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V5 MDS SIGNIFICANT ISSUES. All 4/5 digit numbered lines are TTWCS CRs in SWIMS. Pri 2 CRs are bolded and have an (*) following, while Pri 1 CRs have 2 (**) following. All TTWCS CRs above 16505 have not been to Triage. Complete data on TTWCS CRs are in the attached EXCEL spreadsheet.
V5 MDS SIGNIFICANT ISSUES • All 4/5 digit numbered lines are TTWCS CRs in SWIMS. Pri 2 CRs are bolded and have an (*) following, while Pri 1 CRs have 2 (**) following. • All TTWCS CRs above 16505 have not been to Triage. • Complete data on TTWCS CRs are in the attached EXCEL spreadsheet. • The other lines beginning with TC2S are Com Global CRs from DT/OT Dry Run and there is no further data on them. Updated on 28 March 2006 gcs
MDS - FDU and OES Issues • 15062 - MDS/TDM Failure on large DDO's (MDU/FDU) • Cannot MDU/FDU DFS/GFS from a MDS 4.3.1 (not a 4.2.5 issue) • 15741 - MDS 4.3.0 could not process OES 37 FDU • MDS to MDS problem – Therefore cannot transfer OES to TTWCS • 15846 - FDU/OES 37 - From MDS to TTWCS failed CRC on TTWCS.(OES version ID FDU failed CKSUM) • Can get flight software but cannot get a list of valid version Ids (flight software elements and missile Ids) • 16075 - NAVFS shows a failure status when OES 37 CD is loaded. • Cannot load new Nav Flight SW from CD • 16170 - PCMDS application error when send block III DFS • Cannot send large MDU/FDU from a MDS 4.3.1 (not a 4.2.5 issue) Updated on 28 March 2006 gcs
MDS - Report Processing Issues • 12781 - Post Strike Reports not processed by PCMDS. • Multiple part messages are causing issues • 15529 - MDS failed to process PLR • Multiple part messages are causing issues • 15713 - SPEO, PLR, and PSR reports are not being received by originator. • Appears to be a set issue at TTWCS (Trung to TI) • 16071 - PCMDS error processing ACMS-R • Cannot interrupt the TTWCS response – MDS does not know what ACMSs it holds • 16155 - MDS does not use TTWCS Strike Package data and therefore cannot exercise Strike Control or Monitoring • For both Preplanned and LPMP missions, MDS cannot control or monitor • 16156 - MDS and TSRT cannot use LPMP mission data • 16213 - MDS fails to process LPMP and CFF LERs for ESP. • Cannot train post strike on LPMP and CFFs missions Updated on 28 March 2006 gcs
MDS - System Issues • 7296 - CON-OP Issue with MSN Ranges • Same MSN from multiple C2 nodes causes validation issues in TTWCS • 15185*-VNC Service between WC and MDS unstable • Sub only issue – requires operator to reset approximately 30 minutes • 16243 - Cannot create a flight corridor using PCMDS 4.3.1 • Not an issue for 4.2.5. Need to provide proper alerts for selecting ACMSs • TC2S-CM-00040 - Aimpoint Update from SMD calculated an AU TOT in the past • Impacted missile appears to be still flying • TC2S-IVV-00307 - OTDR MDS and TTWVS are not lAW 3900/146 when assigning MSN • To Be Researched ???? • TC2S-IVV-00309 - OTDR: Modify 3900/146to allow OWRs for different situations • TTWCS will be upgraded to send OWRs in tactical mode also • TC2S-IVV-00316 - OTDR: The MDS retargeting tool identifies missiles retargeted via aim point update IMMM as valid candidates for retarget • Retarget after AU is not a valid use case • TC2S-IVV-00319 - OTDR: Software installation procedures not fully documented • MDS install issue • TC2S-IVV-00326 - OTDR: ATA nodes appeared not to receive firing unit strike reports • Reporting nodes must be listed in the ESP Updated on 28 March 2006 gcs
MDS - Tasking Issues • 15326 - MMCP conflicts with PCMDS Strike Data • Tasking Start and stop times needs to encompass engagement planning consideration • 15680 - MDS 4.3 tasking Loiter Areas by Polygon point elevations not floor and ceiling values. • Inconsistent altitude data – TTWCS could not use the ACMS • 15818 - PCMDS CANNOT TASK AN XLAC-E LPMP MISSION • ?? Ask Barry • 16191 - MDS revision number not updating dynamically • Changes to ESP revision are not updated on MDS display • 16203 - MDS Missing Flight Corridor Flag • Cannot have a flight corridor without a Loiter – Trung to check – maybe a TTWCS issue • 16500*- MDS assigned the same ASN to two separate missiles that had different tasked times • Violiates 3900/146 – needs to have same task timing, type, …. • 16523** - PC-MDS should not reuse ASNs in a strike package • Violates 3900/146 if used concurrently. Causes TTWCS problems until ESP is deleted from system • 16545* - Applicability Indicator not set correctly by MDS • Violates 3900/146 and causes delays in TTWCS to the point of missing tasking • 16551 – Need to establish rules for ESP revisions for Tactical Change Updated on 28 March 2006 gcs
