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21 st Century Community Learning Centers and Non-traditional Providers. Brette Kaplan, Esq. bkaplan@bruman.com Brustein & Manasevit, PLLC Spring 2012 Forum. Agenda. 21 st Century Community Learning Centers (21 st CCLC) Resources Selecting Subgrantees Subgrant v. Contract
21st Century Community Learning Centers and Non-traditional Providers Brette Kaplan, Esq. bkaplan@bruman.com Brustein & Manasevit, PLLC Spring 2012 Forum
Agenda • 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC) Resources • Selecting Subgrantees • Subgrant v. Contract • 21st CCLC Program Overview • General Fiscal Rules • Equitable Services • Program Evaluation • Common Monitoring Findings
21st CCLC Resources • ED’s Website: http://www.ed.gov/programs/21stcclc/index.html • 21st CCLC Statute: http://www.ed.gov/policy/elsec/leg/esea02/pg55.html • 21st CCLC Guidance: http://www.ed.gov/programs/21stcclc/guidance2003.doc • Regulations on the Participation of Faith-Based and Community Organizations in Department Programs: http://www.ed.gov/policy/fund/reg/fbci-reg.html • EDGAR: http://www.ed.gov/policy/fund/reg/edgarReg/edgar.html • OMB Circulars: http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/circulars/
Subgrantee Selection Requirements • Eligible organizations • Any public or private organization • Ex: non-profits, city or county government agencies, FBOs, IHEs, and for-profit corporations • Consortium of 2 or more entities • Awards can only be made to responsible subgrantees and contractors possessing the ability to perform successfully under the terms and conditions of the proposed grant or contract. • EDGAR, Section 80.36(b)(8)
What must be included in a local organization’s application? (Guidance, F-3) • Before- & after-school, summer & other non-school time activities; • How students will travel to/from center and home; • How organization will disseminate information about the center; • How activities are expected to improve student achievement; • Federal, state, & local programs that will coordinate with proposed program for effective use of public resources • How program will meet principles of effectiveness • Partnership between LEA, CBO, & other public or private organization (if appropriate); • Evaluation of community needs & available resources, and description of how program addresses those needs • Organization’s experience, or promise of success, in providing educational & related activities to enhance the student’s academic performance • How applicant will use qualified seniors as volunteers (if applicable) • Required assurances
What is a subgrant? • Federal law dictates what a subgrant is and when it is allowed • Subgrantees (also known as subrecipients) must carry out responsibilities of the federal program • SEA must monitor subgrantees’ compliance with all federal program and fiscal requirements
What is a contract? • A contract provides goods or services as needed by the program • Contractors (vendors) are NOT responsible for carrying out the responsibilities of the federal program • Contractors must carry out the terms of their contracts • The educational agency must have a contract administration system to ensure contractors are complying with the terms of their contracts
Subgrant v. ContractHow to Distinguish Between Them • A subgrantee: • Determines who is eligible to participate in the federal program • Measures performance against objectives of the federal program • Is responsible for programmatic decision making • Is responsible for complying with federal program requirements • Uses federal funds to carry out the program (not just provide specific goods/services)
Subgrant v. Contract (continued)How to Distinguish Between Them • A contractor: • Provides goods/services within normal business operations • Provides similar goods/services to different purchasers • Operates in a competitive environment • Provides goods/services ancillary to operation of the federal program • Is NOT subject to compliance requirements of the federal program
Subgrant v. Contract (continued)How to Distinguish Between Them • Agency’s designation as a contract or a subgrant is not binding • Auditors are required to use their professional judgment to determine the true nature of a document based on the previous criteria • Use proper terminology • Minimizes confusion • Ensures compliance with appropriate federal regulations • Helps facilitate an effective audit
Nature of Funding • Subgrant (e.g., pass-through funds from state administered program) • Allowable activities based on applicable statute, local plan, state rules • Management rules: • EDGAR • OMB Circulars • State law, applicable policies and procedures
Nature of Funding (continued) • Contract • Allowable activities based on terms and conditions of contract • Management rules • Terms of the contract • State contract law
What is the purpose? • To establish or expand community learning centers that provide students with: • Academic enrichment opportunities along with activities designed to complement the students’ regular academic program • Must also offer families of eligible students literacy and related educational development
What is a Community Learning Center? • Located in elementary or secondary schools, or other similarly accessible facilities • Provides a wide range of services to support student learning and development, including: • Tutoring Community service opportunities • Mentoring Character Education Programs • Homework help Drug & violence prevention • Academic enrichment Music, technology, arts, sports & • Counseling cultural activities • Operates during non-school hours • Before or after school, summer, holidays, weekends, etc. • Flexibility waiver exception! • Assists students in meeting state and local academic achievement standards in core academic subjects
ESEA Flexibility • ED allowing SEAs to request flexibility through waivers of 10 provisions of the ESEA • ED allowing an optional 11th waiver to permit community learning centers to use 21st CCLC funds to support expanded learning time during the school day in addition to activities during non-school hours or periods when school is not in session (i.e., before and after school or during summer recess) • ESEA Flexibility Guidance, p.2 (September 23, 2011) • http://www.ed.gov/esea/flexibility
Eligibility Requirements • Who can participate? • Students • Adult family members of participating students • Younger children who will become students at the school being served
Allowability under 21st CCLC • Is the proposed cost consistent with the applicable OMB Circular? • A-21 Educational Institutions • A-87 State, Local & Indian Tribal Governments • A-122 Non-Profit Organizations • 48 CFR part 31 For-Profit Organizations • Is the proposed cost allowable under the 21st CCLC program? • Is the proposed cost consistent with 21st CCLC specific fiscal rules? • Is the proposed cost consistent with EDGAR?
