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Adaptive Clinical Trials

Adaptive Clinical Trials. Scott Evans, Ph.D. Harvard University Muscle Study Group September 28, 2012. Special Thank You. Dr. Griggs Dr. McDermott. DEFINITION. Adaptive Designs. Not universally defined

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Adaptive Clinical Trials

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  1. Adaptive Clinical Trials Scott Evans, Ph.D. Harvard University Muscle Study Group September 28, 2012

  2. Special Thank You • Dr. Griggs • Dr. McDermott


  4. Adaptive Designs Not universally defined Broad definition: any design in which key parameters can be changed during the trial based on data from the current study or from external sources Narrow definition: specific design changes as a result of planned after interim analyses of treatment responses

  5. Adaptive Designs A design feature A planned procedure for statistical error and bias control Described in the protocol Not a substitute for careful planning Not a rescue medication Fancy adaptations and statistical methods cannot rescue poorly designed trials


  7. Practical Questions During Trial Conduct • Stop for efficacy or futility? • Are there subgroups w/ unacceptable toxicity? • Has medical knowledge changed the scientific validity, medical importance, ethical acceptability, or equipoise of the trial? • Should we adjust our design due to inaccurate design assumptions? • Re-calculate sample size? • Modify duration of follow-up?

  8. Motivation “I’ve designed >1000 clinical trials, each time having to make assumptions about variation, control-group response rate, etc. in order to calculate sample size …

  9. Motivation “I’ve designed >1000 clinical trials, each time having to make assumptions about variation, control-group response rate, etc. in order to calculate sample size … I have not been right yet.”

  10. Example as DSMB Member • Trial designed to detect difference between response rates of 90% (control) and 97.5% • 7.5% absolute difference • 486 patients required to have 90% power • Observed rate of control at interim is 80% • With N=486, 56% power to detect 7.5% difference • N=1066 required for 90% power to detect a difference between 80% vs. 87.5%

  11. Motivation • Answering these questions has: • Ethical attractiveness • Safer trials: fewer participants exposed to inefficacious/harmful therapies • Economical advantages • Smaller expected sample sizes • Shorter trials • Public health advantages • Answers may get to the medical community more quickly

  12. What Can be Adapted? • Sample size • Drop/add arms • Stop for efficacy or futility • Population enrichment (adapt eligibility criteria) • Randomization probabilities • Doses • Objectives / hypotheses • E.g., switching between NI and superiority • Endpoints • NI margin

  13. When and Where? Trials with: • High levels of uncertainty/unknowns (e.g. novel interventions) • Design characteristics (e.g., power) that are sensitive to assumptions • Long FU: adaptation is feasible and medical practice can change • Invasive procedures or expensive evaluations • Serious diseases; high risk treatments • Vulnerable populations • Data that serves as the basis for adaptation is available quickly


  15. Complexity and Acceptability Some adaptations are well understood/accepted Depends upon Type of adaptation The data utilized for decision-making How adaptation is implemented Who is reviewing data and making the decision to adapt

  16. Threat to Trial Integrity LOW Adaptations prior to any data analyses Adaptations based on Baseline data External data Blinded (aggregate) data Nuisance parameters (e.g. variation) HIGH Unplanned adaptations Adaptations based on observed treatment effects

  17. Example: Adaptation based on external data • ATN 082: Evaluation of Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PREP) • Randomization to PREP vs. placebo to prevent HIV transmission • 8/2008: 1st participant enrolled • 11/22/2010: email notifying results from iPREX trial (Gates Fndtn) • PREP reduced HIV acquisition in similar trial (NEJM; 11/23/2010) • 11/23/2010: DSMB call • Equipoise? Still ethical to randomize and follow? • Recommendation • Notify participants and IRBs of iPREX results • Unblind participants • Discontinue control arm; offer rollover onto PREP • Continue enrollment into PREP

  18. Major Scientific Concerns with Adaptive Designs • Statistical • Error control associated with multiplicity • Operational bias • Adaptations are visible and could be used to infer trial results, affecting patient/investigator action during the trial • E.g., participation, adherence, objectivity of patient ratings, etc. • Not a statistical source of bias and thus difficult to adjust for • May cause heterogeneity of results (before vs. after adaptation)

