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ASKING AND GIVING OPINION. Skills : Reading and Writing. Indicator :. Completing dialogue. Make a simple dialogue of asking and giving opinion. STANDAR KOMPETENSI. 1. Memahami makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar
ASKING AND GIVING OPINION Skills : Reading and Writing
Indicator : Completing dialogue. Make a simple dialogue of asking and giving opinion.
STANDAR KOMPETENSI 1. Memahamimaknadalampercakapantransaksionaldan interpersonal sederhanauntukberinteraksidenganlingkungansekitar 3. Mengungkapkanmaknadalampercakapantransaksionaldan interpersonal lisanpendeksederhanauntukberinteraksidenganlingkungansekitar
KOMPETENSI STANDAR 1.1 Meresponmakna yang terdapatdalampercakapantransaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) sederhanasecaraakurat, lancar, danberterimauntukberinteraksidenganlingkungansekitar yang melibatkantindaktutur: meminta, memberi, menolakjasa, meminta, memberi, menolakbarang, mengakui, mengingkarifakta, danmemintadanmemberipendapat 3.1 Mengungkapkanmaknadalampercakapantransaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) sederhanadenganmenggunakanragambahasalisansecaraakurat, lancar, danberterimauntukberinteraksidenganlingkungansekitar yang melibatkantindaktutur: meminta, memberi, menolak jasa, meminta, memberi, menolak barang, mengakui, mengingkari fakta, dan memintadanmemberipendapat
The learning objective : At the end of the lesson, you are able to : • Completing dialogue. • Make a simple dialogue of asking and giving opinion.
EXAMPLE Alex and Andi are talking about their plan to have a holiday to Bali Alex : What do you think about going to Bali next holiday? Andi : That’s a good idea. I’ve never been to Bali. Alex : Do you think we should book the ticket from now or just before we go? Andi : I think we’d better book the ticket now. Many people go to Bali in holiday. If we don’t book the ticket now, we might not get any ticket later. Alex : Yes, you are right.
What Do you think • Do you think • That’s a good idea • I think It is called asking for someone opinion It is called giving opinion
Asking for someone’s opinion - what do you think about…..? • what’s your opinion….? • Do you have any opinion ….? • What are your ideas? • Do you think….. For example: • What do you think of our basketball team? • What’s your opinion of our new English teacher? EXAMPLE
GIVING AN OPINION • I think….. • In my opinion….. • That’s good. • That’s bad. For example: 1. I think they have got much experience in competition. 2. In my opinion it is a good sport event EXAMPLE
Exercise 1: Read carefully and fill in the blank with Expressing Opinion in the box! • I think 2. in my opinion 3. What do you think • 4. Where do you think 5. What’s your opinion 6. That’s oke Mr .Subroto and his family are talking about a suitable place of their holiday. Mr. Subroto :"Next month is long vacation, isn't it? 1.we should spend our holiday, Doni." Doni : "2. Bali is a nice place to visit. There are a lot of beautiful sceneries over there." Siska : "I do agree with Doni. But, we had been there last year."
Cont’d…. Mr. Subroto : "So, 3. Siska?" Siska : "4. Jogjakarta is good to visit. There are a lot of historical places there. We can travel and study also." Mom : "Yea, I think so. Jogja is nice place. We've never been there, right?" Mr. Subroto : "Mm, 5. Doni? Your mom and your sister are eager for visiting Jogjakarta." Doni : "6. Dad. I come with you." Mr. Subroto : "Good. Next month we are going to travel to Jogjakarta
Make a simple dialogue base on the example! Exercise 2 : EXAMPLE • Football match/ basketball match/ exiting. A: what do you think of the football match? B: I think it is more exciting than basket ball 1. Car / motorcycle/ comfortable 2. Magazine / newspaper/ entertaining 3. Computer / television/ useful 4. Lombok / Bali / Wonderful 5. Harry Potter movie / Peterpan movie / Interesting
Answer Key Exercise 1: Where do you think I think So, what is your opinion, Siska?" In my opinion What do you think, That's OK
Answer Key Exercise 2 : 1. A: what do you think about car? B: I think it is more comfortable than motorcycle. 2. A: what do you think of the magazine? B: I think it is more entertaining than the newspaper. 3. A: What do you think of computer? B: I think it is more useful than television. 4. A: What do you think about Lombok? B: I think it is more wonderful than Bali. 5. A: What do you think of Harry Potter movie? B: I think it is more interesting than Spiderman movie.