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Meat ID / Judging. Contest Rules. 4-H University Contest Rules http://intranet.lsuagcenter.net/unit/4H/4HU/Contest%20Rules/Forms/AllItems.aspx?RootFolder=%2funit%2f4H%2f4HU%2fContest%20Rules%2fContest%20Rules&FolderCTID=&View=%7b3442C2EA%2d0E7D%2d481B%2d9732%2d54843A8DBD4F%7d
Contest Rules • 4-H University Contest Rules http://intranet.lsuagcenter.net/unit/4H/4HU/Contest%20Rules/Forms/AllItems.aspx?RootFolder=%2funit%2f4H%2f4HU%2fContest%20Rules%2fContest%20Rules&FolderCTID=&View=%7b3442C2EA%2d0E7D%2d481B%2d9732%2d54843A8DBD4F%7d • National Contest Rules www.meatscience.org/page.aspx?id=467
Contest Rules cont. • Teams – 3 individuals/team 2 teams /parish. Parishes with more than one team will be ranked high scores to lowest. • Teams should be prepared to work in cold environments ( 34 to 40 degrees F ), long sleeves, long pants, jackets, water resistant shoes. All clothing should be clean. Head cover, hats, hairnets or hardhats.
Contest Rules cont. • White frocks preferred. • Contestants should bring a clipboard and at least 2 #2 pencils. • All contest materials will be provided i.e. score cards, scratch paper, and Meat ID cut codes. • Blank or mismarked score cards will be scored as a zero. • Ties will be broken with reason scores.
Contest Conduct • This is a visual contest, which means no contestant should touch, measure, or handle any cut or carcass. • Contestants will be placed into groups and a group leader will be with each group the entire time of the contest. Any questions should be directed to group leaders. • No Talking allowed during contest.
Contest Conduct cont. • Contestants should have respect for other contestants in their group and can not purposely obstruct the work of others. • Use of mechanical aids is prohibited. • Use of cell phones, ipods, or any other devices not related to the contest is prohibited.
Contest Requirements • Placing Classes- at least 3 placing classes, worth 50 points each, consisting of 4 Carcasses ( Beef or Pork), 4 Wholesale cuts ( Beef or Pork), or 4 Retail cuts ( Beef, Pork, or Lamb ) to ranked from first to last. Wholesale and Retail classes will come from the national approved lists of cuts. 12 minutes will be allowed for each class. • At least one set of oral reasons, worth 50 points, from the placing classes. • At least one set of 10 questions worth 50 points, from one of the placing classes.
Contest Requirements cont. • Meat Identification – Up to 30 retail cuts from the national approved retail cuts list. • 10 points per cut – 1 point for Species, 3 points for Primal Cut, 4 points for Retail Cut, 1 point for type of cut, and 1 point for Cookery Method. • 12 minutes per class, contestants will be allowed 45 seconds to ID and fill out the appropriate blank for each cut.
Training Resources • http://www.animal.ufl.edu/extension/meat/youth/meat-resources.shtml • http://www.meatscience.org/page.aspx?id=466
Official Placings • Official placings will be generated by a committee of experienced meat scientists. • We will go over the official placings after the contest is completed, and it is highly recommended that you and your teams attend.