  19. Addressing Concerns • Statistical • Methods exist (e.g., group sequential and modern adaptive design methods for controlling errors) • Operational bias • Careful and responsible application of adaptation • Well-constructed processes • Control of dissemination of adaptation • Interim analyses and DSMBs procedures • The “closed protocol” (protocol team blinded) • Details regarding the planned adaptation are put into a separate (limited distribution) document to reduce back-calculation for inferring effects

  20. Example: Industry Trial • Randomized controlled trial for treating lymphoma • Conditional power calculated during interim analyses • Pre-specified sample size adaptation rule (e.g., if low stop for futility; if very high continue as scheduled; if in the middle there are various sample size adaptations (or # events) • DMC can recommend trial continuation but does not specify sample size (thus nobody can back- calculate treatment effect at interim) • DMC is kept apprised of enrollment and # of events (event-driven trial), and DMC says “STOP” when appropriate

  21. Conceptual Issue • Should we adapt sample size based on observed treatment effect? • Trials are designed to detect relevant effects • Observed effects may not be relevant • Are we losing sight of clinical relevance?

  22. 5/26/2011: Email from FDA Team Leader • I find many sponsors re-estimate their sample based on the interim difference. I feel this is incorrect.  Sample size should only be re-estimated based on mispecification of variability or control rate.  The difference we are trying to detect should be based on clinical input.  If we re-estimate based on observed difference, we may end up with a trial that shows a statistically significant difference but not a clinically meaningful difference.  Furthermore, I think using this information to would affect the Type I error rate even if we adjust for the interim analysis.  There seems to be disagreement in FDA as to whether you can re-estimate based on observed difference I may be in the minority.  I would appreciate your thoughts.


  24. Changing Endpoints • NEJM 2009: Evaluation of 12 reports of trials of Gabapentin • 8 had a primary endpoint in manuscript different from protocol • 5 trials failed to report protocol-defined primary outcomes • ENHANCE Trial: Changes driven by science or business? • Vytorin vs. simvastatin for preventing atherosclerosis (negative trial) • Completed in 2006; Registered in clinicaltrials.gov in OCT 2007 • Endpoints entered differed from original design • Chan et al. (JAMA, 2004) compared published articles with protocols for 102 randomized trials; 62% of the trials had at least one primary endpoint that had been changed, introduced, or omitted.

  25. Changes to endpoints can compromise the scientific integrity of a trial • Not generally recommended (concern for “cherry-picking” / error inflation) • New information could merit endpoint changes • Evolving medical knowledge (long-term trials); results from other trials or identification of better biomarkers • Incorporation of up-to-date knowledge into design is theoretically okay if the decision is “independent” of trial data (e.g., external data) • Demonstration of independence is difficult • DSMBs: not be appropriate decision-maker if they have seen the data


  27. Handling Adaptations • Update documentation • The protocol (amendment) • The clinical trial registry (clinicaltrials.gov) • The monitoring plan • The statistical analysis plan

  28. Practical Issues • Budget implications of changing sample size • Complex drug supply issues • Resources to conduct interim analyses • Data cleaning • Statistical analyses • Arranging DSMB meetings • Protecting the blind and restricted access to data • Perception issues

  29. Analysis Issues • Interpret cautiously • Evaluate issues with • Statistical error control • Operational bias • Generalizability • Evaluate consistency of results before and after adaptation

  30. Reporting / Publishing • Clearly describe • The adaptation • Whether the adaptation was planned or unplanned • The rationale for the adaptation • When the adaptation was made • The data upon which adaptation is based and whether the data were blinded or unblinded • The planned process for the adaptation including who made the decision regarding adaptation • Deviations from the planned process • Consistency of results before vs. after the adaptation • Discuss • Potential biases induced by the adaptation • Adequacy of firewalls to protect against operational bias • The effects on error control and multiplicity context

  31. DSMBs“It’s probably the toughest job in clinical medicine. Being on a DSMB requires real cojones.”Jeffrey DrazenEditor, NEJMForbes, 2012

  32. DSMBs and Adaptive Designs • Many (MDs and statisticians) don’t understand adaptive design issues well or appreciate implications of DSMB actions • Poor DSMB processes can jeopardize trial integrity • Considerations • Get DSMB members experienced with adaptive designs • Statistician chair • Well-constructed charter

