. The system upon which Billet Based Distribution (BBD) will rely, and the Integrated Personnel and Pay System – Navy (IPPS-N) will be built. • NSIPS Electronic Service Record (ESR) – an electronic display of some (but not all) of the member’s personnel information. • Transaction Online Processing System (TOPS) – used to initiate pay and personnel transactions and securely transfer personnel documents between commands and personnel support organizations. • However, it’s now clear that OMPF, NSIPS and NSIPS/ESR each have connections and dependencies with many other applications. These must be investigated IOT determine health of the WHOLE system.
Personnel Systems document Sailor careers • From a Sailor’s perspective, the long list of applications and systems that together comprise a personnel record includes: • Official Military Personnel File (OMPF) • Electronic Service Record (ESR) and ESR Afloat • Electronic Training Jacket (ETJ) and ETJ Afloat • Sailor/Marine American Council on Education Registry Transcript (SMART) • U.S. Navy Awards • Physical Readiness Information Management System (PRIMS) • Personnel Summary Record (PSR) • Relational Administrative Data Management (RADM) (for forces afloat) Additional commonly used systems that contain Navy personnel information include: Fleet RIDE-Perform to Serve (PTS), Career Information Management System (CIMS), Career Management System-Interactive Detailing (CMS-ID), United Services Military Apprenticeship Program (USMAP), Fleet Training Management and Planning System (FLTMPS), Navy Family Accountability and Assessment System (NFAAS), BUPERS Online (BOL), Officer Personnel Information System (OPINS)/Force Management (FORMAN), MyPay (DFAS), and MyAccess (DoD).
Navy Personnel Systems Evaluation, Part 1 • Conducted from MAY 2011 to JUN 2012 • Designed to verify the suitability and effectiveness of Navy personnel systems in the Fleet environment… from the Fleet User’s perspective. • Conducted on behalf of: • Surface Warfare Enterprise (SWE) Personnel Readiness Team (PRT) • COMNAVAIRFOR N1 • Special Assistant to DCNP for PAY/PERS Modernization (N1BX) • Fleet participants • 39 AC/RC commands tested OMPF, NSIPS, NSIPS/ESR, TOPS • Over 750 Fleet users in 9 war-fighting and support communities(CNSF, CNAF, CSF, NECC, NSWC, BUMED, NETC, CNIC, CNRFC) • Multiple user roles: Sailors, Command leaders, Command stakeholders, Personnel Support representatives • Evaluation Part 2 will commence in FY13 (more info later in the brief)
Evaluation Plan conducted in four phases • Phase 1 – Obtain baseline understanding of Fleet user knowledge • Stakeholder-specific questionnaires established a baseline understanding of what, when, where, why and how Fleet users access and engage Navy personnel systems in the Fleet environment. • Questionnaires also verified command stakeholder-specific tasks that require access to Sailor personnel records. (Command stakeholders include a Sailor’s chain of command; executive assistants such as the DAPA, CCC, and Legal Officer; and Personnel/Admin representatives.) • Phase 2 – Prepare Fleet users to perform evaluation tasks • FIT created training materials to support command introduction/indoctrination and training of personnel systems (to ensure participants understood how to access and use personnel systems). • FIT helped command stakeholders establish user accounts. • Phase 3 – Verify application technical performance • Fleet users (Sailors and command stakeholders) verified technical performance of each application via scripted tests. • Phase 4 – Verify application functional performance • Fleet users (Sailors and command stakeholders) verified system functional performance while executing common, real world tasks.
FIT-generated User Aids address Training and Communication gaps Go to www.public.navy.mil/bupers-npc. Under NPC Quick Links, click Career Toolbox. Go to www.nko.navy.mil. Under Career Management heading, click Navy Career Tools.
Go to www.public.navy.mil/bupers-npc. Under NPC Quick Links, click Career Toolbox.
