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제 9 장 < 형용사 비교 , 최상급 >. 형용사 => ( 원급 ~ 비교급 ~ 최상급 ). { 규칙변화 }. 1. 원급 + -(e)r , -(e)st. ex) tall - tall er - tall est , clever - clever er - clever est wise - wise r - wise st , great - great er - great est. 2. 단모음 + 단자음 으로 끝난 말 => 자음 겹쳐 + er, est.
형용사 => (원급~ 비교급 ~ 최상급) {규칙변화} 1. 원급 + -(e)r , -(e)st ex) tall - taller - tallest,clever - cleverer - cleverest wise - wiser - wisest,great - greater - greatest 2. 단모음+단자음으로끝난 말=>자음 겹쳐 + er, est ex) big - bigger - biggest,hot - hotter - hottest 3. 자음+y로 끝난 말 => y를 i로 고친 후 + er, est ex) happy -happier -happiest,early -earlier -earliest 4.3음절이상과 -ful, -ous, -able, -less, -ive, -ing로 끝난 2음절: more , most사용 ex) diligent - more diligent - most diligent useful - more useful - most useful famous - more famous - most famous
{불규칙 변화} • ( good ) - better - best • ( well ) • ( bad ) - worse - worst • ( ill ) • (many) - more - most • (much) • little - less - least • old - older - oldest(늙고,낡은) • elder - eldest(나이가 위인) • late - later - latest(늦은-시간) • latter - last(뒤의 - 순서) • far - farther - farthest(거리가 먼) • further - furthest(정도가 더한)
◈ (원급) : as(원급)as... => (...만큼 ~ 하다) (비교 표현): He is more clever than wise. It is more hot than warm. 1.He is as tall as his brother. ≠He is not as tall as (=not so tall as) his brother. The bus is as fast as the train. 2.He walked as fast as possible.(= .) as fast as he could ◈ (비교급):비교급+than 1. He is two years older than I (am old). Iron is more useful than gold. He is cleverer than his brother. <동일人,物 의 다른 성질의비교는 음절에 관계 없이 more + 원급 + than의 형태>
2.비교급 강조:much, far, even, still, alot:훨씬,한층 • This is muchbigger than that. • Tom drives farmore carefully than Mary. • You are evenmore beautiful than before. 3. The +비교급 (a)of the two,of A and B어구가 있을 때 • He is the youngerof the two. • Of gold and silver, the former is the more precious. (b)이유 부사절(구)가 있을 때 • He worked the harder, because she praised him. • I like him the betterfor his faults. (C)the+비교급.., the+비교급~ :(..하면 할수록 더 ~하다) • The higher we climb, the colder it becomes. • The sooner, the better.
(d)get, grow, become +비교급and비교급 (점점 더 ~ 하게 되다.) • It is gettingwarmer and warmer day by day. • She becamemore and more beautiful. 4. 라틴어계 비교급 superior to ~(우수한)≠inferior to ~(열등한) senior to ~(연상의)≠junior to ~(연하의) prefer A to B : (B보다 A를 더 좋아하다.) • He is superior to ( me, I ) in every way. • = I am inferior to ( him, he) in every way. • I prefer coffee to tea. • = I like coffee better than tea.
5. 관용적 표현 • He has no more than 100 won. • He has no less than 100 won. • I have not more than ten books. • (= ) • I have not less than ten books. • (= ) (=only) : 겨우, 불과 (=as <many,much> as) :~ 만큼 이나 I have ten books at most. : 기껏해야 I have at least ten books. :적어도 ※(not ~ any longer = no longer not ~ any more = no more): 더 이상 ~ 하지 않다 • You are not a child any longer.= You are no longer • a child. • I cannot eat any more. = I can eat no more. ※(not so much A as B : A라기 보다 오히려 B이다.) • He is not so mucha painterasa poet.
◈ (최상급 표현) : <the > + 최상급 1. He is the tallest boy in the class. (~of his friends.) 2. the 의 생략 a)He runs fastest of all. (부사 최상급) b)You are my best friend.(최상급 앞에 대(명사)소유격) c) (1) Summer is the hottest season in the year. (2) Summer is hottest. (최상급 단독으로 보어) d) (1) The lake is the deepest one in Korea. (2) The lake is deepest at this point.(동일人,物 비교) 3. most 의미 • This is a most useful book . (매우) (ex)most exciting • Most of his story is not true.(대부분) (ex)most books • I can pay you only 10 dollars at (the) most.(기껏해야)
4. 최상급 표현 (최상급& 비교급& 원급) a) 1.Seoul is the largest city in Korea. 2.= 3.= 4.= b) 1.Time is the most precious thing of all. 2.= 3.= 4.= Seoul is largerthananyothercity in Korea. No (other) city in Korea is largerthan Seoul. No (other) city in Korea is aslargeas Seoul. Time is more preciousthananyotherthing. (= anything else .) Nothing is more preciousthan time. Nothing(=No other thing) is sopreciousas time. (최상급 표현) 1. 최상급2. 비교급+than+any+other+단수명사 3. 부정주어+비교급+than 4. 부정주어+as(so)+원급+as
◈ ( 기타 최상급 표현 ) ◈ 1. as ~ as ever + 동사 • He is as great a musician aseverlived. • ( 이제까지 그이 이상의 음악가는 없다. ) • => He is the greatest musician that ever lived. 2. as ~ as any • He is as great a musician as any. • => He is the greatest musician in the world. 3. 부정어 + 비교급 • I have never been happier. • => I am happiest now.