  33. Recent example:Release of Interim Results • Vertex has ongoing treatment trial for cystic fibrosis • Positive results of interim analyses released; trial continued • Stock price sored • Executive VP sold stock for 8.8 million profit; other officers too • Oops! We made a mistake. Results not as positive as reported • Stock price tumbles… • Questions regarding interim data practices including DSMB operations • SEC Investigation ongoing

  34. Recent Example: DSMB Actions Questioned • J&J prostate cancer drug Zytiga • Interim results leaned heavily towards positive trial… but results not significant p=0.08. • DSMB felt ethical obligation and stopped trial anyway • Frequentists say trial stopped too early from an evidence perspective • Some Bayesian argue no problem when you consider prior • Perception that DSMB is in bed with the company

  35. Predicted Interval Plots (PIPs) • Evans SR, Li L, Wei LJ, “Data Monitoring in Clinical Trials Using Prediction”, Drug Information Journal, 41:733-742, 2007. • Li L, Evans SR, Uno H, Wei LJ, “Predicted Interval Plots: A Graphical Tool for Data Monitoring in Clinical Trials”, Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research, 1:4:348-355, 2009.


  37. Motivation Patient management Not a single decision but tailored sequential treatment decisions (adjustments of therapy over time) based on individual patient response (transitions of health states based on efficacy, toxicity, adherence, QOL, etc.) Mixture of short-term and long-term outcomes Adaptive treatment regime designs Compares treatment strategies (of sequential decisions) that are consistent with clinical practice

  38. Therapy #1 Eligible Patients Therapy #2 = Randomization

  39. Short-term Response Responders Therapy #1 Non Responders Eligible Patients Responders Therapy #2 Non Responders = Randomization

  40. Short-term Response Responders Therapy #1 Therapy #1 Non Responders Eligible Patients Responders Therapy #2 Therapy #2 Non Responders = Randomization

  41. Short-term Response Responders Therapy #1 Therapy #1 Therapy #3 Non Responders Therapy #4 Eligible Patients Responders Therapy #2 Therapy #2 Therapy #3 Non Responders Therapy #5 = Randomization

  42. Short-term Response Long-term Response Responders Therapy #1 Follow-up Therapy #1 Therapy #3 Non Responders Follow-up Therapy #4 Follow-up Eligible Patients Responders Therapy #2 Follow-up Therapy #2 Therapy #3 Non Responders Follow-up Therapy #5 Follow-up = Randomization

  43. Example: HIV-Associated PML Design compares 4 treatment STRATEGIES cART + steroids if IRIS is observed cART without steroids Enhanced-cART + steroids if IRIS is observed Enhanced-cART without steroids Step 1 Randomized to cART or enhanced-cART (cART + enfuvirtide) Observe patient response, particularly for IRIS Step 2 If no IRIS then patient continues with therapy If IRIS, then randomize to steroids or placebo

  44. Coinfection: PML Short-term Outcome: IRIS Long-term Outcome: Survival Short-term Response Long-term Response No IRIS cART Follow-up cART IRIS + Steroid Follow-up + Placebo Follow-up PML No IRIS cART+ENF Follow-up cART + ENF + Steroid IRIS Follow-up + Placebo Follow-up

  45. Adaptive Treatment Regimes • Distinction between the regime (strategy dictating patient treatment) vs. realized experiences • Data from individual patients can contribute to multiple strategies • Patients on the same regime can have different treatment experiences • ITT complexity • Assigning treatment at later stages for patients LFU in early stages • Should consent patients to agree to ALL sequential randomizations

  46. Summary • Adaptation is a design feature • Requires careful and responsible planning • When used appropriately, adaptive designs can be efficient and informative • When used inappropriately, adaptive designs can threaten trial integrity • Be aware of information apparent to observers and consider actions to protect trial integrity • Minimize access to results to control operational bias

  47. Adaptive Statistician Many collaborating clinicians ask:

  48. Adaptive Statistician Many collaborating clinicians ask: “Can we change statisticians? I’m tired of listening to Evans explain all of the mistakes we are making.”

  49. …as you can see dear colleagues, adaptive design is a very easy concept… Thank you for listening.

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