MDS - Usability • 16501 - ISSUE 1: MDS 4.3.1RC9 (Strike Execution) The GANTT time line is occasionally not displayed although the planned H&S message do appear on the GANTT time line when received • 16504 - ISSUE 3: MDS 4.3.1RC9 (Strike Execution) If a missile is yellow and a Event or IMMM Ack H&S received the missile stays yellow where it should turn green • 16505 – MDS 4.3.1RC9: (Strike Execution) – Only part of the missile timelines can be viewed on the GANTT by using the slider bar at the bottom of the GANTT • 16511 - MDS 4.3.1RC9 (Strike Planning) Planner should not be allowed to assign a FRU as primary MC and/or alternate MC Updated on 28 March 2006 gcs
MDS – Usability (Cont.) • TC2S-IVV-00310 - OTDR: Misleading terminology when sending an IMMM • TC2S-IVV-00311 - OTDR: Unable to modify expired or wrong crypto data • TC2S-IVV-00327 - OTDR: The SMD "launch dot" and the LER data did not align consistently or well on the SMD • TC2S-IVV-00331 – OTDR: Backup controllers cannot tailor SMD missile summary to show the missiles for which they have responsibility • TC2S-IVV-00332 - OTDR: MDS doesn't prompt the operator to decide to engage an unassigned target following missile redirection • TC2S-IVV-00338 – OTDR: The GEO display on the SMD showed missiles in dramatically incorrect positions • TC2S-IVV-00335 - OTDR: SMD doesn't update when MDS receives a LER Updated on 28 March 2006 gcs
MDS – Fleet User Requests • 16506 – MDS 4.3.1RC9: (Strike Execution) – It is desired that the number of pings sent / received to a particular node be recorded within the Ping Tab of the SMD • Perfective issue • 16508 - MDS 4.3.1RC9 (Strike Option) Strike versions should be maintained on MDS for each option saved by the MDS operator • Perfective issue • 16524 - MDS 4.3.1RC9: (TSN TDM) – If possible it would be desirable to route outgoing TSN messages in the TDM as a function of the DTA • Fleet request to make it easier to monitor TSN • 16532 - TCIP 1.2.1 (TCIP): Allow the TCIP administrator to delete configurations files for the various TCIP applications (LINT, TSNIF, etc) • 16533 - TCIP 1.2.1 (TCIP): Create a new IP interface that allows a connection to the TACLANE that is a IP broadcast to all other similarly configured TCIPs instead of the current Point to Point IP connection through the TACLANE with the OTH_TCP <> OTH_Client • 16535 - TCIP 1.2.1 (TSN Tester): Desire a PING capability be added to the TSN test tool • 16537 - TCIP 1.2.1 (TSN Tester): Desire the TSN tester be modified to connect to the TDM like MDS / TSRT so that the complete TSN COMMs Path can be tested prior to having an ESP or TSRT loaded • 16561 - Fleet desires to have the Rev the same on all FRUs that hold a particular Strike Package. Updated on 28 March 2006 gcs
MDS - Stability • 16452*- PCMDS unresponsive. • 16503*- ISSUE 2: MDS 4.3.1RC9 (Strike Execution) The SMD would freeze and would take down the entire MDS requiring it to be rebooted when a strike containing an erroneous TOL in the year 2120 was executed • Problems with both TTWCS OWR encoding and MDS decoding message • TC2S-CM-00038 - MDS performance degrades over time when SMD is in use Updated on 28 March 2006 gcs
