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Encounter Jesus’ Strategy for Ministry

Encounter Jesus’ Strategy for Ministry. Write down your answers to a card. Why am I here (really)? Since I am already here, what will I do to make the most out of it anyway? What is the ONE THING great last year from the ministry in which I serve?

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Encounter Jesus’ Strategy for Ministry

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  1. Encounter Jesus’ Strategyfor Ministry

  2. Write down your answers to a card • Why am I here (really)? • Since I am already here, what will I do to make the most out of it anyway? • What is the ONE THING great last year from the ministry in which I serve? • What is the ONE THING that we need to work on in the ministry for this next year?

  3. Share your answers • Why am I here (really)? • Since I am already here, what will I do to make the most out of it anyway? • What is the ONE THING great last year from the ministry in which I serve? • What is the ONE THING that we need to work on in the ministry for this next year?

  4. My answer • Why we are here? • “Synchronize” all of EM ministry into the same philosophy of ministry • Review how are we doing in comparison to that benchmark • Orient and train new leaders • Invite other ministry to be apply Son Life’s strategy, share and learn with one another • Schedule a time for reevaluate, discussion and planning the upcoming years for the ministry • What could you do to make the most of it? • Participate, think, jot down your question • Follow through by using the framework in your own ministry operation as well as your life.

  5. Objectives Encounter Jesus’ Strategy(Friday night, 7:00) • Discover our PURPOSE. • Define our PRODUCT. • Determine our disciple-making PROCESS. • Discern the role of our PROGRAMS. Jesus’ Ministry Foundation(Saturday, from 8:30) • Discuss our PRIORITIES. Working Sessions(OPTIONAL - After lunch) • Devise our PLANS.

  6. Discover Our Purpose

  7. Jot down your answers in 60 secs. Now share with others Why do our ministry exist?(What is our group purpose)?

  8. If you don’t know where are you going, any road will take you there. - George Harrison

  9. Jot down your answers in 60 secs. Now share with others saMple Why do our ministry exist?(What is our group purpose)? and helping each other to live a life thatto influence people for God

  10. Jot down your answers in 60 secs. Now share with others saMple Why does our ministry exist?(What is our group purpose)? Knowing Christ and helping others influence people for God

  11. What would Jesus say? “Why do our ministry exist?”The Great Commandment: (GC1) “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” - Matthew 22:37-39 An environment that response to God’s love, expressed love to others

  12. What would Jesus say? “Why do our ministry exist?”The Great Commandment: (GC1) “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” - Matthew 22:37-39 The Great Commission: (GC2) “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” - Matthew 28:19-20 A balanced biblical living that follows Christ’s life not just his actions/teachings

  13. GC2 ministry is drawn from a close study and followership of Jesus’ life.

  14. GC2 ministry is drawn from a close study and followership of Jesus’ life. Follow me 1-1.5 yrs - Rural Setting - Only 2 recorded miracles - Laying relational foundation

  15. GC2 ministry is drawn from a close study and followership of Jesus’ life. I’ll make you Follow me Fisher of men 1-1.5 yrs 6-9 months - Rural Setting - Identifying - Only 2 recorded the disciples miracles - Equipping - Laying relational a ministry foundation team

  16. GC2 ministry is drawn from a close study and followership of Jesus’ life. I’ll make you Follow me Fisher of men 1-1.5 yrs 6-9 months - Rural Setting - Identifying - City Setting - Only 2 recorded the disciples - Reaching miracles - Equipping the masses - Laying relational a ministry - Many foundation team miracles

  17. GC2 ministry is drawn from a close study and followership of Jesus’ life. I’ll make you Tend my flock Follow me Fisher of men To all nations 1-1.5 yrs 6-9 months After two yrs - Rural Setting - Identifying - City Setting - Intensive training - Only 2 recorded the disciples - Reaching - Multiply leaders miracles - Equipping the masses - The 12 / 70 / 120 - Laying relational a ministry - Many - Empowering the foundation team miracles early church

  18. The Master disclosed God’s strategy of world conquest. That is why it is so important to observe the way Jesus maneuvered to achieve His objective. There was nothing haphazard about His life – no wasted energy or an idle word. He was on business for God (Luke 2:40). He lived, He died, and He rose again according to schedule. Like a general plotting his course of battle, the Son of God calculated to win. He could not afford to take a chance. Weighting every alternative and variable factor in human experience, He conceived a strategy that would not fail. Robert E. Coleman “The Master Plan of Evangelism”

  19. Whether your ministry consists of one member and one leader, or eighty members and fifteen leaders – GC2 values are effective and enduring for building a biblical ministry because they are modeled after our ultimate example: Jesus Robert E. Coleman “The Master Plan of Evangelism”

  20. “No matter how you argue it, one fact remains the same: That at the end of Jesus’ ministry, He trained Twelve men. And those Twelve men changed the world! Jesus got something there!” Rev. Le Vinh Thach

  21. GC2 ministry is drawn from a close study and followership of Jesus’ life. The Great Commandment: (GC1) “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” - Matthew 22:37-39 The Great Commission: (GC2) “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” - Matthew 28:19-20

  22. What was the purpose of Jesus’ ministry? Great CommandmentGreat Commission

  23. “Why do our ministry exist?” Great CommandmentGreat Commission

  24. What is the PURPOSE of our ministry? • Glorify God / Worship Him • Build up the believers • Equip the Saints • Win souls for Christ Our ministry exists as God’s chosen vehicle for assisting believers in the fulfillment of the Great Commission. “Make Disciples”

  25. Jot down your answers in 60 secs. Now share with others What tests can we use tomeasure how close weare to fulfill our purpose? Great CommandmentGreat Commission

  26. Jot down your answers in 60 secs. Now share with others saMple What tests can we use tomeasure how close weare to fulfill our purpose? • Do we have new people (seekers) regularly among us? • Do we have new believers (not transferred growth from other churches)? • Do we see any evidence of growth (life transformation)? • Do we have new leaders?