Core Evaluation Participants (445 Fleet Users) • FLEET USER ROLES • Sailors • Officer • Enlisted • Command Leaders • Commanding Officer • Executive Officer / Executive Director • Command Master Chief / Chief of the Boat • Department Head • Division Officer • Leading Chief Petty Officer • Command Support • Command IA Coordinator • Command Career Counselor • Training Officer • Education Services Officer • Legal Officer • Chief Master-at-Arms • Drug and Alcohol Program Advisor • Security Manager • Admin/Personnel • Admin Officer • Personnel Officer COMMANDS Naval Surface Force • USS NEW ORLEANS (LPD 18) • USS GONZALEZ (DDG 66) Naval Air Force • USS DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER (CVN 69) Naval Submarine Force • Commander, Submarine Squadron (CSS) 6 Navy Installations • Naval Air Station (NAS) Oceana Naval Expeditionary Force • 31st Seabee Readiness Group (SRG) • Naval Mobile Construction Battalion (NMCB) 4 • NMCB 5 Naval Special Warfare Command • Naval Special Warfare Group (NSWG) 3 • Special Boat Team (SBT) 12 Navy Reserve Force • Navy Operational Support Center (NOSC) Norfolk Naval Education and Training Command • Training Support Center (TSC) West Bureau of Medicine • Naval Hospital Camp Lejeune (NHCL)
Face-to-Face Interviews (Over 350 Fleet Users) • Navy Installations • CSD Coronado • PSD Afloat Norfolk • PSD Afloat West • PSD Naval Air Station North Island • PSD Naval Base Point Loma • PSD Naval Hospital Camp Pendleton • PSD Naval Station Mayport • PSD Naval Station Norfolk • PSD Port Hueneme • Transient Personnel Unit (TPU) San Diego • Navy Reserve Force • Fleet Logistics Support Squadron (VR) 57 • NOSC Norfolk • NOSC San Diego • Navy Reserve USFF, Information Systems • Naval Education and Training Command • Training Support Center (TSC) West • Bureau of Medicine • CSD Naval Medical Center San Diego Naval Surface Force • Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Squadron • USS BENFOLD (DDG 65) • USS CHIEF (MCM 14) • USS GONZALEZ (DDG 66) • USS LAKE CHAMPLAIN (CG 57) • USS THACH (FFG 43) Naval Air Force • USS DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER (CVN 69) • USS CARL VINSON (CVN 70) • Fleet Logistics Support Squadron (VRC) 30 • Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron (HSC) 4 • Patrol Squadron (VP) 30 Naval Submarine Force • Submarine Squadron 11 • USS HAMPTON (SSN 767) • USS SAN FRANCISCO (SSN 711) Naval Expeditionary Force • 31st Seabee Readiness Group • NMCB Four • NMCB Five Naval Special Warfare Command • Naval Special Warfare Group 3 • Special Boat Team 12
Significant issues undermine system performance • N16 FIT identified multiple factors that contribute to the unhealthy and uncertain personnel services environment faced by Sailors today: • Lack of standardized processes and clearly defined duties and responsibilities for all participants involved in performing transactions (including Sailor, CPC and PSD). As a result, personnel records are inaccurate and incomplete. • Inadequacies in system reliability, availability, and maintainability inhibit user access to personnel records. • Failure of data to transfer reliably and consistently from system to system results in personnel records that are inaccurate and incomplete. • Lack of training, coupled with systems that are not intuitive or easy to use, prevent Fleet users (Sailors, command stakeholders, and personnel support representatives) from taking full advantage of existing system functionality. • Outdated, inaccurate, inconsistent and conflicting policy documents, user guides, user aids and websites confuse Fleet users and result in inaccurate and incomplete personnel records. The absence of standardized processes, confusing and conflicting policy, and a system-wide lack of training all but guarantee that a majority of personnel records are inaccurate and/or incomplete.
In the words of Fleet Users “In twenty years, this is the first time anyone has come down to our level and asked us what we think.” (PSD Department Head) “If I can’t manage to get my records updated, how can anyone else? I’m afraid the board will look at me and decide I’m incompetent.” (PS1/E7 candidate) “I’m the ADMINO and supposed to be an expert. So if I’m having problems making this work, then I know everyone is!” (O-4 ADMIN LDO) “Sailors will figure out a work around for issues with the programs without reporting this to systems administrators. This does not correct the initial systems error.” (PSCS Afloat) “Which of these systems talk to the other systems? I can’t tell if information isn’t where I expect it to be because there’s a technical issue I need to report, or if it’s because I didn’t do my job right.” (PS1) “It’s a mess, a real hodge-podge of systems that look like they were created to address different issues. But where’s the unified plan?” (PSD Dept Head) “We spend hours and hours every day trying to correct errors in these systems.” (PSD Section Supervisor) “What’s the ROI when Sailors can’t access and use these systems?” (YN1 Afloat) “Why am I hearing about this for the first time now? I’m two weeks from major command and this is all new information.” (Captain/ Prospective CO)
Additional Issues that degrade the system • Users (Sailors and support representatives) fail to protect Sailor PII • Sailors have limited access to computers and Internet • Command leaders and stakeholders lack tailored systems access • Help Desk support is inconsistent • Users state that NSIPS, ESR and OMPF are not intuitive or easy to use • Current and accurate personnel information is not available in systems and they are difficult to update • Training qualifications entered via RADM are not reflected in ESR • Commands lack sufficient electronic storage capability for personnel documents • Fleet users and support personnel do not understand processes required to maintain their records • NSIPS Web Afloat policy is not implemented Fleet-wide The performance of Navy personnel systems as a whole is unsatisfactory and there is a high level of risk associated with the system’s current level of performance.
