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Cancun has Rooted Climate Capitalism i.e., Climate Injustice

Feed back on CoP 16 Cancun Climate Conference. Role of GoB Delegation and Bangladeshi CSOs. Cancun has Rooted Climate Capitalism i.e., Climate Injustice. www.equitybd.org. The final outcome - 1. “Multilateral process has sustained but not the climate balance”.

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Cancun has Rooted Climate Capitalism i.e., Climate Injustice

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  1. Feed back on CoP 16 Cancun Climate Conference Role of GoB Delegation and Bangladeshi CSOs Cancun has Rooted Climate Capitalism i.e., Climate Injustice www.equitybd.org

  2. The final outcome - 1 “Multilateral process has sustained but not the climate balance” No decision on legally binding i.e., Kyoto protocol which will be ending in 2012, Process of dialogue again prolonged up to November 2011, CoP 17, at Durban USA, Russia and Japan has opposed i.e., shown audacity to pollute climate Commitment to keep temperature 2 C, i.e., by the end of this century global temperature will raise 4 to 6 C. No care to the IPCC fourth assessment report. Creation of Global Green Fund, 3 years role for World Bank, i.e., legitimatized neo liberal role of World Bank, still who is the biggest investor in dirty/ carbon polluting industry, in 2009 it was 6.3 % billion, 17 % of their all investment www.equitybd.org

  3. The final outcome - 3 Strengthen the market solutions, i.e., carbon trading through REDD i.e. Big emitters will continue to emit carbons as previous, it will be legitimize through carbon trading, in investing money in forestation and reducing desertification though private and public agencies. UNFCCC’s role has become as a CARBON TRADER, not as working to mitigate global climate injustice. www.equitybd.org

  4. System approach to contain descent voices, little space for CSOs We condemn the role of Mexican government and UNFCCC in holding the CoP 16: Practical arrangement made difficult to raise decent voices / alternatives/justice based non market solutions • Meeting place 40 km far from the main town, everyday all most all delegates and CSOs has to spend 3 hours in journey • Restriction in holding procession and protest (even the silent protest) in conference place • Side events and conference is 10 km far from conference place • LDC CSOs has to face difficulties to get visa • Costly travel and costly livelihood , multilateral discussion place have to effordable. • La via campesina and other CSOs protest rallies has been barred to go to nearer to conference place www.equitybd.org

  5. Role of CSOs/NGOs (EquityBD in cooperation with SUPRO, CSRL and Shaptahik) - 1 (i) Running both with photo exhibition for the total period along side the GoB booth; to project real ground situation to inform CSO role in demanding climate justice to collect partners in popularizing campaign on climate migrants rights to strenghen cooperation to the government initiatives  All most all the GoB members and others has visited our booth www.equitybd.org

  6. Role of CSOs/NGOs (EquityBD in cooperation with SUPRO, CSRL and Shaptahiki) - 1 (ii) Participated in two protest rallies in down town Cancun on 3rd and on 8th Dec. EquityBD and SUPRO have given speeches highlighting climate impacts in Bangladesh and role of World Bank or neo liberal agencies i.e. perpetuating poverty. www.equitybd.org

  7. Role - 2 (iii) Given deliberations in two press conference of CSOs inside the UNFCCC • On 2nd December SUPRO Abdul Awal along with others urged “World Bank out of climate finance” • On 8th EquityBD Reza moderated the press conference and condemns the UNFCCC and Mexican govt. approach of containing CSO descent voices. www.equitybd.org

  8. Role - 3 (iv) Conducted a seminar on climate migrant’s rights in UNFCCC premise on 6th Dec. and Dialogo Climatico a NGO / CSO premise on 5th Dec. • Green Peace Chief Executive Kumi Naido, Focus on Global South Dorhty Gorrera, Asia Pacific Research Network Maria Teresa Lauren, World Development Movement Kate Blojenevic, CSRL Dr. Ahsan Uddin and GoB Foreign Secretary Mizarul Kayes has participated as penalists. • Jubilee south International Coordinator has also participated as penalist in Dialogoclimatico (NGO/CSO alternative plateform) premise along with others. • Around 200 organizational signatures have been collected for the call on climate migrant’s rights. Leaflet on Spanish and French translation has circulated widely. • Strategic campaign and positive engagement with government. www.equitybd.org

  9. Observation on government delegation • We appreciate Minister capacity and balance role • Question on necessity of huge delegation, incurring from government ex-chequer • We agreed and supportive to government position, especially in • Continuation of Keyoto protocol • Critical to the market based solution e.g., carbon trading • No to the loan in respect of climate adaptation (contradiction to ERD position) • Sovereignty over climate financing www.equitybd.org

  10. Future • More systematic and coordinated effort to gain globalize sympathy e.g., more coordination with NGOs / CSOs in participating in CoP process • More effort has to be given in bringing transparency and accountability in disbursement of climate fund in the country. • More effort in implementation and coordination in BCCSAP that it should not be a mere document. www.equitybd.org

  11. Please discuss, debate and join the campaign www.equitybd.org

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