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F ermentation P rofile, Composition, and Dry M atter L oss of Sugarcane-Glycerin S ilage I noculated with B acteria. Gilson Sebastião Dias Júnior 1 , Naina Magalhães Lopes 1 , Gil Pessoa Júnior 1 , Gustavo Gonçalves de Souza Salvati 1 ,
Fermentation Profile, Composition, and Dry Matter Loss of Sugarcane-Glycerin Silage Inoculated with Bacteria Gilson Sebastião Dias Júnior1,Naina Magalhães Lopes1,Gil Pessoa Júnior1,Gustavo Gonçalves de Souza Salvati1, Beatriz Ferreira Carvalho1,Flávio Marcos Junqueira Costa1,Carla Luiza da Silva Ávila1,Rosane Freitas Schwan1, Renata Apocalypse Nogueira Pereira2, Marcos Neves Pereira1 1Universidade Federal de Lavras,Lavras, MG, Brazil. 2Empresa de PesquisaAgropecuária de Minas Gerais,Lavras, MG, Brazil. Five silos/treatments combination. 10 cm diameter, 60 cm length, bunsen valves. Ensiled for 72 days Silage water extract obtained by blending 25 g of silage with 225 ml of distillated water DM by drying at 55oC for 72 h and then 100oC for 24 h Acids by HPLC GLM of SAS. Model: Inoculum (Control, CHR, Kera, UFLA) + Glycerin (with, without) + Interaction Contrasts: C1 = Control vs. CHR. C2 = Control vs.Kera. C3 = Control vs. UFLA Results UFLA reduced DM loss from 29.9 to 15% of ensiled, the loss of Non-NDF DM from 52.1 to 24.3%, and silage lactate and ethanol Kera and UFLA reduced silage pH from 3.47 to 3.42 and 3.43, respectively Glycerin reduced NDF content from 65.9 to 51.2 % of DM Silage with glycerin and UFLA had 44.4% NDF, while pure sugarcane silage had 69.2% Kera reduced DM loss when glycerin was added to sugarcane, while CHR had no such effect Conclusion The association of glycerin and inoculums Kera and UFLA showed to be plausible strategies to reduce DM loss and to increase the energy density of sugarcane silage Introduction The ensiling of sugarcane may be an alternative to the traditional management of daily harvesting fresh forage However, sugarcane storage as silage has induced high loss of DM due to alcoholic fermentation of sucrose by yeast Glycerin from biodiesel may compensate for the loss of energy in such silages Silage inoculation with commercial bacteria or with Lactobacillus buchneriisolated from sugarcane silage may improve fermentation profile and reduce DM loss Objective Evaluate the ensiling of sugarcane with glycerin and the response to two commercial inoculums or to L. buchneriisolated from sugarcane Material and Methods Ground sugarcane (RB758540) was ensiled pure or with 1 kg glycerin added to 9 kg of sugarcane Factorial with: Lactobacillus plantarum + Enterococcus faecium +L. buchneri(CHR. Biomax LB, Chr Hansen, Milwaukee, USA), or L. plantarum + Propionibacterium acidicipropionici(Kera. Kera-Sil Cana, LNF Latino Americana, Bento Gonçalves, Brazil) or L. buchnerifrom sugarcane (UFLA. Cepa UFLA SIL 72, Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, Brazil) 1 x 105cfu/g of CHR, 2,4 x 105cfu/g of Kera, and 1 x 105cfu/g of UFLA. All diluted in 300 mL of water added to 20 kg of sugarcane. Control received only water