MDS to MDS Issues • 16515 - MDS 4.3.1RC9 (DDO Processing) Onboard MDS sent a large DDO(200 USN) to a single off ship addressee, the addressee plus 2 additional off ship nodes received it incomplete and all 3 nodes sent a non-zero UER even though it was addressed to only one node • 16516 - MDS 4.3.1RC9 (DDO Processing) When a DDO is sent to more then one MDS node and these nodes respond with a nonzero UER the sending MDS does NOT minimize the retransmission of the requested USN • 16518 - MDS 4.3.1RC9 (DDO Processing) The MDS user should be alerted that a DDO is being received and have a manual UER capability to facilitate the successful receipt of the DDO • 16519 - MDS 4.3.1RC9 (DDO Processing) Onboard MDS sent a large DDO to a single addressee, the addressee received it incomplete and sent a nonzero UER, when the ships MDS resent the USNs it appeared to resend all of the USN not just a few as one would expect • 16520 - MDS 4.3.1RC9 (DDO Processing) Desire a man readable UER message at the sending and receiving nodes of a MDS to MDS DDO Updated on 28 March 2006 gcs
TSN Issues • 16525 - MDS 4.3.1RC9: (TSN TDM) – The GUI for the TSN connection to TDM is not dynamic • 16526 - MDS 4.3.1RC9: (TSN TDM) – The user cannot configure or easily reset the TSN interface prior to having a strike in the SMD or TSRT • 16527 - MDS 4.3.1RC9: (TSN TDM) – Desire the Icon for LINT and TSN be combined into a single Icon in the notification area of the task bar • 16528 - MDS 4.3.1RC9: (TSN TDM) –TSN configuration in MDS is confusing and error prone • 16529* - MDS 4.3.1RC9 (TDM) TDM error is displayed on the screen stating that a memory fault has occurred and causes TDM to crash and auto reboot • 16530* - MDS 4.3.1RC9 (TDM) TDM disconnected from the MDS and messages received from LINT were not sent to MDS until MDS restarted • 16531 - MDS 4.3.1RC9: (TSN TDM) – The color tagging for the TSN TDM is inconsistent and confusing Updated on 28 March 2006 gcs
TCIP Issues • 16534* - TCIP 1.2.1 (LINT): LINT would not send data to TTWCS / MDS from the OTH_Client TACLANE interface even though the interface time stamps were updating as expected, this issue was corrected by a stop and restart of LINT application Updated on 28 March 2006 gcs
TSRTNot processing and using LERs from a live FRU • TC2S-CM-00041 - TSRT changed sim missile status to 'on target’ indicating mission completion after receiving LER from live FRU • TC2S-CM-00042 - TSRT changes sim missile status to undetermined when LER received from live FRU • TC2S-IVV-00309 - OTDR: TSRT doesn't use the LER properly • TTWCS and TSRT launch times different • TC2S-IVV-00324 - OTDR: TSRT generates strike messages even when the operator directs it to use reports from live firing units instead • TC2S-IVV-00328 - OTDR: TSRT may be receiving or using suspect data for the ship-entered waypoints in an LER • TC2S-IVV-00336 - OTDR: TSRT may be sending invalid OWR and LERs Updated on 28 March 2006 gcs
TSRTDoesn’t properly use ESP Revisions • TC2S-CM-00039 - TSRT does not dynamically update tasking for live FRUs upon receipt of ESP revision • TC2S-IVV-00323 - OTDR: Strike package revisions that shift times require TSRT to unload the strike scenario and reload the new data • TC2S-IVV-00325 - OTDR: A strike package revision was not properly processed by TSRT Updated on 28 March 2006 gcs
TSRTMissile timing Issues • 16471 - TSRT TSN Schedule incorrect. • 16514 - MDS 4.3.1RC9: (TSRT) – When TOL timing is used for missiles in a strike, TSRT fails to send H&S data when expected on either TTWCS or when compared with the MDS GANTT • TC2S-CM-00037 - Mismatch in missile timing between TSRT and MDS Updated on 28 March 2006 gcs
TSRTDoesn’t respond to IMMMs • 16457 - Tactical IMMMs not being interpreted by TSRT. • TC2S-IVV-Q0337 - OTDR: TSRT sometime doesn't respond to IMMMs Updated on 28 March 2006 gcs
TSRTPerformance Issues • TC2S-IVV-00333 - OTDR: TSRT slows down or crashes when simulating large strikes • TC2S-CM-00036 - TSRT performance degrades when missile status window is opened Updated on 28 March 2006 gcs
TSRTTWS System Issues • 16156 - MDS and TSRT cannot use LPMP mission data • TC2S-CM-00035 - TSRT should model performance of sim TTWCS FRUs in accordance with TTWCS version indicated in VPL • TC2S-IVV-00329 - OTDR: MS# 551 did not show overwater waypoints from launch point to first ship-entered waypoint • 16562 – TSRT and MDS cannot operate effectively on the same machine for max salvo Updated on 28 March 2006 gcs