OMB Circular A-87 & A-122 Federal Cost Principles All costs must be: • Necessary • Reasonable • Allocable • Legal under state and local law • Conform with federal laws & grant terms • Consistently treated • Generally Accepted Accounting Principles • Not included as match • Net of applicable credits • Adequately documented
21st CCLC Program Allowability RulesLocal Use of Funds Remedial education activities and academic enrichment learning programs • Recreational activities • Tutoring services and mentoring programs • chess clubs (foster critical thinking skills, persistence) • poetry contests and slams (encourage reading, writing and speaking) • Mathematics and science education activities • woodworking programs (encourage planning, measurement, estimation) • cooking programs (foster application of math and science skills) • Arts and music education activities • theatre programs (encourage reading, speaking, teamwork)
21st CCLC Program Allowability RulesLocal Use of Funds • Programs for Limited English Proficient students that emphasize language skills and academic achievement • Expanded library service hours • Programs that promote parental involvement and family literacy • Book clubs (encourage reading and writing for pleasure) • Telecommunications and technology education programs • Computer clubs or newspaper publishing (promote writing, editing and knowledge of, and comfort with, technology) • Programs that assist truant, suspended, or expelled students to improve their academic achievement • Drug and violence prevention programs, counseling programs, and character education programs
21st CCLC Program Allowability RulesPrinciples of Effectiveness • Programs or activities must be based on: • Needs assessment of objective data • An established set of performance measures aimed at ensuring high quality academic enrichment opportunities; and • Scientifically based research that provides evidence that the program or activity will help students meet the state and local academic achievement standards (as appropriate)
21st CCLC Fiscal Rules:Supplement Not Supplant • 21st CCLC funds can be used to supplement, but in no case supplant, federal, state, local funds, or other non-federal funds.
Auditors Presume Supplanting in Two Situations • Required to be made available under other federal, state or local laws. • Provided with non-federal funds in prior year
Presumption Rebutted! • If able to demonstrate would not have provided services if the federal funds were not available • NO non-federal resources available this year!
What Documentation is Needed? • Fiscal or programmatic documentation to confirm that, in the absence of Federal funds, would have eliminated staff or other services in question • State or local legislative action • Budget histories and information
21st Century Fiscal Rules (continued) What else can be charged to the 21st CCLC Grant? • Indirect Costs • If you have an approved rate that can distinguish costs for each program • Restricted Indirect Cost Rate • Pre-award costs (if have written approval) • If charge after award notice but before the effective date, costs may be charged to the extent they would have been allowable if incurred after the award date • If, prior to receiving notice of the grant, the local organization incurs financial obligations -- it is doing so at its own risk
Charge a Fee? YES, however: • Must offer a sliding scale of fees and scholarships for those who cannot afford the program • Income collected from fees must be used to fund program activities specified in the grant application
21st CCLC Carryover • SEA has discretion • If grantee making substantial progress: • SEA may not redistribute 21st CCLC funds that remain unobligated if doing so would reduce the total amount of funds available to the grantee from a given fiscal year’s appropriation below $50,000 • If grantee is NOT making substantial progress: • SEA decides not to award a second or third year 21st CCLC grant continuation • SEA may redistribute any unobligated funds, even if doing so would reduce the funds available below $50,000
Equitable Services • 21st CCLC participants receiving funds must provide equitable services to private schools (§ 9501) • Title IX, Part E Uniform Provisions Subpart 1 – Private Schools: http://www.ed.gov/policy/elsec/guid/equitableserguidance.doc • Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Title 34, Part 299, Subpart E -- Services to Private School Students and Teachers: http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/get-cfr.cgi?TITLE=34&PART=299&SECTION=6&YEAR=2000&TYPE=TEXT
Equitable Services Purpose is that the educational agency: • Spends an equal amount of funds to serve similar public and private school students; • Provides services and benefits that are equitable in comparison to the services and benefits provided to public school students; • Addresses the specific needs and educational programs of public and private school students on a comparable basis; • Provides, in the aggregate, approximately the same amount of services; • Provides equal opportunities to participate; and • Provides services that meet private school students’ specific needs.
Consultation • The educational agency must provide “timely and meaningful” consultation • Timely • Before LEA makes any decisions • Meaningful • Genuine opportunity for parties to express their views • Views seriously considered
Consultation • Consultation must include: • How private school students’ needs will be identified • What services will be offered • How, where, and by whom the services will be provided • How the services will be assessed, and how the results of the assessment will be used to improve services • The size and scope of the services • How and when the agency will make decisions about the delivery of services
Program Evaluation • Conduct a periodic evaluation of the program to assess progress towards achieving the goal of providing high quality opportunities for academic enrichment • Use the results of the evaluation to refine, improve and strengthen the program, and to refine the performance measures • Notify the public of the right to review the results of the evaluation and allow such review upon request
Common Findings • Common 21st CCLC monitoring findings: • Peer review process • Awards between 3 to 5 years • Applicants describe how the community learning center will continue after 21st CCLC funding ends • Outreach efforts to inform eligible entities about grant competition • SEA monitoring subgrantees • Reporting complete, accurate, and reliable data
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