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Regions. Song-America. 5 Regions:. Northeast Southeast Midwest Southwest West. I Hear America Singing By Walt Whitman.
5 Regions: Northeast Southeast Midwest Southwest West
I Hear America Singing By Walt Whitman I hear America singing, the varied carols I hear,Those of merchants, each one singing his as it should be blithe and strong.The carpenter singing his as he measures his plank or beam,The mason singing his as he makes ready for work, or leaves off work,The boatman singing what belongs to him in his boat, the deckhand singing on the steamboat deck,The shoemaker singing as he sits on his bench, the hatter singing as he stands.The wood-cutter's song, the ploughboy's on his way in the morning, or at noon intermission or at sundown,The delicious singing of the mother, or the young wife at work, or of the girl sewing and washing,Each singing what belongs to him or her and to none else,The day what belongs to the day - - at night the party of young fellows, robust, friendly,Singing with open mouths their strong melodious songs.
Northeast • In your student packet write the names and capitals of the following Northeast states: New England States Middle Atlantic States
Northeast • Color the New England states one color. • Color the Middle Atlantic states another color.
Resources and Products of the Northeast • Grapes are just one of the many products of the northeast. Grown in vineyards, places where grapevines are planted, thousands of tons of the large purple berries are produced each year. Some of the largest vineyards in the northeast are in New York. • Another berry grown in the Northeast is the cranberry. Of the 1,000 cranberry farms in the United States, 500 of them are in Massachusetts. Most cranberries are grown in bogs. A bog is an area of soft, wet, spongy ground.
Resources and Products of the Northeast • Another famous Northeast product is maple syrup. Maple syrup is a sweet liquid made from the sap of sugar maple trees. Sap is the liquid that circulates through a plant carrying water and food. • Minerals are also a resource of the Northeast. Most rocks, such as granite and marble, are combinations of minerals. New Hampshire, known as the Granite State, has many quarries, places where stone is cut, dug, or blasted out for use in building.
Northeast Facts and Information • Thousands of lobsters are caught off the coast of Maine every year. • The Statue of Liberty was a gift from the people of France to the United States in 1884. • Boston is the largest city in New England. • The Boardwalk in Atlantic City, New Jersey, is 60 feet wide and runs along the Atlantic coast for 6 ½ miles. It is lined with restaurants, hotels, shops and theaters.
Northeast-Narragansett • For hundreds of years, the Narragansett (nair uh GAN sit) lived in what is now the state of Rhode Island. They hunted, fished, and grew corn and vegetables for food. • The Narragansett home was a wigwam, a cozy hut made of wooden poles and covered with bark. • The Narragansett land was divided up into a number of territories. Each territory had it’s own chief, or sachem. Sachem means “ruler.”
Northeast-Narragansett • After the Narragansett were forced from their land in the late 1600’s they scattered. • In 1978, Rhode Island returned about 1,800 acres of land to the Narragansett reservation. • Some Narragansett live on the reservation today. Others live throughout the northeast. • Every August, the Narragansett hold their Annual Meeting Powwow and Green Corn Festival on their reservation in Charleston, Rhode Island. • A powwow is a festival of Native Americans. The Narragansett’s powwow is a time for dancing, singing, and renewing old friendships.
Northeast-Narragansett • Narragansett People http://www.narragansett.k12.ri.us/NES/1stgradetech/Thenarragansetts.htm
Niagara by Carl Sandburg The tumblers of the rapids go white, go gerrengo changing over the gray, the brown, the rocks,The fight of the water, the stones,the fight makes a foam laughterbefore the last look over the long slidedown the spread of a sheen in the straight fall,Then the grow, the chutter, down under the boom and the muffle, the hoo hoi deep, the hoo hoi down, this is Niagara
Coney by Virginia Schonborg There's hot cornAnd franks.There's the boardwalkWith lots of games,With chancesTo win or lose.There's the sun.Underneath the boardwalkIt's cool,And the sand is salty.The beach isLike a fruitstand of people,Big and little,Red and white,Brown and yellow.There's the seaWith high green waves.And after,There's hot cornAnd franks.
