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Best MBA College in Delhi NCR - INMANTEC Institutions

It is a 2 year full u2013 time university program approved by AKTU. Our MBA program aspires to provide students with quantitative as well as qualitative knowledge to analyze business problems and create opportunities to address them. Our mission is to develop entrepreneurial and responsible global leaders and to advance business knowledge.<br><br>Visit us: http://www.inmantec.edu/mba/<br>

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Best MBA College in Delhi NCR - INMANTEC Institutions

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  1. BEST MBA COLLEGE IN DELHI NCR INMANTEC INSTITUTIONS ProfessorCiaRodriguez http://www.inmantec.edu/mba/

  2. Itisa2yearfull – timeuniversityprogram approvedbyAKTU. OurMBAprogram aspirestoprovidestudentswith COURSE DESCRIPTION quantitativeaswellasqualitative knowledgetoanalyzebusinessproblems andcreateopportunitiestoaddress them. Ourmissionistodevelop entrepreneurialandresponsibleglobal leadersandtoadvancebusiness knowledge. http://www.inmantec.edu/mba/

  3. HOW IS OUR MBA DIFFERENT THAN OTHERS? Whatsetsusapartfromothersisour transformationalprogramwhichnot onlyfocusesonthepracticalskills – the ‘knowhow’ (organizing, analyzing, handlingconflicts, leadingteams) but alsoattributesofcharacter – the ‘know why’ (integrity, ethics, empathy, emotionalintelligence). http://www.inmantec.edu/mba/

  4. Inspiteofbeingboundbyapredetermined curriculum, INMANTECmakesthebesteffortsto impartindustryrelevantknowledgeandextra skillswhichmakeastudentstandoutamonga crowdofapplicants. MBAprogramatINMANTEC helpsthestudents: INMANTEC'S MBA Increasetheirunderstandingofrealworld businesscomplexitiesthroughcasestudies. Cultivateanalyticalandproblemsolvingskills. Understandthesocio – economicenvironment anditsimplicationsonbusiness.Improve decisionmakingcapabilitiesandproblem solvingskills. Developtheircommunicationskillsalongwith leadershipqualities. http://www.inmantec.edu/mba/

  5. http://www.inmantec.edu/mba/

  6. Get in Touch With Us MAILING ADDRESS Delhi-Hapur Bypass (NH-24), near Dasna Flyover, Udyog Kunj, Ghaziabad 201009 Delhi-NCR PHONE NUMBER 1800 120 9291 E-MAIL ADDRESS admission@inmantec.edu http://www.inmantec.edu/mba/

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