  27. Define Our Product

  28. Jot down your answers in 60 secs. Now share with others If a member want to know “How do I know that I am a ‘matured’ Christian?” How would you answer?

  29. Begin with the end in mind. - Stephen Covey

  30. Jot down your answers in 60 secs. Now share with others saMple If a member want to know “How do I know that I am a ‘matured’ Christian?” How would you answer? • When you have the characters and priorities of Jesus • When you reproduce other disciples, who in turn reproduce other disciples

  31. How do we measure our “product”? “…everyone who is fully trained will be like his teacher” – Jesus (Lk.6:40) Two processes: Are people “disciples” yet at this point? ‘Accepting’ Christ Fully Discipled “Teaching them to obey” “Baptizing them” EvangelismProcess Disciple-making Process

  32. What God is What Our Task Is Man's Response Doing (The Engel Scale)

  33. What God is What Our Task Is Man's Response Doing (The Engel Scale)

  34. How do we measure our “product”? “…everyone who is fully trained will be like his teacher” – Jesus (Lk.6:40) Two processes: ‘Accepting’ Christ Fully Discipled “Teaching them to obey” “Baptizing them” | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | EvangelismProcess Disciple-making Process


  36. Task SERVING: i.e. Cleaning church, serving food, setup/breakdown, Mexico house building day… MINISTRY CAPABILITY SPIRITUAL MATURITY • Task-oriented service project

  37. People-care SERVING: i.e. Serving with people impact, VBS, nursing home programs, occasional nursery care… MINISTRY CAPABILITY SPIRITUAL MATURITY • Servants to the body of Christ • Task-oriented service project

  38. Evangelism PROJECT: i.e. Cross-cultural contacts, sharing faith outside normal environment, international ministry project… MINISTRY CAPABILITY SPIRITUAL MATURITY • Sharing faith on short-term basis • Servants to the body of Christ • Task-oriented service project

  39. Supportive RELATIONSHIP: i.e. Living out the Great Commandment loves through caring for other members… MINISTRY CAPABILITY SPIRITUAL MATURITY • Ongoing care for peers within the body of Christ • Sharing faith on short-term basis • Servants to the body of Christ • Task-oriented service project

  40. Redemptive RELATIONSHIP: i.e. Building credible and loving friendships with unbelievers at school, work or home for God… MINISTRY CAPABILITY SPIRITUAL MATURITY • Ongoing care for peers OUTSIDE the body of Christ • Ongoing care for peers within the body of Christ / +Sharing faith on short-term basis • Servants to the body of Christ / +Task-oriented service project

  41. Ministry COMMUNITY: i.e. Talking with lost friends about God and personally sharing our faith in outreach… MINISTRY CAPABILITY SPIRITUAL MATURITY • Influence peers through planting & reaping WITH the body of Christ • Ongoing care for peers OUTSIDE the body of Christ • Ongoing care for peers within the body of Christ / +Sharing faith on short-term basis • Servants to the body of Christ / +Task-oriented service project

  42. Disciple-making LIFESTYLE: i.e. Strategizing to be a light in an unreached peer arena whether that is a sports team, club, hobby group or workplace with the support of the ministry leadership… MINISTRY CAPABILITY SPIRITUAL MATURITY • Initiating totally new relationships for the purpose of evangelism & nurture • Influence peers through planting & reaping WITH the body of Christ • Ongoing care for peers OUTSIDE the body of Christ • Ongoing care for peers within the body of Christ / +Sharing faith on short-term basis • Servants to the body of Christ / +Task-oriented service project



  45. Can there be such peopleas a 29 yrs-old M2, or a 9 yrs-old M6?Why? SPIRITUAL MATURITY • Initiating totally new relationships for the purpose of evangelism & nurture • Influence peers through planting & reaping WITH the body of Christ • Ongoing care for peers OUTSIDE the body of Christ • Ongoing care for peers within the body of Christ / +Sharing faith on short-term basis • Servants to the body of Christ / +Task-oriented service project

  46. Jot down your answers in 60 secs. Now share with others Give a characteristic of whatan M1 disciple would be like in your ministry SPIRITUAL MATURITY • Initiating totally new relationships for the purpose of evangelism & nurture • Influence peers through planting & reaping WITH the body of Christ • Ongoing care for peers OUTSIDE the body of Christ • Ongoing care for peers within the body of Christ / +Sharing faith on short-term basis • Servants to the body of Christ / +Task-oriented service project

  47. What a “believer” would be like I know God exist, that we all are sinners, deserve to perish but can have salvation through Jesus I am interested in God and spiritual matters I can honestly say that I know Jesus is my savior and that salvation is through Grace and Faith, not through my own effort I am growing more spiritually saMple “Lost” “Believer” “Worker/Leader” “Shepherd” SPIRITUAL MATURITY

  48. Determine the Disciple-making Process

  49. Jot down your answers in 60 secs. Now share with others How would you answer this question “What do our ministry need to focus on for the next year?” When Pharisee witness Hey, have you heard of the 4,096 Spiritual Laws?

  50. Jot down your answers in 60 secs. Now share with others saMple How would you answer this question “What do our ministry need to focus on for the next year?” The Pharisee’s Plan Hey, have you heard of the 4,096 Spiritual Laws?

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