Southeast • In your student packet write the names and capitals of the following Southeast states:
Southeast • Color the Southeast states.
Resources and Products of the Southeast • Land for farming is a valuable resource. Farming has been an important industry ever since the first settlers came to the Southeast. • Today, major crops of the region are cotton, corn, peanuts, rice, oranges, and soybeans. • Citrus fruits such as oranges, limes, lemons, and grapefruits grow well in Florida.
Resources and Products of the Southeast • Coal is a black fossil fuel that is a nonrenewable resource. A fossil fuel is a fuel that is formed in the earth from the remains of plants and animals. Coal is found in some parts of Appalachia including parts of Kentucky and West Virginia. • Trees are another important resource of the southeast. Some farmers in the southeast grow and harvest trees, just like other crops. Trees are harvested from the pine forests of the coastal plains and parts of Appalachia. The trees are used for lumber or to make furniture. Some trees are made into pulp, a combination of ground up wood chips, water, and chemicals. Pulp is used in the production of paper.
Southeast Facts and Information • The magnolia is a type of flowering tree that grows wild in the southeast. • Georgia farmers grow 38% of the nations peanuts. • Manatees live along the coast of Florida. They are also called “sea cows.” Adult manatees are about 10 feet long and weigh 800 to 1,200 pounds. • Many people visit Charleston, South Carolina to see the city’s historic buildings. • Space Shuttle missions lift off from the John F. Kennedy Space Center in Florida.
Southeast-Cherokee • Hundreds of years ago, the Cherokee made their homes in the mountains of southern Appalachia. They lived in villages. • They grew corn, squash, beans, and other crops. They trapped rabbits and shot deer with bow and arrow. They also hunted wild turkeys and bears. They gathered wild fruits and nuts. • In the summer, the Cherokee lived in rectangular houses. In the winter, they lived in smaller, warmer round huts. Their huts had thick walls made of clay and poles.
Southeast-Cherokee • A Cherokee man named Sequoyah made up an alphabet for the Cherokee language. He was one of the few people to ever develop an alphabet on his own. • After gold was discovered on Cherokee land in 1828, settlers were determined to force Cherokee off their lands. • In the 1830’s the US government ordered Native American groups of the region to give up their land. • American soldiers forced Cherokee families to move west to what is now Oklahoma. • Forced to walk hundreds of miles without enough food or warm clothing, thousands of Cherokee died. • Their journey came to be called the Trail of Tears.
Southeast Everglades National Park • Quiz Southeast Cities http://www.sfsocialstudies.com/g4/na/u3/index.html • Out of The Ashes Article http://www.sfsocialstudies.com/g4/na/u3/article.html
Knoxville, Tennessee by Nikki Giovanni I always like summerbestyou can eat fresh cornfrom daddy's gardenand okraand greensand cabbageand lots of barbecueand buttermilkand homemade ice-creamat the church picnic and listen togospel musicoutsideat the churchhomecomingand go to the mountains withyour grandmotherand go barefootedand be warmall the timenot only when you go to bedand sleep.
Midwest • In your student packet write the names and capitals of the following Midwest states: Plains States Great Lakes States
Midwest • Color the Plains states one color. • Color the Great Lakes states another color.
Resources and Products of the Midwest • Rich soil and a long growing season help make the Midwest an important agricultural region. • The Corn Palace is in Mitchell, South Dakota. It was built to show how important agriculture is in the Midwest. The palace is redecorated each year with naturally colored corn and other grains and native grasses. • Besides corn, soybeans, and wheat many other farm products come from the Midwest. The region is a leading hog producer. Corn-fed hogs provide pork and ham.
Resources and Products of the Midwest • Michigan has acres of apple, cherry, peach, and plum orchards, and fields of blueberries, grapes, and strawberries. • Milk and dairy products are also important to Wisconsin’s economy. • Some of the nations largest cattle ranches are on the wide-open spaces of the Great Plains. The grain-fed cattle of the Midwest provide top quality beef.
