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Spanish II. Poetry project + Chapter 4 intro. Haga ahora el 31 de enero. DEFINE YOUR CHAPTER 4 VOCABULARY. Competition benefitting st. jude. Class who raises the most money wins a pizza party!!!. Poetry project. tentative DUE DATE: February 19 th. Poetry Project: Component 3.
Spanish II Poetry project + Chapter 4 intro
Hagaahorael 31 de enero DEFINE YOUR CHAPTER 4 VOCABULARY
Competition benefitting st.jude Class who raises the most money wins a pizza party!!!
Poetry project tentative DUE DATE: February 19th
Poetry Project: Component 3 • You now need to begin memorizing your poem. • You will be graded on a) memorization and b) pronunciation. • Everyone will recite the poem by memory to the class. • The tentative due date is February 19. MAJOR GRADE!!
Vocabulario de capitulo 4 En el restaurante
Señor bean en un restaurante “movie talk”
You may use your vocabulary list! FIRST person with the word spelled correctlyCANDY! ¡Pizarras! Write the vocabulary word being described
Se usaparacubrir la mesa. un mantel
Se usaparatomaragua o leche. Un vaso
Se usaparabeber café o té. Unataza
Se usapara comer sopa. Unacuchara
Se usaparacortar la carne. Un cuchillo
Esuna persona quetrabaja en un restaurante. El mesero/el camarero
Lo necesitaspara comer unaensalada. El tenedor
Si la comida no esbuena, usasestoscondimentos. (2 cosas) La sal y la pimienta
Vocabulario en vivo En el restaurante
¡¡SOLO ESPAÑOL!! Las entrevistas ¿qué comes?
Workbook pages 4.3 & 4.4 tarea
gramÁtica Presente de los verbos de cambio radical ei
EI Stem-changing verbs • What do we already know about stem-changing verbs?? • The stem changes in all forms except… • The endings are…
EI “boot verbs” • The following are eistem-changing verbs:
EI “boot verbs” • The following are eistem-changing verbs:
Seguir… SLIGHTLY IRREGULAR So which form is irregular??
Present participle • Remember: The Present Participle form is ESTAR + __ando or __iendo • Also has the eistem-change… Estoypidiendo nada porque no tengohambre. El meseronosestásirviendola comida.
¡Pizarras! Write the correct form of the verb
Yo ________ el biftecbienhecho. (pedir)
Los clientes __________ los ordenespara la mesera. (repetir)
Nosotros ____ ________ antes de salirpara la escuela. (vestirse)