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Information for Teachers College and Career Readiness English Language Arts (230195). Transitional Interventions: English and Reading. Target Indicators. Two target indicators define the work required to realize Unbridled Learning: College/Career Readiness for All.
Information for Teachers College and Career Readiness English Language Arts (230195) Transitional Interventions:English and Reading
Target Indicators Two target indicators define the work required to realize Unbridled Learning: College/Career Readiness for All. • Increase the percentage of students who are college and career ready from 34% to 67% by 2015 • Increase the Averaged Freshman Graduation Rate from 76% to 90% by 2015
Students Who MET Benchmarks Total number of students tested: 43,511
Our Task The task of the leader is to get his people from where they are to where they have not been. - Henry A. Kissinger
Course Objectives After completing the transitional course and meeting the college placement criteria, students will be able to: • enroll in college credit-bearing courses. • increase the likelihood for successful completion in subsequent college courses.
Why is reading important to college or career readiness? • Research indicates that the demands on readers have either held steady or increased over roughly the last fifty years (Common Core Standards) • College textbooks (as measured by Lexile scores) have increased in difficulty since 1962 (Common Core Standards) • Work-place reading (measured in Lexiles) significantly exceeds grade 12 complexity (Common Core Standards)
Why is reading important to college or career readiness? • Students in college are expected to read complex texts with substantially greater independence than are students in K-12 programs (Pritchard, Wilson & Yamnitz, 2007) • College students are held more accountable for what they read on their own than most high school students (Pritchard, Wilson & Yamnitz, 2007)
College vs. K-12 Reading Complexity • K-12 reading texts have decreased in reading difficulty in the last half century (Chall, Conard & Harris, 1977) • There is as much as a 350 Lexile gap between the difficulty of end-of-high school and college texts- a gap equivalent to 1.5 standard deviations (Williamson, 2006)
Importance of Expository Text • Students in K-12 are given very little exposure to expository texts, which is necessary for them to develop important reading strategies (Common Core Standards) • Expository text makes up the vast majority of the required reading in college and the workplace (Common Core Standards)
Consequences of Low Level Reading • 30% of high school seniors who enrolled in college and took a remedial course went on to receive a degree or certificate compared to 69% of high school seniors who did not take a remedial course (NCES) • 14% of adults read prose text at “below basic” level; 13% could read prose texts at the “proficient level” (National Assessment of Adult Literacy)
Reading Course Outline Units including in Reading Course • Introductory Unit: Reading in Literary Non-Fiction • Reading in Science • Reading in Humanities • Reading in History
Overview • Why content area reading? • ACT Reading passages represent texts students may encounter in the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, and literature courses • Each content area requires students to employ a different set of literacy skills
Course Design Each Unit is complete with: • Essential Questions • Suggested Texts (available online) • Sample Texts • Vocabulary • Activities for reading strategies (before reading, during reading and after reading) • Reading Strategy guides and explanations • Unit planning guides
Reading Course Overview Sample Unit Structure, cont. “The Falling Man”
English Curriculum Outline Units include: • Introductory Unit: Literary Non-Fiction • Science • Humanities • History • Appendix: • “Just in Time” Lesson Plans • Planning Templates
English Curriculum Outline Just In Time Lessons • Just in Time lessons are intended to give teachers resources and lesson plans for teaching the core grammar, writing and mechanics skills that are assessed on the ACT, the COMPASS and the forthcoming KYOTE assessment for English.
To Pair or Not to Pair • After hearing from many classroom teachers and administrators, the work team who developed the English transitional curriculum framework was very intentional about creating a product that mirrored the units in the Reading framework. • This was intentional so that the two courses could be paired to create one comprehensive course.
With this course, teachers may… • adapt the course to the meet the specific needs and conditions in each high school • design instructional plans based upon researched, best practice models
Measurement The Council on Postsecondary Education uses the following three assessments to determine placement of students in college mathematics/developmental classes • ACT • KYOTE • COMPASS
Benefits Benefits for students placed in a college credit bearing class Cost Time
The Financial Side • Recent data from Eastern KY University that each developmental class costs students approximately $789. • If a student has to take both English and Reading, that’s a cost to them of $1578. • Most financial aid will not cover developmental classes and students often have to take the courses more than one time in order to pass.
Course Objectives After completing the transitional course and meeting the college placement criteria, students will be able to: • enroll in college credit-bearing courses. • increase the likelihood for successful completion in subsequent college courses.
Ways To Use/Schedule Course • Full course (could be integrated into an existing course, or offered as a stand-alone course) • Intervention(student is in the course long enough to complete necessary units and pass summative assessment) • Before or after school • During school (intervention time/ daytime ESS) • Self-paced course (with some guidance from a teacher)
Access to Resources • “open source” • free of charge • can be offered by high school (or middle school) You do not need formal permission to use the transitional course curriculum.
Questions Please contact: April Pieper april.pieper@education.ky.gov Excellence in education is when we do everything that we can to make sure they become everything that they can. – Carol Tomlinson