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Question 6. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product. . Preliminary exercise brief .
Question 6 Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product.
Preliminary exercise brief This is a continuity task involving filming and editing a character opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down on a chair opposite another character, with whom he/she then exchanges a couple of lines of dialogue. This task should demonstrate match on action, shot/reverse shot and the 180 degree rule.
Since we had a brief it meant that we had to follow it and actually complete all of the tasks that were on there. Though it was a little bit boring we made a fun for ourselves and it was also our first time working as a group so that was fun on its own. The fact that we had to film it during our media lesson meant that we could only film it in school while there were lessons going on at the same time. Other groups were using different parts of the playground so we wanted to make it a little different and use the main hall instead as this worked well for the teacher and student role. Since none of us had done this properly before we all wanted to take part in each role so we took turns and this was easy since we were all acting as well. Below is the link to the prelim just so you don’t have to re visit it on the blog. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=526IaxpwAuM
What new skills have you learnt since the prelims? During the prelims we didn’t get to use all of the functions and tools on final cut pro as much as we wanted to since we only had a day to edit them. When it came to our actual production we had 2 weeks instead so we spent quite some time playing around final cut pro but most of the skills were learnt during the whole process. We learnt how to do some really cool things; for instance we learnt how to put all of our scenes into one clip and all appear at the same time, which we needed for the entire film. Another skill which I have learnt while filming is that even though some footage may not be as great as we would have hoped, the editing can make it a whole lot better however we ensured that our scenes were as good as we could possibly make them.
Do you feel the preliminary task helped you for the final thing? Even though we may have not had that much time with the preliminary task I still feel as though it helped us a lot because if there was anything that I never understood I had the chance to ask as many questions as I needed to. The preliminary task also helped us all in knowing what we felt most confident about. For instance I learnt that editing was not my strongest point and it was more for Georgia.
If you could change anything from the prelims what would you change? We weren't actually being assessed on the prelims as we were on the main thriller therefore we didn’t actually try as hard in the prelims and instead we just stuck to the basics and kept it as simple as we could. Even when it came down to editing the prelims we just used some of the effects that would make it more exciting rather than actually putting as much effort as we could have. If we perhaps tried harder at that point we may have been more used to final pro when it came down to actual thing and maybe we could have gotten straight into it rather than exploring as we went along.