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Final exam vocabulary review. Great resource: Virginia Tech Multimedia Music Dictionary http://www.music.vt.edu/musicdictionary/. Tempos. Largo-a slow and sad/solemn tempo Adagio-a slow tempo between largo and andante Andante-a walking speed Allegro-a fast tempo
Final exam vocabulary review Great resource: Virginia Tech Multimedia Music Dictionary http://www.music.vt.edu/musicdictionary/
Tempos Largo-a slow and sad/solemn tempo Adagio-a slow tempo between largo and andante Andante-a walking speed Allegro-a fast tempo Vivace-lively, brisk tempo
Tempo Changes Meno (less)/piu (more )mosso (motion) Morendo-dying away A tempo/Tempo Primo-return to the original tempo Accerlerando-speed up Ritard/rallentando-slow down Rubato-stretching, slowing, or hurrying the tempo as the performer sees fit
Music Terms Ostinato-a repeating rhythmic or melodic pattern Syncopation-putting the accent on the weak beat Dal Segno(D.S.)-go back to the sign Da Capo (D.C.)-go back to the beginning Enharmonic-two notes that are the same pitch but notated differently (F#/Gb) Accidentals-flats/sharps/naturals not in the key signature Intonation-quality of your tuning, being exactly in tune
Dynamics pp-pianissimo p-piano mp-mezzo piano mf- mezzo forte f-forte ff-fortissimo Sfz-sforzando, to play with sudden force
Style Dolce Tutti-together, divisi-divided Poco a poco-little by little Subito-suddenly Cantabile Allegro Giocoso-to play in a happy, merry manner Maestoso-majestically Con moto-with motion
Articulation Legato-smooth and connected Staccato-short and detached Marcato-marked, accented
Cognates Grandioso-grandly Tranquilo-tranquil Moderato-moderately Espressivo-expressively Misterioso-mysteriously Energico-to play with energy
Words that are used in other contexts Con-with Poco-little Piu-more Meno-less Mosso, moto-motion