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UNOS Update

UNOS Update. United Network for Organ Sharing. Regional Meetings Fall 2012. National Organ Transplant Act of 1984. “ The Secretary shall by contract provide for the establishment and operation of an [OPTN] ” Private nonprofit entity Board of Directors National list and system

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UNOS Update

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Presentation Transcript

  1. UNOS Update United Network for Organ Sharing Regional Meetings Fall 2012

  2. National Organ Transplant Act of 1984 • “The Secretary shall by contract provide for the establishment and operation of an [OPTN]” • Private nonprofit entity • Board of Directors • National list and system • Match, facilitate and assist; arrange transportation • Quality standards for procurement and transportation • Public Health Service oversight • Is not and cannot be part of the government; it must be a private entity

  3. UNOS Corporate Vision and Mission Statement

  4. UNOS - Introduction The mission of the United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) is to advance organ availability and transplantation by uniting and supporting its communities for the benefit of patients through education, technology and policy development. UNOS– federal contractor that facilitates organ distribution and transplantation • Equitable policies • Donation awareness • National transplant Waiting List • Membership management • Policy compliance • Data collection and reporting • 24/7 organ allocation center

  5. Corporate governance structure: Board makeup, terms, Board committees Governance: standing committees, regional representation, new committees UNOS 2012 Strategic plan OPTN 2012 Strategic plan Financial health: revenue sources, capital investment, long-term stability Fiscal management: OPTN revenue structure, project/revenue alignment Information Technology: future health IT directions, capital needs, support for ongoing maintenance Information technology: priority for new products/services OPTN strategy: bid strategy, HRSA relationship Allocation policy: new systems, mature systems, distribution/geography issues Patient safety: role of OPTN in healthcare system, approach to compliance, performance measurement and improvement, educational efforts UNOS brand: other clients, other products/services, communication of UNOS role, partnerships with other organizations

  6. OPTN Key Goals • Goal 1: Increase the number of transplants • Goal 2: Increase access to transplants • Goal 3: Improve survival for patients with end stage organ failure • Goal 4: Promote transplant patient safety • Goal 5: Promote living donor safety • Goal 6: Promote the efficient management of the OPTN

  7. UNOS Key Goals • Goal 1: Assure that UNOS has the capability to be the OPTN contractor • Goal 2: Provide services to support UNOS members’ priorities • Goal 3: Become the world leader in transplantation-related services

  8. Communication Education Engagement

  9. Promoting effective practices learned through MPSC without compromising peer review • Creating tools for members to do their own measurement and quality improvement • Rewriting policies and the Evaluation Plan in plain language

  10. Developing sample forms to help members comply with policy requirements • Working with CMS to reduce the burden of duplicative requirements • Developing more educational offerings for members

  11. Policy and Evaluation Issues • Kidney allocation • Geographic disparity in liver access • Vascular composite allografts • Program – Specific Reports

  12. Structural Issues • Tools to estimate cost of compliance • Improving prioritization tools • Long-term planning for IT • Alternate sources of income

  13. Change in UNOS Board Committees • UNOS Board recently approved changes in Board structure. • 3 committees will do the primary work of the board • Corporate Governance Committee • Finance Committee • Information Technology Committee • Each committee is composed of Board members but also includes non-Board advisors.

  14. Corporate Advisory Subcommittee

  15. CAC Composition

  16. Information Technology Advisory Subcommittee

  17. IT Advisory Composition

  18. Proposal to Reconstitute the OPTN Finance Committee as a Committee of the Board of Directors Executive Committee Fall 2012

  19. The Problem • OPTN Finance Committee not at board level • Committee members are removed from board activities because they are not also board members • Does not operate in a traditional manner

  20. Goal of the Proposal • Align OPTN’s operational and financial decision-making processes • Help accomplish Goal 6 of OPTN Strategic Plan: Promote the efficient management of the OPTN

  21. Impact • Limited organizational change • No effect on donors, candidates or member operations

  22. UNOS Finance Composition

  23. Challenge to the Transplant Community WITH AUTHORITY COMES RESPONSIBILTY!

  24. Thank You!

  25. Questions? • John Lake, MD lakex009@umn.edu • Jason Livingston, Liaison jason.livingston@unos.org

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