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14-15 septembre. L’emploi du temps. Qui est présent ? Les devoirs? Écoutons Activité communicatif Pratiquons !. Écoutons. Listen to the following dialogues. Answer a question for each one. I will read each dialogue twice. 1. Elle s’appelle comment? 2. Il a quel age?
L’emploi du temps • Qui estprésent? • Les devoirs? • Écoutons • Activitécommunicatif • Pratiquons!
Écoutons • Listen to the following dialogues. Answer a question for each one. I will read each dialogue twice. • 1. Elle s’appelle comment? • 2. Il a quel age? • 3. Il s’appelle comment? • 4. -Elle a quel age? • -Quandest-cequ’onvarevoir? (When will they see each other again?) • 5. Comment çava?
Bonjour • Salut • Comment çava? • Çavabien, et toi? • Bof. Tut’appelles comment? • Je m’appelle Christine. • Enchanté, Christine. • Enchanté. À bientôt.
Salut! • Salut! • Tut’appelles comment? • Je m’appelle Jacques. Et toi? • Je m’appelleChloé. Tu as quel age? • J’aidix-neuf ans. • Bon! Enchanté. • Au revoir.
Bonjour, Madame. • Bonjour, Philippe. • Çava? • Pas mal. • Bien. À tout à l’heure!
Salut. • Bonjour! • Tut’appelles comment? • Je m’appelle Claudine. Et toi? • Je m’appelleCosette. Tu as quel age? • J’ai seize ans. • Moiaussi. Super! • Oh làlà! Enchanté. • Enchanté! À demain.
Bonjour, Grégoire. • Salut, Mademoiselle. • Comment çava? • Comme-cicomme, ça. C’estlundi. • Ah, je comprends. • Oui, à plus tard!
ActivitéCommunicatif • You will receive a different paper than your partner. You will have half of the information, your partner will have the other half. • Following the model, you will ask questions in French so you can fill in the answers (in your notes). • Your partner will also answer in French.
Pratiquons les numéros! • Et • and • Moins • minus
Deux et neuf = • Seize et un = • Un et neuf = • Quatorze et cinq = • Huitmoinssept = • Dix-huitmoinssept = • Vingtmoinshuit = • Quinzemoins six =
Jouons! Using your white boards, you and your partner together will write out a conversation you might have with someone you are just meeting You are to alternate writing each turn I will give a phrase or expression to write down The first three sets of partners to have their phrase spelled correctly will earn 1 point The set of partners with the most correct will earn 1 extra credit point towards the quiz. YOU MUST WRITE +1 next to your name on the quiz or you will not receive this extra point!
He/she asks you how you are doing. Give 2 POSITIVE responses.
La dernière question: 2 points • Give 4 ways to say “good-bye”
BONUS • What is it called when one greets another with a series of non-romantic kisses? • Faire les bises
Qui sont les gagneurs? • Félicitations!
Pratiquons! • Place your whiteboards under the desk next to/in front of you • Put the markers and erasers into their respective bags • With the person sitting next to you… ouvrezvos cahiers “Grammar and Vocabulary” à la page un • Faites (do) exercices 1, 3, 4, 5, & 6 • We will go over them together