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NCAR Scientific and Research Engineering Staff Appointments Process. Jeff Stith 2012 Appointments Review Group (ARG) Chair October 5, 2011. Appointments Review Process. What is the Ladder-track? What is “stopping the clock”?
NCAR Scientific and Research Engineering Staff Appointments Process Jeff Stith 2012 Appointments Review Group (ARG) Chair October 5, 2011 .
Appointments Review Process • What is the Ladder-track? • What is “stopping the clock”? • How many years do you need to spend between Scientist I and Scientist II? What about Scientist III and Senior Scientist? • What is the ARG? • Who should you talk to if you have any questions?
NCAR Position Types • Two types of positions – • “Job-based” classification is based on the duties relating to that job; ex. Administrators, Project & Associate Scientists, Software Engineers. (~690 FTE in NCAR) • “Person-based” classification applies only to “ladder-track” appointments and is determined by the qualifications of the individual holding the position, based on the university tenure model ; (~120 FTE in NCAR) • Scientists I, II, III and Senior Scientists and • Research Engineers I, II, III and Senior Research Engineers
NCAR Ladder-Track Scientific and Research Engineering Appointments • Governed by the NCAR Scientific and Research Engineering Appointments Policy 7-1 http://www.ncar.ucar.edu/polpro/section7/7-1.html See also ARG Charter and Bylaws: https://www.ncar.ucar.edu/ladder-track-appointment-review-tool/candidates/
Ladder-Track Appointment Process Scientist I (or Research Engineer I) Scientist II (or Res. Eng. (II)) (3 year term, up or out, decision at the Lab Level) Scientist II (or RE II) Scientist III (or RE III) (4 year term, up or out, nomination at the Lab level, review by NCAR Appointments Review Group (ARG), decision by NCAR Director, approval by Board of Trustees) Scientist III (or RE III) Senior Scientist (or Senior RE) (No term, nomination by the Lab, review by ARG, decision by NCAR Director, approval by Board of Trustees) Procedures for “Stopping the Clock” in special circumstances (family leave, medical leave, instrument development, model development, etc.)
Ladder-Track Appointments • NCAR Scientist and Research Engineer Appointment Criteria: http://www.ncar.ucar.edu/polpro/section7/docs/SciandEngApptsCriteria.pdf • Applies to hires, promotion, performance appraisals, and reviews • Lists the three major criterion areas • Science/technical contributions (journal papers, books, patents, etc.) • Contributions to NCAR Programs (CCSM, Field program support, etc.) • Community Service (editorship, thesis committees, committee membership, etc.) • Provides examples of typical measures for each area • Promotion reviews happen in the Lab and at the ARG depending on the level. The NCAR Director with the approval of the BoT makes Level III and Senior Level appointments. • Levels I & II are term appointments with an “up or out” decision. However, if out, can compete for other NCAR positions not on the ladder-track. • In addition to annual performance reviews, level III and senior level staff have a Post-Appointment Review (PAR) every 5 years.
Ladder-Track Appointments Criteria • Scientific research contributions/technical excellence • Quality, breadth and impact of work • Productivity • Leadership • National and International Reputation • Awards • Contributions to NCAR Programs • Community Service
Level III vs. IV (examples) • Scientific/Technical Contributions • Level III - The candidate is nationally recognized in the relevant community for high scientific and research engineering competence and productivity, as well as for skills in managing scientific or engineering research programs and service activities when required by the position. • Senior Level - The candidate is internationally recognized in the relevant community for the quality of an individual's theoretical, technical, and numerical work; the extent that the work is set apart from, or above that of others in similar fields; and the impact or significance of the work in the field. • Leadership (Level III—National, Senior Level—International) • Contributions to NCAR Programs • Level III - The candidate demonstrates a growing leadership role in NCAR programs. • Senior Level - The candidate has demonstrated effective judgment on the importance, relevance, and tractability of scientific or research engineering problems, on research strategy and development, and on development of facilities, models, and services for the scientific research community, which have influenced the shape and direction of NCAR programs. • These and other criteria , examples http://www.ncar.ucar.edu/polpro/section7/docs/SciandEngApptsCriteria.pdf
Lab Reviews and Nominations • Involves supervisors, lab senior scientists and research engineers, and lab senior management. • Level I to II promotion decision is made solely at the lab level • If nominated by lab for level III or senior level promotion, the lab may call on the candidate to contribute to the nomination materials
NCAR Appointments Review Group (ARG) • A group of Senior Level Ladder-Track Staff • Charged by the NCAR Director to: • Conduct a review of level III and senior level scientific and research engineering candidates for promotion. • Perform a uniform and rigorous review of their accomplishments within NCAR policy and procedures. • Make recommendations for/against promotion to the NCAR Director.
Appointments Review Group (ARG) Deliberations • First meeting (Nov) - set up Investigative Subcommittees (3 members, ARG member is chair) • Second meeting (Jan) - preliminary review of nomination materials and ARG list of external referees to provide letters • Final Review Meeting (April) - • Review of Nomination Materials, Investigative Subcommittee Report and Referee Letters • Deliberation by ARG and vote • Recommendation to NCAR Director
NCAR Director and the UCAR Board of Trustees • A Level III or Senior-Level appointment is conferred by the NCAR Director following: • 1) an evaluation and report to the NCAR Director by the Appointments Review Group (ARG); • 2) a recommendation for appointment by the NCAR Director to the UCAR Board of Trustees; and • 3) approval of the appointment by the UCAR Board of Trustees.
More information on the Process • NCAR Scientific and Research Engineering Appointments Policy 7-1 http://www.ncar.ucar.edu/polpro/section7/7-1.html • The 2011 Ladder-Track Appointment Review Process https://www.ncar.ucar.edu/ladder-track-appointment-review-tool/candidates/ • Lab Review Process Information – Contact your Lab Director or Administrator • Presentations on the ARG Process– Made annually by the ARG Chair to the NSA and ECSA
Some Suggestions (unofficial) • Become familiar with your lab/division’s review process as well as NCAR’s process. Focus on progress towards promotion at annual review time • Seek out advice and council from Senior Ladder-Track staff/Lab Directors early and often • Utilize on-line tools for self-evaluation of your career (impact of publications) • If you wrote a letter of recommendation for yourself, what would it include? Would such a letter be likely to come from leading scientists/engineers in your field?
Consider the impact of items you would put in a promotion package • Conference proceedings vs. peer reviewed article, quality of journals, etc. • Importance of NCAR programs you are contributing to (e.g. specific examples of how the community has benefited from your work) • International and local impact • Productivity • Number, rate of pubs, service • Impact/Quality of each