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Angela Douglas Director Genetics Laboratories Cheshire and Merseyside

High Quality Care for All (June 2008) NHS Next Stage Review Final Report Professor the Lord Darzi of Denham. Angela Douglas Director Genetics Laboratories Cheshire and Merseyside. Create an NHS that helps people stay healthy

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Angela Douglas Director Genetics Laboratories Cheshire and Merseyside

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  1. High Quality Care for All(June 2008)NHS Next Stage Review Final ReportProfessor the Lord Darzi of Denham Angela Douglas Director Genetics Laboratories Cheshire and Merseyside Liverpool Women's NHS Foundation Hospital

  2. Create an NHS that helps people stay healthy Every PCT will commission comprehensive wellbeing and prevention services Reduce your risk campaign Support people to stay healthy Support GP’s to help individuals to stay healthy Extend choice of GP practice NHS Constitution Everyone with long term condition has personalised care Pilot Personal health budgets Guarantee patients access to most clinically and cost effective treatments A Coalition for Better Health with a set of new voluntary agreements between the Government, Private and Third Sector organisations High Quality Care for All Liverpool Women's NHS Foundation Hospital

  3. Getting the basics right first time every time Regulated and monitored by CQC Independent quality standards and clinical priority setting NICE set and approve independent quality standards Systematically measure and publish information about quality of care CHKS and Dr Foster – Quality Accounts Quality at the Heart of the NHS Liverpool Women's NHS Foundation Hospital

  4. Funding reflect quality of care PCT’s hold back PBR payment if quality not achieved Best practice Tariffs Clinical Excellence award schemes with Royal Colleges extended Conditional on quality of clinical activity Access to information on quality NHS Evidence portal Measures to ensure improvement in quality CQC Quality at the Heart of the NHS (2) Liverpool Women's NHS Foundation Hospital

  5. Support and Reward Innovation Introduce new funds and prizes to reward and support innovation Ensure that clinical and cost effective innovations are adopted Creating partnerships between NHS and universities and industry Pioneering NHS Liverpool Women's NHS Foundation Hospital

  6. Place new emphasis on enabling staff to lead and manage in which they work (Clinical Leadership) Support community health programmes Closer to home Enhancing Professionalism Clinical Leadership Programmes No new national targets Working in Partnership with staff Liverpool Women's NHS Foundation Hospital

  7. A Clear Focus on Improving the quality of NHS education and training (MSC) A threefold increase in investment in Nurses and Midwife perceptorships Doubling Investment in Apprenticeships Strengthened arrangements to ensure staff have consistent and equitable opportunities to update and develop their skills (HSST) New Pledges to Staff Liverpool Women's NHS Foundation Hospital

  8. Gives NHS staff and patients all the information they need about the NHS Constitution for England. It outlines the roles all have to play in protecting and developing the NHS and will help everyone understand their rights, pledges, values and responsibilities. Part I: Patients and the public Patients and the public (All the above) Access to health services Quality of care and environment Nationally approved treatments, drugs and programmes Respect, consent and confidentiality Informed choice Involvement in healthcare and in the NHS Complaint and redress Patient and public responsibilities NHS Constitution (Jan 2009) Liverpool Women's NHS Foundation Hospital

  9. Part II: Staff Staff Constitution Staff rights Staff pledges Staff legal duties Expectations how staff should play their part in ensuring the success of the NHS NHS Constitution (Jan 2009) Liverpool Women's NHS Foundation Hospital

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