MidwestFacts and Information • Thousands of people enjoy sailing on the great lakes every year. • Nearly half of the corn grown in the United States is grown in Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio. • Sculptor Gutzon Borglum spend more than 14 years carving the faces of the four US Presidents on Mt. Rushmore in South Dakota. • The 630-foot Gateway Arch in St. Louis, Missouri, is the nation’s tallest monument. It is a monument to the spirit of western pioneers. • The moose is Minnesota’s largest animal. Moose can grow to be 6 ½ feet high at the shoulder.
Midwest-Ojibwa • The Ojibwa (oh JIB way) lived along the coast of the Atlantic ocean. Centuries ago, they moved westward. They settled in what is the present-say cities of Duluth, Minnesota; Milwaukee, Wisconsin; and Mt. Pleasant, Michigan. • The Ojibwa hunted and fished it the region’s many lakes and rivers. They also gathered wild rice and berries from the forests, marshes, and waterways. • They traveled through the northern Great Lakes region in canoes made from the bark of birch trees.
Dakota Wheat Field by Hamlin Garland Like liquid god the wheat-field lies,A marvel of yellow and russet and green, That ripples and runs, that floats and flies,With the subtle shadows, the change, the sheen, That play in the golden hair of a girl, -A ripple of amber - - a flare Of light sweeping after - - a curlIn the hollows like swirling feetOf fairy waltzers, the colors run To the western sun Through the deeps of the ripening wheat.
Buffalo Dusk by Carl Sandburg The buffaloes are gone.And those who saw the buffaloes are goneThose who saw the buffaloes by thousands and how they pawed the prairie sodinto dust with their hoof, their great heads down pawing on in a great pageant of dusk, Those who saw the buffaloes are gone.And the buffaloes are gone.
Southwest • In your student packet write the names and capitals of the following Southwest states:
Southwest • Color the Southwest states.
Resources and Products of the Southwest • The oil industry is important to the economy of the southwest. Oil is a natural resource, and it is nonrenewable. A nonrenewable resource is one that cannot be replaced by nature. • Oil comes out of the ground in the form of a thick black liquid called crude oil. A gusher is an oil well that produces a large amount of oil. • Technology is another important part of the Southwestern economy. Arizona factories manufacture electronic equipment, aircraft, space vehicles, and missiles. • Companies in New Mexico make computer chips and computers. • Texas industries make computers, radios, calculators, and electronic equipment.
SouthwestFacts and Information • Yellow blossoms of the prickly pear cactus can be seen throughout the Southwest. • This bowl was made by the Anasazi, a group of Native American who lived in Arizona and New Mexico long ago. • The roadrunner, the state bird of New Mexico, prefers running to flying. It can run as fast as 17 miles per hour. • Astronauts are trained at Johnson Space Center in Houston ,Texas, for the work they will do in space. • The lighthouse is one of the rock formations in Palo Duro Canyon In Texas. • A boy below rides a sheep at an Oklahoma rodeo event.
Southwest-Navajo • When European explorers came to North America, the Navajo (NAH vahhoh) lived in the hot, dry land of the southwest. • The Navajo were mainly hunters and gathers, but they learned farming, pottery making, and basket weaving from the Pueblo, who lived nearby. • The Navajo lived in homes called hogans. Usually, a hogan had only one room. The frame of the hogan was made of logs , which were covered in a tick layer of soil. • Later, hogans were made of stone, adobe, or wood. • The door of a hogan would always face east, toward the rising sun.
Southwest-Navajo • The Navajo are now officially called the Navajo Nation. It is the largest Native American group in the United States. • Many Navajo live on the reservation, which covers parts of Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah. • Navajo culture includes many ceremonies. Some of the ceremonies are for curing sickness. Others teach the history of the people and their responsibility to the Navajo Nation. • The Navajo respect nature and aim to “walk in beauty” always.
Southwest • Grand Canyon Slide show http://www.sfsocialstudies.com/g4/na/u5/index.html • Plants and Animals of the Grand Canyon http://www.sfsocialstudies.com/g4/na/u5/article.html • Interactive Map Southwest States http://www.learner.org/interactives/historymap/fifty2.html