Required Actions – Three Categories • Implement immediately to achieve MINIMUM mission capability in today’s system (now) • Implement before the end of FY13 to achieve FULL mission capability in today’s system • Implement to ensure success of Pay and Personnel Modernization and IPPS-N
The #1 Required Action (Foundation for all others) RA 1-1. Establish standardized processes for all major personnel transactions, which must include the Sailor (customer), CPC, and personnel support organization (PSD, CSD, NOSC). (Complete between now and Jan 2013)(Action: N1BX, BUPERS, CNIC/NPPSC, NPC, NETC, OPNAV N16 FIT) • Provide step-by-step procedures for each standardized process. Incorporate illustrations and screenshots as necessary. • Provide simple illustrations that diagram personnel processes and enable Fleet users (Sailor, command stakeholders and personnel support representatives) to monitor/verify transfer of information within and between all personnel systems. • Develop and release a simple IT solution that “walks” Fleet users (Sailor, CPC and PSD) step by step through processes… • Review and update policy documents so they are in lockstep with standardized processes. IT proposal presented to N1BX and NPPSC in AUG.
Required Actions (Category 1 – Now) RA 1-2. Enforce protection of PII in accordance with the Privacy Act – no exceptions! Areas of concern: • Unencrypted email between commands and personnel support organizations • Unencrypted email between individuals and NPC/BUPERS and help desks • Custody and storage of paper and electronic copies of personnel documents (Action: CNIC, BUPERS, NPC, PMW 240, TYCOMs) RA 1-5/6/7. Form Project Teams to develop training strategies to ensure all Sailors (officer and enlisted), command leaders, command stakeholders, personnel support representatives, CPCs, and IT System Administrators can access, view, verify, manage and maintain Navy personnel records. (Action: NETC, BUPERS 26, NPC, CNIC, NPPSC, DNS, OPNAV N13, OPNAV N16 FIT) • Fleet feedback indicates most training requirements can be satisfied by incorporating basic personnel systems awareness training into existing products and programs: • Annual GMT • Command Leadership School • CPO and PO Indoctrination • Command indoctrination • RTC/OTC • Career Development Boards (CDBs) • Division in the Spotlight (DITS)
Required Actions (Category 1 – Now) RA 1-8. BUPERS form and lead a group of Pay (DFAS), Pers (NPC, CNIC), and Fleet (PSD) representatives to perform the following: • Identify and review current policy • Resolve existing policy conflicts • Eliminate redundancy • Remove all reference to the FSR • Reduce number of policy documents • Align policy with existing system functionality and SOPs • Develop authorized alternate business rules for occasions when policy cannot be implemented as directed or when access to the Internet is not available • Make recommendations for communication and training initiatives (provide clear guidance in plain language) that can be easily and quickly updated when policy, processes or systems change. (Action: BUPERS 26, NPC, NPPSC, DFAS, OPNAV N16 FIT)
Required Actions (Category 1 – Now) RA 1-9. Review and verify existing communication products, specifically NPC and NKO web content, for currency, accuracy, relevancy and redundancy. (Action: BUPERS 26, NPC, NETC, Learning Centers, OPNAV N16 FIT) RA 1-10. Mandate that all Navy personnel systems shall be subject to routine operational systems testing by Fleet users in representative Fleet environments. No exceptions! (Action: OPNAV N16, PMW 240) RA 1-11. Restore TOPS Afloat. (Action: CNIC, NPPSC)
Required Actions (Category 2 – FY13) (Sampling) RA 2-1. Once standardized processes are developed and promulgated (see RA 1-1), conduct end-to-end tests of personnel data flow across all interface control points for all major personnel transactions to verify reliability across the entire system (Part 2). (Action: OPNAV N16, N16 FIT, PMW 240, BUPERS 26, NPC, NPPSC, NETC) RA 2-2. Direct that all generic group email addresses used by Navy personnel support organizations and system help desks will accept encrypted email from users. (Action: BUPERS, CYBERFOR) RA 2-4. Investigate and evaluate workforce manning (military, government civilian and government contractor) in personnel support organizations. • Ensure the workforce structure can reliably execute Sailor personnel transactions. • Ensure review includes manning in ISICs, Submarine Squadrons and LCS Squadron. (Action: BUPERS 26, NAVMAC, NPPSC, CNSF, CSF, other TYCOMs) RA 2-6. In order to expedite processes and reduce delays, consider designating PSD/CVNs as a trusted agent and empower with the ability to submit documents to OMPF. (Action: BUPERS 26, NPC, NPPSC)
