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Welcome to Meet Your Child’s Teacher Night!

Welcome to Meet Your Child’s Teacher Night!. Miss Jena Shepler Room E213 Voicemail: 477-4616 Ext. 43618 jshepler@gcsc.k12.in.us. Supplies needed:. 1 two-pocket folders 2 Composition notebooks (for math only; 1 for each semester) 1 Spiral Bound notebook (or loose leaf paper)

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Welcome to Meet Your Child’s Teacher Night!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome to Meet Your Child’s Teacher Night! Miss Jena Shepler Room E213 Voicemail: 477-4616 Ext. 43618 jshepler@gcsc.k12.in.us

  2. Supplies needed: • 1 two-pocket folders • 2 Composition notebooks (for math only; 1 for each semester) • 1 Spiral Bound notebook (or loose leaf paper) • Several pencils (no pens allowed on assignments) • 1 Red Pen • Calculator (optional; will only be allowed to use on selected assignments)

  3. Rules and Consequences

  4. Follow the Cougar Code • Be Respectful • Be Responsible • Be Ready to learn

  5. Specific rules • Be in assigned seat when the bell rings. • Bring all math materials to class. • Math textbook, math folder (with completed assignment), student handbook , composition notebook, paper, and a pencil. • Listen to instructions the first time they are given. • Raise hand and wait for permission to speak. • Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself.

  6. Consequences • Positive Consequences: REWARDS  that result when students abide by the rules. • Owl Stars, Free Homework Pass, Cougar Card, etc.

  7. Consequences Negative Consequences: PENALTIES  that result when students break the rules. 1st offense: Verbal warning/recorded 2nd offense: 1 closed lunch/recorded 3rd offense: Parent contact/recorded 4th offense: Multiple closed lunches/recorded 5th offense: Office Referral or for SEVERE DISRUPTION sent directly to the office

  8. Miss Shepler’sClassroom Procedures

  9. Start of Class Expectation • Students will start class each day with a warm up activity. • Many of these activities will be written in their composition notebook and graded at the end of each 9 week grading period.

  10. Daily Agenda • The daily agenda will be posted on the whiteboard on the RIGHT side of the room. Past homework assignments are written on the calendar in the front of the room by the door.

  11. Student Planner • Students complete daily by writing down any homework or upcoming quizzes, tests, or projects. • Students can check their planner at the end of each day and take home only the items needed for homework that night.

  12. Assignments • In-class assignments are collected by me at the end of the class period. • Homework assignments are reviewed, discussed, and then passed to the left side of the room. The students in the far left row then turn in the homework in the appropriate tray in the back of the room. • Homework assignments are due the following day. • Completed assignments are often needed for discussion in class and may not be subject to being turned in late.

  13. Assignments cont. • I will accept up to three late homework assignments per term, the morning after they are due, for full credit. • Students must take the responsibility to come to my room to turn in the work before school starts. • Students may turn in assignments after the bell rings and before the end of school that second day late for half credit. After that, one point will be assigned and will be the final score.

  14. Math Folder • Keep all math work completed, in progress, and graded in the math folder for the entire grading period. • Past work is a great resource for studying for chapter tests and final exams

  15. Extra copies • Emergency extra copies of recent assignments will be kept in the folder rack on the front table.

  16. ABSENT? • The daily and weekly agenda with assignments will be updated daily on the calendar in the front of the classroom. • Students are responsible for getting that information and completing the work as directed. • Students should meet with me briefly at the end of class the day they return for updates. • Students are usually given one extra day for each day missed.

  17. Extra Credit • I offer a “Math You Can Use” problem for extra credit every other week. Students fill out a paper with their work and answer, fold it up, write their name and period number on the outside, and turn it into the box on the front table. These are collected on Fridays. • Usually, I will also offer a 5 point extra credit assignment along with every chapter test.

  18. Curriculum • 1st Quarter • Algebraic Reasoning • Integers and Rational Numbers • 2nd Quarter • Applying Rational Numbers • Proportional Relationships • Percents • 3rd Quarter • Multi-step Equations and Inequalities • Graphs and Functions • Similar Figures and Proportions • Measurement: Two- and Three-Dimensional Figures • 4th Quarter • Collecting, Displaying, and Analyzing Data • Probability • Transformations • Square Roots and Pythagorean Theorem

  19. Math Grade • Grades are balanced over the course of the nine week term and are a reflection of the students demonstration and understanding of the material and standards. • Mid-term reports offer only a small glimpse of the bigger picture that is not final until the end of the term. • Grades are entered as often as possible and usually updated at least once every seven days.

  20. Math Grade cont. • Heavier weighted assignments like tests or projects may not be posted until the end of a term. • Assignments not collected in class the day assigned are usually due the next class day. • I will however, accept up to three assignments per student per term, the next morning for full credit and up to one day late for half credit. A ONE point signifies an assignment that was never turned in.

  21. 7th Grade Math Grading Policy 35% Tests 25% Homework 40% In class work/participation; warm ups, pop quizzes, class notes, group work, and group discussions.

  22. Greenfield-Central Grading Scale 99-100 A+ 98-90 A 89-80 B 79-70 C 69-60 D 59-below F

  23. Communication Communication is the key to any great relationship. When in doubt, ASK your student or ASK me! I can be reached by email and voicemail . You can expect a reply during the school week within 24 hours and by Monday evening if over the weekend. During the school day, the fastest way to reach me is by email. Email: jshepler@gcsc.k12.in.us Voicemail: (317) 467-4616 ext.43618

  24. Thank you for coming today!Please email or call me with any questions or concerns.

  25. jshepler@gcsc.k12.in.us 477-4616 ext. 43618

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