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There is No Equivalent to an AA Degree

There is No Equivalent to an AA Degree. Julie Bruno Dianna Chiabotti Wheeler North. The Genesis. Title 5 §53410 allows for foreign degrees that are equivalent Title 5 §53430 allows one to “ possess qualifications that are at least equivalent to the minimum qualifications” . The Resolve.

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There is No Equivalent to an AA Degree

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  1. There isNo Equivalentto anAA Degree Julie Bruno Dianna Chiabotti Wheeler North

  2. The Genesis • Title 5 §53410 allows for foreign degrees that are equivalent • Title 5 §53430 allows one to “possess qualifications that are at least equivalent to the minimum qualifications”

  3. The Resolve • Spring 2009 – Resolution 10.11R • Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges recommend to the Board of Governors that there is no equivalent to the associate degree for disciplines in which a master’s degree is not generally expected or available and that an associate degree is the minimum educational qualification required for all faculty members in these disciplines.

  4. The Result • The resolve was referred to the ASCCC Executive committee to conduct more research on the pros and cons of such a position and to bring back information in Fall 2009. (for reconsideration)

  5. The Timeline • Fall 2009 session was too soon • Conduct breakouts at numerous stakeholder events • Prepare articles informing the field • Collect information and evidence • Reconsider resolution in April at Spring Session.

  6. The Impact • Title 5 §53410 currently allows for AA/AS degrees in the now two non-Master’s degree areas. • This change would only impact those two areas.

  7. The Philosophy • Should all faculty posses the degree that their students are seeking? • Is it right for some K12 requirements to have higher qualifications? • (In vocational/ROP areas)

  8. The Questions • What’s Broken? • Is there evidence of faculty inappropriately being hired? • Are there undue costs associated with hiring equivalent faculty? • Are many faculty hired with no college degree? • Are such faculty less able to serve students in the many areas supported by faculty?

  9. The Con • Will classes truly be canceled because we cannot find faculty with six years experience and an associate degree? • Will this affect new program startups? • Will this affect noncredit or other qualifications where an AA/AS equivalent is allowed?

  10. The Unanswered • What other questions do we need to be asking? • What other constituent groups will be interested in this?

  11. The Addendum • Recent changes to Title 5 §53410 provided for a new category of minimum qualifications. • This allows for Bachelor’s and associate degree qualifications that are specific to the discipline area. • The new list will include original lists plus a new combined list. (due Dec-Jan)

  12. The Disciplines List – The Old • Is two separate lists • Disciplines requiring a Master’s Degree • Disciplines in which a Master’s Degree is not generally expected or available in that specific discipline (requires any degree) • Included qualifications for “Others” as detailed directly in Title 5 • Did not provide for a state-wide minimum qualification of a Bachelor’s degree

  13. The Disciplines List – The New • Discipline qualifications are now organized into three main groups • Disciplines requiring a Master’s Degree • Disciplines where a Master’s degree is not normally expected but a Bachelor’s or Associate degree is expected • Disciplines in which a Master’s, Bachelor’s or Associate Degree is not generally expected or available in that specific discipline (requires any degree) • Disciplines for non-credit instruction • Other – to include Administrators, Learning Center Coordinators, Health Services Professionals, Apprenticeship Instructors, DSP&S Counselors, Work Experience Coordinators, Faculty Interns, EOPS

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