Required Actions (Category 2 – FY13) (Sampling) RA 2-9. Develop and implement simple and straightforward policy enabling ISICs to obtain NSIPS ESR and OMPF command view access to personnel records in subordinate and supported commands. Use template being developed with CSS 11 and COMSUBPAC. (Action: BUPERS 26, NPC, TYCOMs, OPNAV N16 FIT) RA 2-16. Investigate transfer/display of NSIPS data within the system from the perspective of all NSIPS user roles to ensure personnel data is available, reliable, accurate... (Action NPC PERS 3, PMW 240) RA 2-17. Develop and execute a routine verification process (preventive maintenance) that ensures personnel systems are transferring data and documents properly. (Action: NPC, NETC, PMW 240, OPNAV N16 FIT) RA 2-20 through 26. Implement training strategies throughout the Fleet. (Action: NETC, NPC, BUPERS 26, PMW 240, OPNAV N16 FIT)
Required Actions (Category 2 – FY13) (Sampling) • Based on our recent and extensive Fleet interactions, N16 FIT believes most training requirements can be satisfied by incorporating basic personnel systems awareness training into existing products and programs: • Annual GMT • Command Leadership School • CPO and PO Indoctrination • Command indoctrination • RTC/OTC • Career Development Boards (CDBs) • Division in the Spotlight (DITS) • This will ensure every Sailor (officer and enlisted) has the basic (and updated) information required to manage their personnel records throughout their career.
Required Actions (Category 2 – FY13) (Sampling) RA 2-39. Improve NAVADMIN format for brevity and comprehension of personnel policies and actions required. (Action: OPNAV N13, BUPERS 26, NPC) RA 2-36. Develop single authoritative website (“Pay and Personnel Professional Web Portal”) for personnel support representatives (PS, YN, government civilian, etc.) and populate with current policy documents, user manuals and aids, standard operating procedures, best practices, training materials, sources of support, etc. N16 FIT’s recommendation is to use www.npc.navy.mil. (Action: BUPERS 26, NPC, NPPSC, TYCOMs, OPNAV N16 FIT) RA 2-37. Use plain language when developing communication products. Provide step-by-step guidance, if required, and include best practices and alternate business rules for occasions when system access is unavailable. Ensure products can be easily and quickly updated when policy, processes or systems change. (Action: N1BX, BUPERS 26, NPC, NETC, PMW 240)
Required Actions (Category 2 – FY13) (Sampling) RA 2-40. Conduct Fleet-wide stand-down to inventory individual Sailor personnel records (officer and enlisted), using a standard template, and document discrepancies found. Inventory 10% of the personnel records within each of the following Type Commands: CNSF, CNAF, CSF, CNIC, NECC, NSWC, CNRFC, NETC and BUMED. Report results to TYCOMN1s and forward to N1BX. (Action: N1B, TYCOMN1s, NPC, OPNAV N16 FIT) RA 2-44. Consider moving TOPS out of the current environment provided by Total Workforce Management System (TWMS) to a more robust environment capable of supporting an increasing number of users located world-wide and accessing the system 24/7/365. (Action: BUPERS 26, CNIC)
Other Required Actions • Verify online systems contain all the personnel information required by command stakeholders to do their job (see Sailor Service Record Project Team) – FY13 • Operationally test of the DEERS/RAPIDS system in Fleet environment – FY13 • Solicit and incorporate Fleet user (deck plate) perspective when writing system functional requirements and in future upgrades. (Observe and listen to Fleet SMEs in their operational environment!) – For Future System • Test all new technical systems in the Fleet environment prior to release, and routinely thereafter – For Future System • Develop verification system that provides users insight into the status of individual personnel transactions, the ability to track progress of transactions as they proceed to through the system (analogous to tracking systems used by UPS), information regarding troubleshooting and correction procedures, if necessary, and notification when the transaction is completed successfully. – For Future System
N16 Fleet Introduction Team (FIT) Thank you for your time alexander.watt@navy.mil 619 556-3193 Office619 666-1115 Cell